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Response to the 16 bit thread

Lt. Boxy Angelman

To my knowledge, 16 calling out Brady goes back to Brady saying and this may be horribly butchered because it's going from memory and it's paraphrased: "16 bit plays Kitanna wrong." "His style is outdated and will not be successful in modern tournaments."

I think those comments kinda lit a fire under 16's ass to go out there and win, and when he did, that's why he lashed out at Brady.

As far as the CD Jr stuff goes, I am sure there will be some sort of response to him as well. I must say tho, this is highly uncharacteristic of CD Jr, but perhaps he is showing his true colors. Either way, it's hella entertaining.
Exactimundo. And I dont think any of these guys, after all this is over, will be opposed to shaking hands and leaving the feuds behind them. In a certain aspect, you cant expect there NOT to be tension of some sort when everyones so far apart with little means to compete with one another and gauge each other or each other's respective scenes.

I still wish we could get a spinoff for all this Final Round hype at Winter Brawl :(.

Tom Brady

lol chance.. butchered hahaha

i didnt say "they play he wrong" but what i did say i worded poorly for what i was trying to say and i was out of line and apologized, even took the vid down.


TYM White Knight
lol chance.. butchered hahaha

i didnt say "they play he wrong" but what i did say i worded poorly for what i was trying to say and i was out of line and apologized, even took the vid down.
Yea man, I am not trying to start anything, which is why I basically said take what i say with a grain of salt here. I was just going by what I remembered. You and bit know what was said. I was just trying to bring clarity to an issue which is why I put up the disclaimer.


Anyone else getting excited for [MENTION=5824]K7L33THA[/MENTION] 's next podcast? lol
It would be so beast if Tom came on for this one, considering there usually are 4 people in the podcast.

And it would stand to reason that 16 bit would be the next special guest, on the show he co-hosts lol. Therefore if he and Tom can work together, (with K7 and Slips of course) and finally put all of this bullshit down once and for all.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
I want to first say congrats to 16 bit for his win at SCR. There was some great talent there that's for sure. So don't shoot the messenger please.

The only reason why SCR might carry the label "watered down" is because of the top 20 MK9 players list.

This list has all the top MK9 players and uses a point system to rank each EVO qualifier. To put perspective on tournament "quality" you have Evo ranked a 2500 point event, NEC ranked at 1000 and SCR ranked only 200 point event.

To an unintelligent person this may look bad for SCR but the only reason SCR is a 200 event is because not many of the top 20 were there. That doesn't make the other players at SCR any worse I just means they havnt been able to travel to as many majors or had the chance to get top 3 at other majors.

You could say "if CDjr and Reo were at SCR it would look different"
But if you say that then its fair to say "if kraziebone bone and Denzel were at NEC it would have looked different"

So looking at the facts, only two of the top 20 players were at SCR (Osu and Denzel) take that and interpret it however you want but Osu 16 bit is ranked the number 7 top player in MK9. That alone gives credit to SCR.

Final round might be 2500 ranked event people...it's time to put up or shut up!

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
We're recording the next one tonight with Shujinkydink.

Tom is welcome on any time. So is CD Jr for that matter.


Gaming4Satan Founder
You could say "if CDjr and Reo were at SCR it would look different"
But if you say that then its fair to say "if kraziebone bone and Denzel were at NEC it would have looked different"
Krayzie was at NEC

EDIT: also (unrelated) DJT = Denzel Terry? or no

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Lmfao @ "If Tom Brady said his fries were cold, people would say "TOM BRADY SAID HE LOST BECAUSE HIS FRIES WERE COLD."

Great shit, Brady. Mucho respect for the efforts to try and clean all this up.
Oh, and congrats on the silver medal in VA, by the way. Kinda sucks that with all the buzz about SCR, Final Round, this brooding feud, everybody kinda forgot about the other big show that went by this weekend...but its all good.


If Tom Brady tweeted that man it would be front page news lol...But i just think CDJr tweeted that because he just couldnt ignore the big elephant in the room. I wouldn't really hang him out to dry. Hes probably just creating hype.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
If Tom Brady tweeted that man it would be front page news lol...But i just think CDJr tweeted that because he just couldnt ignore the big elephant in the room. I wouldn't really hang him out to dry. Hes probably just creating hype.
Conspiracy theory ? Troll job ? Who knows ? .... lol @ that :D

All I know is that , while for some, MK9 competitive scene, is just "entertainment relief time", for others, it's "serious business" .... so, this way, some kind of ambigous comment that spreads as wild fire in the online community (A.K.A MK forums), can affect people in different ways, different levels ....


