Digital Pro Sports
1: Shrek'sBigDick (SwiftTomHanks) - Sektor
2: Tom Brady - Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, Sub Zero
3: Eazail - Kung Lao
4: Curse - Kung Lao, Kano
5: Blackula - Jax, Kenshi
5: RyRy - Kung Lao
7: ViciousShogun - Johnny Cage
7: teef - Kenshi
9: ImmortalSkillit - Quan Chi
9: N0rdicNinja - Nightwolf
9: Hatake Osawa - Scorpion
9: Lion Heart - Sub Zero
13: FlipinFlava - Baraka
13: Korpse - Noob Saibot
13: Down 1 - Kitana
13: Creepy00 - Sub Zero
17: Minerva SC - Sonya
17: StillSmokedOut - Smoke
17: BeatdownMao88 - Jade, Sektor
17: WINBACK - Liu Kang
17: luis - Scorpion
17: Trent Drummer - Ermac
17: Kaos87 - Sub Zero, Scorpion
17: Enforcer - Quan Chi
25: GunsTariq - Ermac, Sektor
25: diego - Raiden
25: Dale Jr - Johnny Cage
25: PsychoJoseph
25: ButtonMash - Sonya
25: angelo - Sub Zero
Fight for 7th
The Brady vs Teef fight did not get capped, I jumped the gun and called them up on a side station to play when I shouldn't have, I apologize for that.
Winners Semifinals
Losers Quarterfinals
Winners Finals
Will locate this vid and post later
Losers Semifinals
Losers Finals
will locate this vid and post later
Grand Finals
Audio cuts out on this vid for some reason but picks back up around the 5 minute mark.
---------------------N0rdicNinja said:Just visited our camera guy, he put together a quick 30 seconds hype vid from what he shot on Saturday. He made it in less than an hour and he hasn't received the actual match vids yet and he has 11 hours of footage to poor through, so an actual hype vid is going to be made in the future. But he gave me this to wet the pallet. =)
All footage is from Grand Finals.
Over 300 photo's have been uploaded from the event: