This happened to me at Fausty Frostings IV, last month:
I was in the second round of Loser's Bracket, going up against one of the local Chicago-area GGA players (can't remember who). I was Sub-Zero, he was Noob.
Long story short, he's wrecking me badly. He's executing brilliant zoning, keeping me out for most of the match. Final round, match point for him: I'm in the corner and he's just outside sweep range. I ice clone about a split second before he does his teleport slam. At this point, anyone who's familiar with the SZ - Noob matchup, you've probably seen how an ice clone will still catch Noob post-teleport slam as he's rolling back onto his feet if the clone was released at the right time.
What makes this different, though, was that when he did hit the ice clone, he was perfectly upside-down. The top of his head is laying against the ground. So I'm all, "FINALLY, some momentum (hah, that's kind of a funny look for him), ok, corner pressure time, gonna start with a 214 and go from there...."
What ACTUALLY happened was, somehow, 11 comes out. One wakeup rising knee from Noob later, I'm saying goodbye to my tournament life, for that day.