I've been seeing some major love for Sheeva lately which is a nice surprise since she is in my top5 MK characters of all time. She never really got much love in the games (great appearance in the comics tho) which is unfortunate for her fans, so if she actually is playable in MK11, it would be huge for them. Personally, I think she definitely deserves a chance and would actually be an amazing addition to this roster. She's queen of a 4-armed dragon/humanoid species, a very powerful female character, has an original design in a game that desperately needs it with so many SF females, there's just so many things they could do with her. Plus she already looks badass from what we've seen:
However I've been seeing a lot of people claiming that NO ONE actually wants her in (lol TYM people and their factual opinions), she sucks, etc. So I wanted to make a poll to see how many people actually like/dislike her.

However I've been seeing a lot of people claiming that NO ONE actually wants her in (lol TYM people and their factual opinions), she sucks, etc. So I wanted to make a poll to see how many people actually like/dislike her.