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Why time controlling Kronika will never make sense and is a bad idea


Time travel in fiction....oh, boy, where do I start? For all of you who think you've seen good fiction concerning time travel, let me just remind you than all of them had absolutely one thing in common: when traveling into the past you will do so because you have always travelled into the past and everything you do there has already happened.

This was the case in the original Terminator film.

The same in 12 Monkeys (original) or The Planet of the Apes.

The same in Lost's season 4.

Because....if we go by the Denzel Washington movie or the Back to the Future comedy or the Marvel and DC comics, you basically pull a universe with entire planets and solar systems and billions of people out of your ass every time you travel back in time because that creates a new timeline. Full of palpable things like you and I. Whoa....wait a second. You're telling me that everytime someone goes back in time, such a power is released that it creates a new Earth filled with everything on it? And not just that, but a new Moon and a new Jupiter and a new Sun and an entire space beyond it in which history happens differently than in the original timeline??

Ok, but you say you will accept this because it's Mortal Kombat, it's stupid fun and we don't care about logic. Supposedly these characters have magic powers and why couldn't they actually create a new universe? Well, for starters, because that power would generate so muuuuch content that if some God like Raiden had it when he sent a message back in time to himself to create an entire new universe, he could have basically punched Shao Kahn with the force of a thousand planets (eat that Dragon Ball, Goku only moved a planet off its axis!).

People were already complaining about little stuff from MK9, saying the writing was bad because the rules of the tournament weren't explained properly and how come Johnny Cage had to fight 2 times in a row (Baraka and Reptile), was that just bad writing? But now......we're at a totally different level.

There are some very intelligent people like BruskPoet, @Charybdis, Razors_Edge following the lore. Are you telling me these guys will not pick on a story of time travelling?

It will have one or more of the following flaws:

1. If Kronika is pissed that Shinnok lost, why didn't she turn back the time after MK4? It was exactly the same situation as today.

2. If Kronika brings fighters from the past, does that mean that there will be a period in everyone's past when they missed several days because they were teleported to the future? Or will they be brought back to the exact moment in which they were taken? If so, why will they not remember anything?

3. If Kronika takes them from an alternate timeline, not this one, does this mean that there are infinite timelines? Cause surely in the original timeline many lay dead after the Armageddon battle. And if there are infinite timelines, why does Kronika actually care about THIS timeline and why is it so important that in this timeline she reverses things?

4. If there are timelines from which Kronika brings the fighters from, why not bring infinite versions of fighters?

5. If she just rewinds time, then why doesn't she rewind time even further, to a point where she can actually kill Liu Kang or Kung Lao or whoever defies her as a baby?

6. If these characters from the present go to the past and meet their past selves, does that mean that they have always been in the past? Then, if so, why don't they remember themselves from their own past?

Ok, I'm sure you'll tell me "the game ain't even out yet, wait for the godamn game before you start complaining!!" Yeah, I'm sure. But I'm just pointing things that will be dumb, there's no way to solve them. The lore will be screwed up big time all because they couldn't think of anything else than time traveling to bring back original era costumes?? Ok, they saw with MK9 that nostalgia means milking money from casuals, but I'm sure they could have found another way that didn't involve time travel.

They did parallel universe stories with Injustice and think it's gonna work here too, that not too many people will be asking questions because it's just a fighting game. Well, alternate dimensions in Marvel and DC haven't aged well, they were a poor idea and the infinite part of them has already been retconned (DC has settled as far as I know on 52 universes, God knows why that number).

In real physics, parallel universes have nothing to do with similar versions of you or I, they're a very different concept in string theory and other physics concepts.


In "real physics", every movie/game that has ever come out about time travel is inaccurate. Saying that this story will have errors in logic is like telling me it's a fighting game. No shit.

I'm all for discussing theoretical physics and quantum mechanics with you if that's what you're subtly trying to show off with this post, but can we keep it away from the video games? A fantasy should stay a fantasy - impossible shit happens all the time.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Regardless if the OP is serious or not. I just want to say as a fan of Time Travel, LOST and 12 Monkeys are a bad example as neither made sense. 12 Monkeys was bouncing all over the place more than a pinball in the 90's and LOST was literally just that LOST, they had no remote explanation where, when or how when they switched to a different time. You were just "there"

Terminator explains it well it's just confusing if you're a casual viewer, there's even a video on YT explaining the timeline logically. BTTF also explains it well, same for MK. Also, I don't see how you can say this doesn't make sense when we haven't even played the storymode yet lol....

The only thing I ask is as long as it makes sense within it's own universe, and is explained well that's all that matters.
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Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
It'll definitely be stupid, but isn't that what makes MK story modes mindless fun? if it would start making sense, as much sense as something that isn't achievable in reality can, then I would be worried. What's important is the gameplay and mechanics, no one is going to care about story mode after the first week.


I think matteo is sheldon

Honestly, I think points 1-6 are just normal questions and, as I said people like BruskPoet, Charybdis, Razors-Edge and many others will want to know the answer to those questions.

I didn't think they were scientist level nuclear physics. But if you guys think like that, then I must have been wrong about the company I'm in on this site...

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Hold on, hold on. Why are we jumping all over this guy for THIS topic of all things?

I'd be rather interested in how the time travel will affect the story of the game and the characters and their past and future selves.

It's not a petition or a tier list or any of those type of threads, so what's the problem? It could be a fun discussion. Just because he thinks he won't work out that great doesn't make this a bad/complaining thread...


Honestly, I think points 1-6 are just normal questions and, as I said people like BruskPoet, Charybdis, Razors-Edge and many others will want to know the answer to those questions.

I didn't think they were scientist level nuclear physics. But if you guys think like that, then I must have been wrong about the company I'm in on this site...
Chill dude im jokin, but please stop complaining until you have played the game by your self


The troll awakens...
Honestly, I think points 1-6 are just normal questions and, as I said people like BruskPoet, Charybdis, Razors-Edge and many others will want to know the answer to those questions.
All of us will get the answers from the game when it comes out, not from you and not now.

Your post radiates negativity based on assumptions and I hate u 4 that. :}


Do you like Mortal Kombat?
Is there something about these games you enjoy?
Have you played these games?
Would you consider yourself a fan of the franchise?

Nice personal attack. I could ask the same, but you know what, I'll indulge you,

I have been playing Mortal Kombat for longer than you, be sure of that. I loved this game, but as I got older, my expectations also grew. I am not so mesmerized about seeing bad dialogue or bad writing like when I was 10.

I loved the Mortal Kombat games for what they were in those times, but times change. I loved the way it slowly changed the story from an ice-throwing assassin to a Master, to a brother corrupted by hellish forces, to an Outworld descendant of the cryomancer race.....

I love how the went from fire specter to anti-hero and then to champion of the Elder Gods and tragic reward....

I loved how they went from Thunder God who won the first tournament and invited all his fellow gods to fight in the tournament until the planet was destroyed to Protector God and mentor and Elder God and back to Protector again.....

I loved how they went from sorceror to alliance of sorcerors, from rivalries to mummified undefeated army of the Dragon King, from the Netherrealm to Outworld and to scheming...

I love how they went from generic Chinese to Champion of Mortal Kombat, death for a hero, resurection and zombie Liu Kang who didn't let Shang Tsung get the ultimate prize on the pyramid....

The writers were excellent even after John Tobias left. They introduced character you feared when you saw like Reiko or Drahmin or Onaga and cryomancers and Protector Gods of Edenia and ancient prophecies. This comic I will never forget:

But yeah, you;re right that I'm not really a fan anymore. Mortal Kombat has almost died for me in the last years. MKX was not entertaining at all and saved by some flashes here and there, like the Outwold charcaters and the Marketplace, which was a cool stage, the Rain in-story charcater who looked amazing and the MKX comic which was masterfully written. These days, I'm mostly relaxing with Luiz Mictian's comics, which are much better than the game's story.

I;m hoping that something will change, that MK11 will bring back that wonderful Mortal Kombat writing and story, but if it doesn;t....you won't have to worry about me anymore, I'll leave you to your favourite new characters and game that you consider great.


Why are we jumping all over this guy for THIS topic
I'm not sure the topic in of itself is the issue anymore lol. I'm starting to notice a trend here.

radiates negativity
726286th thread to complain
God, what a fucking negative nancy.
please stop complaining
Maybe he'd be better off actually phrasing these things as discussions instead of coming off like he's complaining.

For the record, I would actually enjoy this kind of discussion. If it meant to be that way, then I simply suggest working on the words used to present the subject, because as it stands most people clearly aren't getting that vibe.
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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
As someone who has played MK since the first one in the arcades as a tike so pretty much forever I will say MK is easily light years above everyone else in the genre regarding storytelling, development and lore. At the end of the day, nothing is perfect and we all have our preferences however regarding MK for a video game and more importantly a fighting game, it's a fact that their story, lore are a billion times better than anything else in the genre. In fact I challenge anyone to try to post a fighting game with a better story, more developed characters. You won't be able to because it doesn't exist. Nuff said. BTW I mean for originally from a fighting game not something that already exists(ie Injustice from DC or DBZ as they're not from fighting games originally)

I mean hell, also just look at movies, shows, series etc with fighting games. MK's is literally the only solid one. The rest sucked, with the exception of MKA which we don't talk about lol the first MK movie, Rebirth, Legacy etc were solid. But Tekken movie? Sucked. DOA? Sucked. Both SF movies? Sucked. VF, KI, Skullgirls, KOF, Clayfighter etc? Don't even have anything lol. Why? Because they have little to no story or it just sucks and isn't worth the attention of any director or studio.

Meanwhile, MK has had success with the first film, Rebirth, MKC(for the time period and limited budget it wasn't that bad at all) It was also on twice on Saturdays once after Wrestling then on regular TV on CBS at 2 am-3am due to how violent it was. MKL for two seasons and now a newer reboot MK movie in the works(sure it's taking time but I'm sure WB and Ed won't approve it til it's perfect or accurate)

@Onilordasmodeus thoughts? Just curious:cool:


Your post radiates negativity based on assumptions and I hate u 4 that. :}
It's just that there's a lot to criticize that needs to be said (sadly), like in this thread or in the thread I made about the #D era characters. If I sound full of hate it's just because there are so many wrong things