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Our Dysfunctional Family (The NRS Community)


The Power of Lame Compels You
SO! How goes it everyone now before I get into the meat of this thread I want to preface this with a couple of things. Firstly I am going to attempt to make beneficial to the community as possible. That means in general keeping the atmosphere of the thread as one of criticism and not outright antagonistic propaganda. I want to be helpful to everyone and getting angry helps literally no one. Secondly I am going to tell you right now, I do not have the answers to the problems that will be presented here. I have decent knowledge on the topics I am going over but at the end of the day issues with a community will always be very VERY hard to correct. Without further ado let's get into this shit show.

The Word "Community"
Now before we go into this we have to go over what this word means. Mostly because, if you ask different people you'll get different answers. There are two different definitions in the English language for the word "Community" and they are as follows

1: "a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common."

2: "a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals."

These two definitions are usually the majority that you will get from people when you ask "what is the FGC?" with the obvious added details about fighting games and whatnot. To some it's simply the first one with minimal amount of emotional connection to the idea of being part of the community and more finding meaningful connections with people who just happen to be FGC. To others the very fabric of the community is meaningful connections with people who share the same hobby as you, that being fighting games. Regardless, like any community, the FGC has a plethora of sub-sections and cliques associated with it that at times can make the entirety of it feel disconnected in some parts. For full transparency I am of the opinion that the second definition of community is what the FGC should strive towards. Now I say strive towards because in its current state we have a LONG way to go before it feels like a fellowship with others. I bring all this up because the NRS scene is one of those sub-sections of the FGC so understanding that, and subsequently our position in the FGC, is important for the thread.

NetherRealms Studios Fighting Game Community
That is the community that most of you hold yourselves to be part of, myself included. We love Mortal Kombat and the stories it has given us over the decades of its existence. However some negativity, arguably a lot of negativity, can be carried with this name among the rest of the FGC. Here we will go into why that may be.

The Under Dog
This is how I see the vast majority of people within the NRS community view itself. We're seen as a small community that is constantly having to struggle for what we 'deserve'. Not a very complex idea and I'm sure many of you reading this right now share the same opinion and to an extent, you're right. There are moments where we get treated a bit poorly. Almost like the redheaded stepchild of the FGC but are we really that persecuted? There have been a ton of events that have been pointed to as the NRS community getting the shaft from having to fight for FT3 tournament standards to being given poor timings on stream schedules (whether too early or too late) but none seem to be as volatile as when big events don't run with 'True NRS Guys' and I think you know what I mean by this. Two examples come to mind and the first of which was IPS ELeague Finals.

IPS ELEAGUE Finals Event
This event featured a ton of commentators, high production value and overall a level of quality that would be considered by most to be high. However an outrage occurred when the commentators were announced due to some of them not being NRS born and raised kind of people. This prompted many people to fall back into the idea of 'Look see? We're always getting screwed over.' and to an extend I can get why but ironically enough, every commentator for the most part was on point with knowledge and efficacy of commentating. Not to mention still featuring people who love our games. So why was there so much initial hate? Well a large chunk of it can probably be chocked up to blatant lack of knowledge. Sajam and UltraDavid, both of which were on the Eleague commentator bill, were constantly referred to as if they were outsiders to NRS games. People going so far as to call Sajam "The Street Fighter Guy" which is laughable considering Sajam began in NRS games and UltraDavid has been a constant supporter and advocate of NRS titles for as long as I can tell. The concerns with Rip and Zhi are whatever, I personally thought they did a great job but that's not the point. The point is a large chink of anger came from "Why is that Street Fighter guy there instead of such and such or so and so?" Taking all of that into account we got an event that never needed to happen, paying out a good chunk of cash for the winners and was being handled in a very professional manner. What was the problem again?

Summit Of Time
Forewarning, this is current and is a very volatile topic right now so if you're in the business of getting angry at me for my opinion, here's your favorite part probably. SO for those who don't know, the Summit is an invitational that happens in multiple games usually around when they are first released. Tons of cool stuff is done and eventually, the game is played in a tournament style till someone wins (duh). A set amount of people are invited but a set amount of people can also be voted in via community votes. Overall the concept is super cool and recently they announced they were doing an MK11 invitational to celebrate the game's release. Pretty cool right? Well a lot of people immediately took issue to this event. Now why you may ask? The following list of names.

  • SonicFox
  • Dragon
  • DJT
  • Chris G
  • Tyrant
  • King
  • Hayatei
  • Tekken Master
  • Foxy
  • Scar
A bunch of (mostly) NRS guys that have been really successful in MK. This was a list leaked by Tweedy to be the list of players being invited to the Summit. To Tweedy's dismay he was not on that list and proceeded to show his anger with not being invited but more importantly his anger with Tyrant and Chris G getting invited instead of someone like him or Rewind, the current Injustice 2 EVO champ. Now on the surface some of this might seem pretty messed up, a current NRS EVO champ not making it to the NRS Summit? What gives? Somewhat understandably a large chunk of people became angry, most of which were unreasonably angry, that they 'weren't being represented' and that once more the NRS boys were getting the shaft. Let me break down why the entirety, and I mean the ENTIRETY, of the anger presented in 'under representation' here is completely and utterly unwarranted.

Firstly and most obviously, do you see the sheer number of NRS legends on that list? SonicFox, Dragon, DJT, Tyrant, King, Hayatei, Tekken Master, Foxy, Scar. All these people have racked up top 8s/Major wins in their days and are, as you may have guessed, solid players. More importantly, however, every person on that list have wins in Mortal Kombat titles. I will repeat, MORTAL KOMBAT TITLES. The argument presented is "Our EVO winner/Our current dominant NRS players should be in that Summit." and to an extent I can agree. Let's use Tweedy and Rewind as an example since they were definitely the two names thrown around the most seeing as they were the most dominant in IPS Season 2. Tweedy has multiple major wins with top 8s in almost if not every single major he attended. Rewind has a similar track record with the added bonus of winning EVO 2018 for Injustice 2. A really heavy set of results on both of them, showing clearly they are players are extremely high caliber. So why shouldn't they be invited to the summit? Well it's simple, their success is in Injustice 2 which in case you were not aware is not a Mortal Kombat title. "CrazyFingers, isn't that a bit nit picky though? Like come on, that seems unreasonable" is it? Is it unreasonable Mr. Straw-man I made for this bit? The Summit events are specifically designed to celebrate and bring attention to the game put on display. They get money from votes, the company gets money from potential new buyers and overall its a win win situation. Its an exhibition event and has never been a serious tournament event so the people chosen are chosen with the specific game in mind. As rude as it might sound, casual MK goers do not give two shits who won EVO 2018 for Injustice 2. They wanna see all the players they saw in MKX or even as far back as MK9 return and duke it out in the new game. We knew who Rewind and Tweedy were in MKX because we are the competitive scene and we paid attention towards the end of the game's life and we're gonna watch the Summit ANYWAY because of the majority of people on this list. No casual/MK Exclusive person is probably going to have any connection to the names Rewind and Tweedy. So it makes sense to have these people instead of them even when they are extremely strong players in their own right.

So why was there so much outrage? Well to put it shortly, no one actually knew the list. Yup, most people who I talked to that were angry became immediately confused at the anger when I showed them the actual list. One big figure in the community got uppity about not getting on the list and immediately "we're being underrepresented!" when that's clearly not even close to the case.

So What's The Root of the Issue?
The very root of the issue is that we have perpetuated the idea that we are this underdog constantly fighting to get the table scraps of the FGC when this statement, is just factually incorrect. We are so much better off than a large chunk of what the FGC gets nowadays. Perhaps once upon a time we were down in the dumps, having our own 'summit' esque events in hotel rooms with the pot bonus of a bag of chips and a soda but in this current generation, we are top dogs. Our events are so vibrant and filled with competition that increases every year. We get developer sponsored events for a LOT of money, more than most even and our big events like ELEAGUE, like the Summit, are not only sufficiently representative they are even above and beyond representative every time.

