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Why time controlling Kronika will never make sense and is a bad idea


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Never understood why people go off on rants comparing fictional stories with "theories" in reality lol...this argument is just lame af to me. It's like seeing Superman and then bitching about how "men and aliens can't fly!!!" like seriously? I think sometimes people seriously forget the genre they're watching being sci fiction, fantasy etc, etc.

I just want to add one thing to TT rules, ftr real scientists DO believe in quantum physics and that TT can/will potentially exist in the future but it's very tricky. For all we know there could have been time travelers from the future here already, if they did come back to merely observe, we'll never know.

One thing different I've noticed with TT in stories btw be it DC, MK, Terminator, BTTF etc, etc is that it's usually limited to our own galaxy or universe, I've noticed I see people sometimes say "time travel would mess up the multiverse etc, etc" but this is not true at all given most movies rules of time travel and even real life theories. The Flash is a great example of explaining this.

Well, in order for that to work you need to be able to suspend you disbelief. Depending on viewer, leaving holes in reasoning may get in the way of that.
Of course, your first part I agree with. However, to be fair sometimes people merely misunderstand the story and misinterpret it as "holes" when there are none or they missed something. Example, MOS (not going to get into whether the movie was good, bad, mediocre etc) I know that's a mixed argument for another time. However, I do want to point out one key thing that critics and viewers were ignorant about yet felt it was a "hole or none Superman like" when he snapped Zod's neck, but little did they know that that actually happened in the comics. This is why as to why I said earlier, a lot of the time people can be ignorant about how they judge something. The critics obviously had no clue this was done in the comics, and a lot of fans who grew up watching TAS JL in the late 90's have this one dimensional view of Superman but probably never read a comic in their life.

I think as I said earlier nothing is perfect but if the story does a good enough job explaining something, and people still question "what about this, what about that etc" then what's the point of entertaining yourself for a few hours if you're just going to complain all the time? That's my question.
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Yeah but most of the time they're often wrong, ignorant or personally biased ie when you rate movies like new ghostbusters which was pretty much feminist trash over shawshank redemption, and BVS there's something wrong there. They have a right to their opinion, but it doesn't mean they can't be wrong and/or politically biased which now days is all they really go by as to why I don't take them seriously.
Of course sometimes they're wrong, and almost everybody is politically biased at a certain level. I understand what you are talking about, the movie critics that says that the new Ghostbusters is better than classic movies like Shawshank Redemption are too politically biased to rate movies on a technical level or on the quality of script. But when you said

when the so called "movie critics" rant on about "technically this wouldn't be possible" in a movie where people fly, punch others through buildings and survive, have time travel or still fight after breaking bones. It just tells me they ultimately miss the point of the story or why the creators made this stuff for us.
Not necessarily, judging a movie on a technical and on an emotional level is two different things but they are not contradictory, at least on paper. I think the quality of a movie should be judged on a technical level rather than the message or the feelings you had when watching it.
It's nice to have a message to share with the audience, but I think it's better to have a consistent and coherent story before including a message into it. How can someone be responsive to the message of the movie if he is not immersed in it ? And even sometimes, the message itself can be harmed by the poor writing of a story


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Of course sometimes they're wrong, and almost everybody is politically biased at a certain level. I understand what you are talking about, the movie critics that says that the new Ghostbusters is better than classic movies like Shawshank Redemption are too politically biased to rate movies on a technical level or on the quality of script. But when you said
I think people in general I agree are politically and/or religiously biased at points in life, but I do believe most movie critics of old(before this newer uber PC age we're in now) were more objective, now days though ehh not so much. I mean, I won't say SSR or any DC film or any movie are perfect, nothing is you know but ask any GB fan they will tell you that movie sucked horribly....yet RT, critics "loved it" can't imagine why.

Not necessarily, judging a movie on a technical and on an emotional level is two different things but they are not contradictory, at least on paper. I think the quality of a movie should be judged on a technical level rather than the message or the feelings you had when watching it.
It's nice to have a message to share with the audience, but I think it's better to have a consistent and coherent story before including a message into it. How can someone be responsive to the message of the movie if he is not immersed in it ? And even sometimes, the message itself can be harmed by the poor writing of a story
If they're judging on emotions, they have to adapt to the kind of movie they're watching as an action movie will have less emotions then say a musical like West Side Story or a romantic flick. If they're going into a film that's clearly aimed at one specific demographic and expecting it to be something it's not, to me that's the critics fault/misjudgment. Now the technical part I respectfully disagree, because with any film if you're going to sit there and be like "hmm technically this wouldn't happen, technically that would blah, blah" how would they know for sure unless they were in that situation? Like some critics didn't like that netflix movie with Sandra Bullock (bird box) my local paper for example, there's this one movie critic who always hates every DC movie(except WW) loves every Marvel movie and bashes every show that fans love, yet on RT critics will hate. She tried to say that it was a ridiculous idea and not "realistic" lol. This goes back to my earlier point where you're watching a fictional story, and yet complaining about it not being "realistic"....I think they still the point, I mean most viewers loved that movie but of course you always get the debbie downers disliking something for questionable, PC or petty reasons honestly. To me it sounds more like critics pet peeve a lot but this shouldn't take away from the fact that the movie can still be very good and entertaining.

I see what you're saying regarding getting immersed in a film, trying to relate to it or seeing it because you feel you can relate to it but I just think sometimes people look way too much into something, go out of their way to find flaws which to me negates the whole point of watching it in the first place. Know what i mean?
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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
black Chapters: On the contrary If mks story was so bad, nrs wouldn’t be wasting time with a story mode not to mention sites like tym and mko wouldn’t exist.


Like some critics didn't like that netflix movie with Sandra Bullock (bird box) my local paper for example [...] She tried to say that it was a ridiculous idea and not "realistic" lol. This goes back to my earlier point where you're watching a fictional story, and yet complaining about it not being "realistic".
I can't say anything about this film since I haven't seen it, but it depends what she means by "realistic". If she indeed compares the movie to the real world, of course that's wrong to say this, but if she refers a rule established by the movie that have been broken, then the critic seems valid. I think that "realistic" is poor choice of word here.

I see what you're saying regarding getting immersed in a film, trying to relate to it or seeing it because you feel you can relate to it but I just think sometimes people look way too much into something, go out of their way to find flaws which to me negates the whole point of watching it in the first place. Know what i mean?
Yes I understand what you mean. I can still enjoy a movie even if it's flawed, I mean, flawless movies don't exist. But sometimes when a movie is either driven by a major incoherence or inconsistency, or has a ton of minor inconsistencies or conveniences all along the movie (even sometimes it's both cases), then it takes me out of the movie because logic is more important than everything else for me.

It's not about about looking too much into something, it's because writing has become so lazy nowadays that almost every blockbuster that comes out always place eye candy visuals over a consistent and coherent story. I wouldn't have to complain if writers knew what they were doing or care a minimum about their work. Let's take my favorite series of all times, Star Wars (original, isn't it :DOGE ?) :

The Original Trilogy is a master piece of writing. Look at the world building from A New Hope, with the opening crawl and a the first dialogues you already have an established world. You already know that it takes place "a long time ago in a galaxy far far away", so it allows the writers to add "supernatural" powers.
You also know that an evil empire rules over it and the Rebel Alliance wants to restore the Old Republic, and this in just a few minutes. The scenario of a New Hope has inspired a ton of stories from the day it was released and it keeps going today.

Now take the "New Trilogy", made by Di$ney and a very short summuary of the mess of a world building that it is :
You have the galaxy ruled by the New Republic, but also another empire called the First Order is rising and wants to destroy the Republic but the "Resistance", a military organization backed and funded by the Republic is... resisting the Empire that is not in place ? So the Republic reigns but they fund a Resistance to resist an organization that is not in power ?
I could go on forever, but when in the same series when go from "one of the best written universe/characters etc." to the absolute mess of world building that the new trilogy is, there is a huge problem. The scenario of the new trilogy suck so much that Disney is banking on third-party media to justify the awful world building.

And the Prequels' script is mostly good and coherent, there is a few "cheats" with Deus Ex machinas and "style over substance" moments etc. (mostly on Episode II). The problem of the prequels is that the movies are poorly executed. But this as nothing to do with my exemple I just wanted to add this :D

Of course there are still good movies with good writing that still comes out, the sad thing is that they are more and more rare, the studios seems to prefer producing style-over-substance type of movies. But you can still have good visual and good story. I'll take a recent exemple, let's take Infinity War. It is a good piece of writing, the writers managed to handle a lot of characters without disrespecting their personalities established in the previous Marvel movies and have a nice and coherent story while having a lot of great visuals. See ? I can be happy sometimes :D


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
matteo, they also did that in Guardians of the Galaxy that part where Starlord and the blue chick are floating in space for like 10 minutes somehow survive...lol


Ok, but that's what I mean she's comparing a story about having to cover your eyes to survive "unrealistic" she literally says it's not realistic her own words. But then this chick(particular movie critic I'm referring to) tends to miss the point regarding anything fictional so I take what she says in general with a grain of salt as I do with RT, and most movie critics honestly.

Yeah I mean like you said nothing is flawless or perfect, but I do think as long as the movie does a decent to good job explaining itself to the point where it makes logical sense if not necessarily "realistic" than that's good enough for me. There are always those people however who will never be satisfied with any movie, IMO there's simply no hope for those people lol.

Well, there I disagree respectfully. Its one thing if the writing is bad where everyone or 9/10 people feel the same way but when the audience is split or the viewers love it vs. RT hating it for personal or PC reasons whatever, than clearly there's something wrong with them over the writing. This is why I had said a lot of people often pet peeve.

SW I'm a casual fan(personally I've felt the series was a bit overrated but this is my opinion, I'm more of a LOTR guy) but I did enjoy 4, 5 and 6 especially 5 and 6 from the original trilogy) I kind of felt the first two episodes prequels were unnecessary but I digress. I did love Revenge because it finally answered my decades long question "why and how did Anakin turn into Darth Vader?" That and I admit I like darker, grittier stories lol I feel at this point however anything with a SW badge on it will sell just because of the brand, though I loved Rogue One and the last one was alright, I wasn't a huge fan of Force Awakens(I kind of felt like it was a rehashed version of 4, 5 and 6 IMO) Solo I have no interest in, but have heard more bad things than good from SW fans. I'm sure I'll get to it though. But hey, can't forget Jar-Jar Binks:p

But I suppose everyone has an opinion on it like with anything else, now as for what Disney did to SW franchise that's a whole other animal. lol I have a few friends huge SW fans they've explained that deal to me, kind of sad they took it into that direction but hey that's Disney for ya.

IW was entertaining, though my one issue with critics who loved that movie but hated JL is one thing. When they go on about the "too many characters in JL" but "IW oh handled well" lol yet they dug out everyone just to be in this movie because it's IW. I guess my beef with that is JL when you look at it didn't even have that many characters, we kind of got the backstory of who they are already from BVS and MOS cameos and easter eggs, and I think it's fair to say everyone knows the JL where as not as many may know a good portion of those characters in IW. The only other issue I have and this one probably annoys me the most, while IW was a solid and fun film. I hated how the critics who bashed DC films because "omg why did they kill main characters already only to bring them back" yet IW does the same thing with certain characters, literally one or two movie appearances then off them only to be brought back soon anyway. See, I can find flaws too, movie critics!! lol but most of the time I'm happy and just enjoy a film and take it for what it is, a few hours of entertainment and fiction.


