Rome Marsz
the input shortcuts and movement are the biggest adjustments for me right now. With the shortcuts most of the time a normal comes out so I’m trying to get used to the sensitivity of the buttons and the timing I’m press them
Shhhhh I was trying to downplay that to give them a realistic reason to criticize Hitbox.Been on hitbox almost 5 years. Fucking love it. Also guys 360 motions are SUPER easy just like DPs, Shoryukens etc. We have shortcuts available to us that allow for super sick easy motion actions. I'll link a video below.
Oh I still get called a cheater or cheat box. But I think they do it all in good fun I don’t think anyone is being malicious. They’re just jealous of you ask me! I mean look at this thing of beautyShhhhh I was trying to downplay that to give them a realistic reason to criticize Hitbox.
That's a Mixbox. A guy mentioned how he felt about it a couple pages backHow is the hitbox with the computer keyboard buttons for the directions in contrast to the obsidian hitbox? I was interested in trying one out.
I haven't tried Mixbox yet but I hate playing fighting games on PC.I personally don’t think I’d like a mixbox.
The main reason is that I have big hands and fingers and I’m not a huge fan of cramming my fingers to hit three keys in a row like that. It’s fine for FPSs, but it’s cumbersome, for me, when I’m trying to do shoryuken motions and stuff. It’s maybe not as bad for NRS games, but I would prefer one controller for all fighters. The 24mm spacing of the Hitbox is perfect for me.
Also, with the Hitbox, I can cover all four directions at once.
If you want to test out the direction inputs for a Hitbox, play some fighting games on your PC (MAME or what have you), and make ASD (I prefer SDF but it’s up to you) as left, down, right, and make spacebar jump/up.
I agree, the spacing is different, and I use my right thumb to jump, but it helped me to see how the thumb for jump/up felt before deciding to make the purchase.I disagree with the whole using a keyboard to approximate Hitbox. I get why people say it but you're missing the tactile feel of having 24mm buttons and the true spacing.
Yeah fortunately I work a desk job so I'm on a keyboard like... 24/7. The spacebar is just a natural part of my life so the coordination for that input didn't take me near as long as someone who doesn't PC game or has played on a stick their whole life. I can't imagine how hard it would be to go from 15ish years of fight stick to using a Hitbox with little to no experience on a keyboard. That sounds like a monstrous undertaking since stick is wrist/forearm box is all fingersI agree, the spacing is different, and I use my right thumb to jump, but it helped me to see how the thumb for jump/up felt before deciding to make the purchase.
Which one did you get Hitboxarcade or Obsidian?My hitbox gets here Wednesday. I'm super amped for it.
ObsidianWhich one did you get Hitboxarcade or Obsidian?
You mean the screws on the front? That's unusual... They usually only put the black hole covers on the front which come off easy enough and they put the Qanba silver sticker on the middle back screw like Qanba does when they package it retail to let you know that modding it voids the manufacture warranty (No one cares lol). Mine did NOT have any sort of glue covering any of the screws... This is strange.Finally got it. First thing I noticed that was weird was that the screw holes are covered in these ugly silver stickers. I peeled one off and the screw itself is covered by glue. Thought that was pretty weird since I was under the impression that modding these things was encouraged. The ones on the underside aren't covered tho
Anyway this shit is pretty cool. Instant air fireballs feel great, but I can only do them jumping forward. Double tapping back while jumping is tricky right now, but I've only been using it for 20 minutes. Wavedashing is mad crispy too. I keep on forgetting how to jump tho lmao. I always duck instead