I will try it too but I heard sliding kills the thumbs lol.I just went in the lab with Erron for 3 minutes for the first time to experiment. I just slide my thumb over 21, do it again, then hit 2 and comes out. I'm getting it 100% of the time on PS4 pad after literally a couple mins of practice.
It's actually kind of fun.
I do not really like sliding inputs but in that case it is neccessary at least that first 21 for being fast.
I slided scorpion's 21(4) in mkx too.
EDIT: I tried sliding 21, 21 then press 2. It comes out too and feels more clean input but my finger needs to work much faster lol. And still can drop it easily.
211 1+2 feels much relaxing lol.
But need practice as easy to miss the double press.
The good new I found that for 21212 KB (if you use button activation) you can simply relax and wait for the last hit with pressing the 2 and hold. Yesterday I hold damn 1+2 and did not dare releasing it haha.
Same for throw KB. Throw button can be pressed just before the kb move not holding during the whole throw animation.
I learn new stuff every day lol.
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