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DLC Characters possibly leaked


Here's a post I found a Reddit that includes some of his previous comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/comments/ask7tj
  1. "25 isn't enough because it isn't the definitive roster number... my sources have told me other wise." < Ended up not being true.
  2. "You're not too off, there will be a clown in the DLC. Can't spoil who."
  3. "This is 100% fake. Can confirm this. Cet is not monstrous to begin with, and Kollector is far from Shang Tsung as you can get."
  4. "I do have sources, but both are conflicting one another. I've been talking to some other people who have information as well and we've come to the conclusion that either he will be a secret unlockable or he won't be playable." < This comment was on the topic of Rain.
  5. "Nope, r000r and I have the same sources, so he was correct on most things. But to start off with, Cet isn't a monstrous character and is in fact the complete opposite. She's much more angelic."
  6. "Kollector is a new take on a MK3 character, just not on the sorcerers. He's a very different kind of Cyborg." < This is what I was talking about, him thinking that Kollector was the cyborg.
  7. "Shao Khan isn't base roster."
  8. "I do have sources, but both are conflicting one another. I've been talking to some other people who have information as well and we've come to the conclusion that either he will be a secret unlockable or he won't be playable." < CONFIRMS he had multiple sources.
  9. "Yes, people came to the conclusion the she was monstrous. She does have a unique design though!" < More stuff about Cetrion.
  10. "Some more hints: 1) More women on the roster = only 1, 2) There's another god, 3) Another classic not mentioned on here" < Cetrion ended up being the God character he was talking about.
  11. "f*** it. Here is a few hints for DLC (we don't know all of them)"
    1. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/51b3dc8ee4b051b96ceb10de/t/59e18ea1e9bfdf702d3b09d4/1507954340191/?format=1500w
    2. Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 < Seems he was hinting at Stryker being a DLC character.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
The DLC is scarily close to this """leak""" from February. It's possible some of these characters didn't come to fruition, or the game code isn't exhaustive about DLC characters.

It could be unfinished. But 9 total matches the slots of the leaked select screen and the total number of IJ2 DLC.
I- ....

NOOoooOoooOOOO that stupid fuck Takeda is back and one of the ? is Ash so that means... no Cyrax/Sektor with their dope new looks! D: D: D:


Professor Oak

Are you a boy or girl?

This is weird because he gets a lot of things wrong. Is this just the luckiest guesser ever?
If you replace Shang Tsung with Liu Kang and assume he missed a portion of the story leading up to Raiden and Liu and Scorpion talking, then he didnt really get anything wrong. Esp if he said Kitana is one of the only survivors because he missed another prt and didnt know who God Liu was.

Seems like he got correct second hand information, or watched this in another language and only bits and pieces. I believe it tbh.


If this is true that would explain the 9 slots on the leaked character select screen. Just seems weird that kp2 would only have 3 characters.

Also all the mkx npc fights(Baraka, Sindel, Tanya(mkx dlc)) being playable except Rain . . . . but they have 4 guests again!?
rain catching that nrs shaft once again. I think rain is cool and I'm not even that big of a rain player but I know some diehard rain fans and this is just fucked. can't listen to ed boon or any other dev about a damn thing lol



The original leaker posted that Ariana Grande was a hint for something DLC related, and now here's Pete Davidson (who was/is in a relationship with her?) wearing a MK11 shirt suspiciously:

I don't know if this is a coincidence or what, but you have to admit that it's weird as fuck that when I'm making comments about the Ariana Grande hint, this happens.


Cheap Kollector Rip Off

The original leaker posted that Ariana Grande was a hint for something DLC related, and now here's Pete Davidson (who was/is in a relationship with her?) wearing a MK11 shirt suspiciously:

Your reading too much into this now lul.



The original leaker posted that Ariana Grande was a hint for something DLC related, and now here's Pete Davidson (who was/is in a relationship with her?) wearing a MK11 shirt suspiciously:

What are you talking about lmao

Also Pete isn‘t even with her anymore right? The fuck would that guy be in on?


With all my respect man, stop drinking.

Mk chars are fighters, not criminals.... vilains. This is just non sense.

Imagine a fight between ermac and joker. Try to imagine that scene. It is ridiculous.

And remember: reptile is out...ermac...smoke....mileena....come on.
I haven't started drinking just yet but i'm about to go to the clubs so i'll be doing the opposite of your advice:p But you can believe what you want it doesn't change the fact he was datamined:coffee: