If Frost becomes a cyber ninja, I hope she won't have any copy/paste abilities from the other cyber ninjas. One of my main issues with her in MKDA was that she felt like a female Sub-Zero, as her moves were slightly altered versions of Subbie's old moves. I want her to be UNIQUE! I want her to be her OWN character with her OWN moves! Sharing a power with one of the most iconic characters of the franchise puts her in the spotlight, and just giving her moves of other characters is not the way to make her interesting.
Making her a cyber ninja to make her the first female cyber ninja could prove interesting though, as long they don't do it JUST to have a female cyber ninja.
Sorry about my little rant here, but the reason I'm doing so is because I truly wish for Frost to become an interesting and original character, because so far she is anything but, imo. However, I felt the same about Jacqui, and she actually surprised me in MK11, so I'm hopeful and open-minded. ^^