(sigh) It was the day of top 4 i believe.. I was on stream chat

I have to say on Cd jrs defense that yea.. He had said some words of 16bit and that would be a matter that would have to be disputed maybe at final round.. But what everyone is not saying about him is that when 16bit won that major and everyone was getting hype Cd jr DID give him his props and congratulated him on stream. After the congratulating him (anyone feel free to correct me if Im wrong) he quoted "See you at final Round"..

So obviously their is still a Good amount of Respect for 16bit right now.. Im not Cdjr so I cant tell you what he was truly thinking at the time but It wasnt anything negative at all although it came out to be that way. Understand that he is also a player just like everyone else.. He plays Jax.. Tyrant plays Jax. As a jax fan hes going to want jax to win. He sees the errors that he mightve corrected.

All im saying is yea he said this and he said that but he showed the respect at the end and it looks like he wants a shot at you also 16bit so he can play you from his perspective. Nothing crazy going on at all. Thats just competitors being competitors. So with that said..

Set this Shit up bro lol

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Final round is going to a f ing hype storm

I promise to make sure if any of these matches happen there will be a salt cam

Expect explosions


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Doesn't matter WHO is calling someone out or "talking shit". I don't get why people see it as such a bad thing. As long as it doesn't get personal and stays within the game, I see it as competitive spirit, hype and entertainment. Saying "you won a watered down tournament" is comparable to 16 bit calling Tom out saying he hasn't done well or won since PowerUp. It's the same shit so I don't know why 16 bit would be salty about that. Stop getting butt hurt about trash talk and use it to hype up the events and MK9 in general.


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
I remember when Slips got so upset on a suppose rumor Tom said about his tekken career, he even said he would play Tom in a match over it, but CDjr actually makes a response to one of his post, and basically tell him his man won a waterdown tourny. I expected Slips to respond with a MM, but nope nothing. I guess you cant call out people who win tournies for fear of being exposed in a MM, but Tom Brady is fair to call out hes trash remember?

Regardless, if you said the stuff that CDjr has you have to admit everybody would be calling you out for it. CDjr though a different story. That's when its "Oh no we gotta stop the drama" or "He didn't mean it like that".
I responded with nothing? What did you think this was right after cdjr said that?

Slips said:
How can you hate? 16 Bit was able to best Detroit Ballin at Devastation who beat CD. Maybe Detroit has leveled up, but if CD was so much better, the results would've been the same when he played Detroit.

The guy just won a major, its not his fault it didn't meet your standards, let him have his time in the spotlight. Nobody hated on you when you won.
cdjr didn't say much of anything after my post, so thats pretty much how it ended. Get your facts straight dude.

I'm sure we'll address cdjr's tweet in our next podcast.


I responded with nothing? What did you think this was right after cdjr said that?

cdjr didn't say much of anything after my post, so thats pretty much how it ended. Get your facts straight dude.

I'm sure we'll address cdjr's tweet in our next podcast.
Maybe I exaggerated but you have to admit your response was light compared to the Tom Brady tekken rumor. You were all ready to MM Tom off a rumor, from a guy in a stream chat, honestly that was little strange, but like I said I will hold my tongue untill the podcast.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
I guess not many know the backstory behind me vs. Tom...

I did not challenge Tom at a "moment's notice". I've been challenging Tom for ages. We had a big blowup over the phone on stream in early November werewe both talked hella shit. He was on our show and we talked about it. We were originally going to play at SCR.

I accept Tom's apology about the Bradycast tier list video. I'm not super mad at him anymore but I still want to play him. There's months of build up of us arguing over the Kitana vs. Sub-Zero matchup. Although I guess he agrees with me now lol.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
I guess not many know the backstory behind me vs. Tom...

I did not challenge Tom at a "moment's notice". I've been challenging Tom for ages. We had a big blowup over the phone on stream in early November werewe both talked hella shit. He was on our show and we talked about it. We were originally going to play at SCR.

I accept Tom's apology about the Bradycast tier list video. I'm not super mad at him anymore but I still want to play him. There's months of build up of us arguing over the Kitana vs. Sub-Zero matchup. Although I guess he agrees with me now lol.
Class act attitude, you're the man, hehe :D