I'm more of a LOTR guy) but I did enjoy 4, 5 and 6 especially 5 and 6 from the original trilogy) I kind of felt the first two episodes prequels were unnecessary but I digress. I did love Revenge because it finally answered my decades long question "why and how did Anakin turn into Darth Vader?" That and I admit I like darker, grittier stories lol I feel at this point however anything with a SW badge on it will sell just because of the brand, though I loved Rogue One

I kind of agree with you. I think the prequels are underrated though and get a lot of hate, eveb though they have actually stood the test of time pretty good. My family and I see them on re-runs every year and they look miles better than most sci-fi and than the original with Harrison Ford, Carrie Fischer and Mark Hammil.

The new ones are an atrocity though. They're so bad that I don't even want to get into the debate. They're feminist bullshit made by a feminist executive at Disney in a Hollywood where movies have been crap in the last decade. Rogue One was pretty good though, but it had a fragile and delicate heroine who needed protection


I don't see Kronika employing time as any worse than the series' other weirdness (reminder that "Kriss," a wavy Sword obsessed with revenge against vampires by using a naive demon's efforts at purification to achieve that exists).

As for MK's recent uptick in narrative criticism, I'm in the more critical boat. There's an unambiguous division between "unrealistic" and "bad" writing; relaxed standards in one area won't absolve the other's flaws.

Kronika's only hampered by being new--retcons and oddities stemming from new characters were already commonplace in MK. It's partly bad writing, but it's also a result of having so much plot and character to follow. Some errors and issues are bound to crop up when trying to tread some new ground.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I hope they bring back Ashrah and develop her more, as to her rage and purpose to kill demons other than to cleanse herself of evil. I think they should dig deeper with her, I found Ashrah somewhat interesting.

I kind of agree with you. I think the prequels are underrated though and get a lot of hate, eveb though they have actually stood the test of time pretty good. My family and I see them on re-runs every year and they look miles better than most sci-fi and than the original with Harrison Ford, Carrie Fischer and Mark Hammil.

The new ones are an atrocity though. They're so bad that I don't even want to get into the debate. They're feminist bullshit made by a feminist executive at Disney in a Hollywood where movies have been crap in the last decade. Rogue One was pretty good though, but it had a fragile and delicate heroine who needed protection
Totally agree especially on the newer films, sadly that's the times we live in(not just with Disney but with other franchises too *cough GhostBusters* cough Marvel comics gender bending Thor cough* etc, etc all to attempt to be more "appealing" to diverse and/or female viewers but to me, altering the sex, color, race etc doesn't equal a good story you know what I mean? I think my favorite thing about the prequels were seeing young obi-wan train anakin, the rest and sub plots though I could have done without personally. Yeah, overall I enjoyed Rogue One a lot even though the end is depressing so was ROTS lol. I felt that was a great SW movie Rogue One, one of my favs for sure just a shame how it ended but it makes sense why it had to end that way(don't want to give spoilers for those who haven't seen it) but that Vader scene was pretty badass. I know some people mock Hayden's performance as "emo whiney Vader" but yeah would still take that any day over the newer PC ones that feel forced.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
If you're familiar with time travel and follow MK intimately it won't be that confusing, to a casual though I can see them being lost lol.


They literally took their space helmets off on an asteroid in space without any means of breathing. It turned out the asteroid was actually a giant monster
Yes, but I didn't say it was perfect. There is also a big issue in Empire Strikes Back regarding the time passed within the episode : Luke seemed to have trained for months whILE the crew of the millenium falcon seemed to have spent a couple of days. Like I said, nothing is perfect, including the best written stories.

The new ones are an atrocity though. They're so bad that I don't even want to get into the debate. They're feminist bullshit made by a feminist executive at Disney in a Hollywood where movies have been crap in the last decade. Rogue One was pretty good though, but it had a fragile and delicate heroine who needed protection
Yes, that's a real shame. Also, their new story was already awful, but they also butchered the OT and the coherence of the whole saga with their bullshit.

