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MK11 Johnny Cage General Discussion


Deleted member 35141

After the enhanced nutpunch how do you connect the b2 can't get it for the life of me


Its Game Over, Man
Man, can't believe we've gone to wanting a low starter for Johnny to asking for a decent mid, but...well, here we are. Really no reason why F4 shouldn't be mid.


Steam profile: 76561198102032134
After the enhanced nutpunch how do you connect the b2 can't get it for the life of me
You have to dash cancel. You want it to be near instant, cancelling the dash into b2 as early as b2 will connect. After that, you dash into f4 to get it to connect. Just practice getting b2 ASAP with a short dash cancel and mashing f4, sometimes it connects too.


Funny thing is all what ppl writed after the game released i said 3-4 weeks ago in same topic with out even playing the game. What we have now no one repsect ur highs check, the strings that ending with plus frames or -3 -5 mids or lows should be an overhead cause no one gonna respect it ( on some characters 124 at the end won't wiff ) check. His forceballs missing towards crouching characters after ur strings check. ( only work at 40% of the cast) But aside from all that his enjoyable. His low is awesome it's his best footsie tool, his plus frames are still working sometimes. Also his main string is solid and actually close to be godlike ( f344) cause it's minus 2 on block and u can play footsie from it. If they make his f3 a mid and straight force balls will not wiff on 60% of the cast this character gonna be in top 10 solid. Also his variations are trash. Caged rage is garbage wich is full punisheble on every string. Fistycuffs are 51 frames of recovery and u can't set up it on knockdown safely. Ninja mima is good. Second variation is hotgarbage. I also tried none tournament stuff. Stunt double is 70-90 frames of start up just forget about it. Also dope thing is his uppercut kick like in mk 2 or in mk x the stunt double variation is dope he should be in tournament variation. Start up 7 frames second hit is overhead it's nice, also flurry punches is a great ender to your combos wich is not in tournament variation as well. For me perfect variation in tournament would smth like Parry, Uppercut kick, flurry punches.

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
Caged rage is garbage wich is full punisheble on every string. Fistycuffs are 51 frames of recovery and u can't set up it on knockdown safely.
Try 12~Caged Rage. After the first level, it pretty much can't be punished. Hell, doesn't even have to be 12, most people dont seem to do shit about it when I do F4 or F3 staggers.

End your combos with 121~brass knuckles. It's pretty damn safe...not so much in the corner.


I’ve been really wanting to use say cheese but I would go for f4 into the camera and it doesn’t connect like it did in the reveal trailer lol
I think Nutpunch could be a frame or 2 more plus on hit if they allow for a S1.
Not so much more plus that you have any more options to do things but just makes that S1 window a bit easier to land considering online.

Also, putting another chip into the "fix the hitboxes pile", a small handful of annoying whiffs are killin' me out here.


Steam profile: 76561198102032134
Anyone who thinks he’s fine just hasn’t had the I’ll fortune to run into someone decent.
When you play someone who’s willing to simply neutral crouch and poke, the only options you’re left with are f44, d4, and b3,4 and they do not carry you far.

It’s a very harsh realization when you get someone you cannot f3.

And the trolls are obnoxious. We’ve been labbing him. There’s no downplay. Most of us here defended him in MkX when we’d constantly see “Cage is weak” threads those first few months, we’d tell them why he isn’t. We all gave him a fair shot this time around too, and it is what it is.


Steam profile: 76561198102032134
We get it, so don't play him, move on to a different thread and leave this one to people that actually want to get good with him.
We’re talking about this because “getting good with him” involves hitting a very low ceiling very quickly.

I also like how he tells people to leave the thread who are contributing actual tech and strats.


Anyone who thinks he’s fine just hasn’t had the I’ll fortune to run into someone decent.
When you play someone who’s willing to simply neutral crouch and poke, the only options you’re left with are f44, d4, and b3,4 and they do not carry you far.

It’s a very harsh realization when you get someone you cannot f3.

And the trolls are obnoxious. We’ve been labbing him. There’s no downplay. Most of us here defended him in MkX when we’d constantly see “Cage is weak” threads those first few months, we’d tell them why he isn’t. We all gave him a fair shot this time around too, and it is what it is.
I play good players though.

Rodney Quillz

Anyone who thinks he’s fine just hasn’t had the I’ll fortune to run into someone decent.
When you play someone who’s willing to simply neutral crouch and poke, the only options you’re left with are f44, d4, and b3,4 and they do not carry you far.

It’s a very harsh realization when you get someone you cannot f3.

And the trolls are obnoxious. We’ve been labbing him. There’s no downplay. Most of us here defended him in MkX when we’d constantly see “Cage is weak” threads those first few months, we’d tell them why he isn’t. We all gave him a fair shot this time around too, and it is what it is.
I’ve actually been beating crouch neutral with f212 they are scared of shadow kick and high fireball so they get hit by the 1or 2, also I don’t think the 1 in the string is really -5 as I’ve been able to beat pokes, it might be a distance thing though.