Here's to hoping.
Genuinely curious but... Apart from his fashion sense what makes Rain deserve a spot on the roster? His water attacks? I'm just trying to grasp why he's "Popular" if he really is, or if this is a case of Waluigi-dom. If Rain got a DLC slot would the DLC still suck to you because ____ isn't in? Or are y'all really just Rain stans.
To me it's a combination of playstyle and character. I like his moveset a lot, he uses water and lightning in cool ways, and there's also his roundhouse kick which I find immensely fun. It's both visually appealing and fun to play. Then, I find his backstory extremely interesting. He's a prince, a demigod for f*** sake, yet was never recognized in Edenia. Imo, there's a lot of unused potential with him if he would just make the base roster once.No like Rain has been around just as long as Sindel and Sheeva but... What does he do? Like he's as you said just a pallette swap of Sub and Scorp with water attacks and some lightning stolen from Raiden.
But it all comes down to personal taste. Every Ninja is basically a pallette swap with different moves, either you like them or not. You can't argue about personal taste I guess. There are many people who legitimately like Rain and would love him to be in the game. And there's some who don't, like with every charakter.
One last thing is that being a Rain fan kinda feels like being teased over and over again just to be let down in the end. Him being in MKX, having a role in the story and a somewhat developed moveset you could fight, yet you couldn't play him left a sour taste. Then there was the confusion with the Konquer emblem. We thought we'd get him several times and it never became true. It would be nice to really have him for once