I kind of agree with you. I think the prequels are underrated though and get a lot of hate, eveb though they have actually stood the test of time pretty good.
Yes, the Prequels are very good. I prefer the OT, but the prequels are underappreciated. The only good thing that came out of the Disney Trilogy is that people realised that the Prequels weren't that bad. I think in a few years the prequels will be appreacited again, when Disney will be done burying the Star Wars franchise.

though I loved Rogue One
Rogue One was good, the film respected the lore and brought interesting stuff to it. And you can feel that Gareth Edwards is a real fan of the saga.

IW was entertaining, though my one issue with critics who loved that movie but hated JL is one thing. When they go on about the "too many characters in JL" but "IW oh handled well" lol yet they dug out everyone just to be in this movie because it's IW.
Pro marvels are biased towards MCU movies, that's it :D


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Rogue One was good, the film respected the lore and brought interesting stuff to it. And you can feel that Gareth Edwards is a real fan of the saga.

Pro marvels are biased towards MCU movies, that's it :D
Yeah didn't they also retcon the entire SWEU like shows, comics, games etc once they bought the rights? (Disney I mean) I know that infuriated a lot of SW fans.

Yeah, it felt like the original 4, 5 and 6 vibe to it but updated. The only remote complaint if I had to find one and not even a big deal to me(but others mentioned it out there) when Vader is kicking ass he's moving pretty agile and somewhat fast, this takes place directly before 4 and 5 so people were like "how come in those movies he's stiff but in Rogue One he's like moving like a 30 year old lol" but I can get by that little gripe honestly. If he was doing flips and shit like Anakin then I can see that being a continuity issue lol.

Probably I mean critics I've noticed do seem to cater to Marvel, though I'll still bust out TDK any day and still enjoy that movie more than anything else DC or Marvel lol. Though I admit I still enjoyed MOS a lot because he wasn't this "perfect hero rescue the kitty from the tree" from the start you know what I mean?


Yeah didn't they also retcon the entire SWEU like shows, comics, games etc once they bought the rights? (Disney I mean) I know that infuriated a lot of SW fans.
Yes they retconed countless novels, comics, video games and everything else that was considered canon and took so many years to build. Disney said "fuck it" and they made their own EU. Here's an exemple of the crap Disney gave us instead.

If he was doing flips and shit like Anakin then I can see that being a continuity issue lol.
Considering all the major continuity issues brought by TFA, TLJ and Solo, this one is quite a minor one, but still an error. See ? It's funny to spot all the flaws in movies :D ! It's too late anyways, now when you'll watch a movie you'll have this little voice in your head that says "it makes no sense" when you will encounter an inconsistency or a plot hole. Don't worry, it's for the better, now you'll enjoy even more the good movies :D


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yes they retconed countless novels, comics, video games and everything else that was considered canon and took so many years to build. Disney said "fuck it" and they made their own EU. Here's an exemple of the crap Disney gave us instead.

Considering all the major continuity issues brought by TFA, TLJ and Solo, this one is quite a minor one, but still an error. See ? It's funny to spot all the flaws in movies :D ! It's too late anyways, now when you'll watch a movie you'll have this little voice in your head that says "it makes no sense" when you will encounter an inconsistency or a plot hole. Don't worry, it's for the better, now you'll enjoy even more the good movies :D
I mean it's so trivial it's nothing really lol but I know some people go nuts over the smallest thing lol. Like my friend who's a big AVP fan, but more pro predator lol got so mad when AVP came out the first two predators got owned by aliens, the one that got impaled then lifted before his head got chomped through by the alien's little mouth lol. He kept arguing with my other friend "no way a drone alien's tail is that freaking long that's bullshit lol" literally they were arguing over that for like a half hour lol.

But anyway, I think I find more pleasure and fun pointing out movie critics hypocrisies than the movie flaws themselves lol.:D That should be a job position "the movies critic" haha. They get paid to critic movies, well someone can get paid to critic/rate movie critics haha.

