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March 28th-31st BETA Characters Revealed!


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
No Sonya ? No Johnny ? C'mon NRS !
Sad day. :(

I hope at some point (in the full game, since we only get 3 versions in the beta) we can get her revenant look with her in human form cause I love the armor and mask.

The flash of her second fatality looked pretty good too
Yeah that would look freaking sweet! I love her first outfit, but not a fan of revenants.


Ask me about my Mileena agenda.
I will admit, I was hoping to get a taste of the new dashing speed, but at least we know it is coming. In the meantime, I'll just keep abusing Barakas as Skarlet.


'ello baby, did you miss me?
That is an unexpectedly tiny beta roster. I wasn't hoping for any particular characters, and I'll enjoy the shit out of Kabal, but that is an unexpectedly tiny beta roster.


M confused so the beta, if you pre-order is only 3/4 days? i thought that's for everyone and when you pre-order you can from end of march to the release...


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
That is an unexpectedly tiny beta roster. I wasn't hoping for any particular characters, and I'll enjoy the shit out of Kabal, but that is an unexpectedly tiny beta roster.
I don't want to seem ungrateful or anything, but yeah, we saw enough Scarlet, Baraka, and Scorpion, they should have given us other characters. If anything, they could have disabled the intros all together.

M confused so the beta, if you pre-order is only 3/4 days? i thought that's for everyone and when you pre-order you can from end of march to the release...
No, that info was false, the beta is only the 3-4 days, and then we have to wait until the release on April 23rd.


It was more an expectations thing. I was assuming that at the very least the characters from the initial reveal, plus 2-3 others, would have been ready for the beta. The beta's still going to be nice, either way. Just hoping for more variety of characters to see before the game officially launches.
Yeah, but we need to understand that characters have intro dialogues that can spoil some story mode. Like yesterday they didn't want to show Jacqui vs Kotal intro. Probably they chose characters based on that what they talk to each other before fight.
That logic would make sense except Subs, Raiden, and Geras were in the reveal build and the people who went probabaly heard all of the dialogue options. Unless the addition of Kabal and Jade REALLY give something away when talking to the 3 characters I just mentioned. I mean a beta is a beta and I’m very grateful to be able to play this game a second time. But I was hoping for atleast one more character. Oh wells. *shrugs*


ball roll enjoyer.
Definitely want to try Jade but thinking I may stick with Skarlet to build on what I was able to take away from the stress test. Choices, choices. It's a good problem to have on a roster so small.


I think this might be related to gear available. I don't remember any customization options for Raiden, Sub-Zero, Sonya, etc