But yeah on the SW thing, wow that much huh? They really wiped out everything huh?

I do enjoy videos showing movie errors though, which happen in nearly every movie where one scene a lamp may be on the left side, then the next shot someone would have moved it between takes and it magically shows up to the right a little more or something lol.:cool:


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Bad writing has 0 to do with money or fan interest. Michael Bay and Dragon Ball is proof of that.
Except MK isn't bad writing and isn't a movie(it's a game) where as your examples are movies that have a lot more to live up to and a video game budget compared to a big movie is a bad comparison.

For a FG genre it's pretty much a fact that MK's story are eons above the rest. While MK is just a fighting game to some, their characters are as iconic as anyone else in gaming, and developed. Example, everyone and their mother knows who Scorpion is as much as Mario if you're a gamer. This topic is entirely relative, but also unlike those examples MK has actually won awards or NRS I should say a big part of it is due to their story modes.
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Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
matteo, they also did that in Guardians of the Galaxy that part where Starlord and the blue chick are floating in space for like 10 minutes somehow survive...lol


Ok, but that's what I mean she's comparing a story about having to cover your eyes to survive "unrealistic" she literally says it's not realistic her own words. But then this chick(particular movie critic I'm referring to) tends to miss the point regarding anything fictional so I take what she says in general with a grain of salt as I do with RT, and most movie critics honestly.

Yeah I mean like you said nothing is flawless or perfect, but I do think as long as the movie does a decent to good job explaining itself to the point where it makes logical sense if not necessarily "realistic" than that's good enough for me. There are always those people however who will never be satisfied with any movie, IMO there's simply no hope for those people lol.

Well, there I disagree respectfully. Its one thing if the writing is bad where everyone or 9/10 people feel the same way but when the audience is split or the viewers love it vs. RT hating it for personal or PC reasons whatever, than clearly there's something wrong with them over the writing. This is why I had said a lot of people often pet peeve.

SW I'm a casual fan(personally I've felt the series was a bit overrated but this is my opinion, I'm more of a LOTR guy) but I did enjoy 4, 5 and 6 especially 5 and 6 from the original trilogy) I kind of felt the first two episodes prequels were unnecessary but I digress. I did love Revenge because it finally answered my decades long question "why and how did Anakin turn into Darth Vader?" That and I admit I like darker, grittier stories lol I feel at this point however anything with a SW badge on it will sell just because of the brand, though I loved Rogue One and the last one was alright, I wasn't a huge fan of Force Awakens(I kind of felt like it was a rehashed version of 4, 5 and 6 IMO) Solo I have no interest in, but have heard more bad things than good from SW fans. I'm sure I'll get to it though. But hey, can't forget Jar-Jar Binks:p

But I suppose everyone has an opinion on it like with anything else, now as for what Disney did to SW franchise that's a whole other animal. lol I have a few friends huge SW fans they've explained that deal to me, kind of sad they took it into that direction but hey that's Disney for ya.

IW was entertaining, though my one issue with critics who loved that movie but hated JL is one thing. When they go on about the "too many characters in JL" but "IW oh handled well" lol yet they dug out everyone just to be in this movie because it's IW. I guess my beef with that is JL when you look at it didn't even have that many characters, we kind of got the backstory of who they are already from BVS and MOS cameos and easter eggs, and I think it's fair to say everyone knows the JL where as not as many may know a good portion of those characters in IW. The only other issue I have and this one probably annoys me the most, while IW was a solid and fun film. I hated how the critics who bashed DC films because "omg why did they kill main characters already only to bring them back" yet IW does the same thing with certain characters, literally one or two movie appearances then off them only to be brought back soon anyway. See, I can find flaws too, movie critics!! lol but most of the time I'm happy and just enjoy a film and take it for what it is, a few hours of entertainment and fiction.
As for Guardians, Gamora is green and survived because of her body mods. Star-Lord is half god and has enhanced physiology, he was even able to hold the power stone in his bare hands.

Agree, LOTR >>>>>> SW. Star wars has one great movie, three good ones, three watchable ones, and three god awful ones. LOTR are all bangers.

As for Infinity War, the characters were all handled great. In JL, every single character was butchered to the absolute max and I say this as someone who's favorite fictional character is Batman and the Justice League are my favorite fictional team. I love them and want to see these movies succeed, but I am a fan of them being done right, so I am gonna call it out when I think these movies suck.

Black Chapters

Legend of Legaia Main
Except MK isn't bad writing and isn't a movie(it's a game) where as your examples are movies that have a lot more to live up to and a video game budget compared to a big movie is a bad comparison.

For a FG genre it's pretty much a fact that MK's story are eons above the rest. While MK is just a fighting game to some, their characters are as iconic as anyone else in gaming, and developed. Example, everyone and their mother knows who Scorpion is as much as Mario if you're a gamer. This topic is entirely relative, but also unlike those examples MK has actually won awards or NRS I should say a big part of it is due to their story modes.
Actual movies win awards with bad writing.

MK's story being not as trash as other stories means nothing as far as its bad writing.

I love MK, but as far as the writing of the actual story that it has going back to 1, its full of inconsistencies and nonsense on a basic level.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
+Black Chapters

By all means name me one movie that's won an oscar or academy that had bad writing, sucked? Curious. It's not trash though, if it were nobody would be as invested or care about these characters lol.

It's not really full of inconsistencies if you follow the lore carefully, but to the casual fan I can understand how it would confound you. Time Travel is complex for the average person, but it's really not that complicated if you can understand and grasp the concept of time travel, butterfly and ripple effects etc. It's actually past basic level, basic would be more BTTF which even that can be confusing to the viewer not familiar with time travel but honestly, MK's is simple compared to say Terminator which if anything is way more convoluted.

As for Guardians, Gamora is green and survived because of her body mods. Star-Lord is half god and has enhanced physiology, he was even able to hold the power stone in his bare hands.

Agree, LOTR >>>>>> SW. Star wars has one great movie, three good ones, three watchable ones, and three god awful ones. LOTR are all bangers.

As for Infinity War, the characters were all handled great. In JL, every single character was butchered to the absolute max and I say this as someone who's favorite fictional character is Batman and the Justice League are my favorite fictional team. I love them and want to see these movies succeed, but I am a fan of them being done right, so I am gonna call it out when I think these movies suck.
Yeah I can get past her even though she still should have died(being an alien I can live with it) but Peter is technically not that powerful, I mean for space they both by realistic physics should have either froze, suffocated or exploded but whatever it's Marvel, comics I get it. Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't like a lot of people held or had a powerstone even some human characters from Earth?

I agree with ya on LOTR>>>SW overall.

Ehh, Infinity War was handled well I admit but they broke the same rules that DC did with killing off characters we've seen in only a few films, now my beef with this from critics is one reason they bashed DC/JL "oh they killed big characters only to bring them back in Superman" yet when Marvel does it with Spiderman and BP, it's fine?" I'm sorry but that's hypocritical nonsense to me. At least with DC they loosely followed the comics, Marvel tends to just make up their movie plots as they go along(critics won't care about this but the fans do) it's why DC is taking their time with Flashpoint and I'm happy about that.

Though I wouldn't say JL is the best comic movie, neither is IW. I would gladly pick TDK, WW or even AM over any Marvel film honestly. Though my favorite past few years based off Marvel characters would have to be Logan. I think the problem lies with WB forcing Snyder to tone down his style just for sake of "comedy" I mean they hired Josh from Marvel and people hated it just as much anyway lol, but honestly I enjoyed JL overall. Not saying it was the best but it definitely wasn't nearly as bad as the critics made it out to be either. To each his own though.