So why is this perpetuated so hard? Where's the victim complex come from? This is the maximum amount of antagonistic I will get so get your pitchforks ready. It's the big names in the community. If that applies to you, I'm talking to you directly. Communities carry a very VERY large mob mentality with them and anger will always be easier to stir up than positivity because that's just how that emotion works. If you haven't been perpetuating this idea then good for you, keep that up i'm clearly not talking to you then. But you, yes you the guy who says "back in my day we had to fight for the right to sit in chairs during top 8" I'm talking to you. This isn't 20011 anymore. MK9 hasn't been played predominantly in actually 8 years, STOP. This idea being perpetuated has so many repercussions that you might not realize so let's get into those shall we?

It's very strange how "woe is me we get shoved" can transform into a sense of entitlement. Entitlement turns grown people into babbling children essentially. Now if even one little thing isn't completely to someone's liking it immediately becomes 'SEE? LOOK WE'RE GETTING SCREWED OVER AGAIN.' and 9/10 times this just isn't correct. Now everything must be perfect or we're being oppressed by the big bad FGC (Us vs Them is something I will be getting to so if you want that scroll down a bit) And it spreads to more than just tournaments. This sense of entitlement leaks into the community itself as seen with the Summit debacle or when roster discussion occurs. I deserve what I want and if I don't get it that just wont fly.

Us Vs Them
The BIGGEST issue that creates such a fissure in the community between NRS and the rest of the FGC that sometimes you will be assumed to be a shitty person from playing NRS games. No, this is not another example of us getting fake shoved this one is ALSO our fault. Since we've had such a long history of feeling oppressed and forgotten it has made people actively hostile to anyone that even takes a peek at our games. We preach that we are accepting and welcoming but then we just jump down peoples throat for the dumbest shit. Take for example someone being really excited to potentially, POTENTIALLY, get into MK11. Let's say this person is a fairly big name in a different community and is getting really excited and welcomed to MK11 and by extension, the NRS scene as a whole. Game comes out and this person just can't get into it for whatever reason. They don't like it and so they stop playing it because why would you play a game you don't like? Now those same people who were welcoming and encouraging will turn around and scream "Oh god of course you just came into our scene on the hype of the game and then dropped it a month in. Why were you even here? This always happens people just ditch the game immediately." now put yourself in that persons shoes. Would you even bother trying the next game? At all? Would you ever want to interact with an NRS player again after that? Probably not right? Yea that scenario happens CONSTANTLY. To names big and small, it doesnt matter who this scenario is way too commonplace. Stop making people our enemy and if you have a voice, damn that kind of behavior. It's toxic to the growth of our community and in general makes people look at the NRS community negatively. It's not Us vs Them. Make the FGC a we.

Closing Thoughts
I love this community with all my heart. I have met so many wonderful people in the NRS community and I'm tired of having the good and the bad lumped into all bad because a few loud people are being entitled paranoia gremlins. I know, and I'm sure a lot of you know, the NRS community is wonderful and full of great people. There's obviously issues outside of the NRS community that exacerbates the issues presented but we can't help those, we can only help what we are doing as a community. This isn't stuff we will fix overnight or even over a year but every bit of effort counts. I'm sure the comments of this thread will turn into a cesspool of anger but to those still reading and that aren't angry, please try to make this community a more welcoming place for everyone. Thank you for reading, catch you all on the flip side.



Really kool to see DJT, Tyrant and Chris G in that list. Chris G is an OG, I still remember the first MK9 top 8 (And JOP the beast). DJT is a legend of NRS games alongside Reo and Perfect Legend. And Tyrant is one if not THE most fun player to watch. I have no doubt Tweedy and Rewind will make the cut at the end.


Stream addict
I agree with a lot of said here.

Fact 1: NRS community is actually doing pretty fine without EVO/Rest of the FGC (Summit, e-leagues, developer support)
Fact 2: NRS community feels underappreciated and disrespected by EVO/Rest of the FGC (bad streaming slots, scheduling and overall treatment)

So how do you fix this? Do you want to start run separate events like Smash is doing? Or just suck it up, keep showing up and finally accept that EVO/FGC will always be mainly Capcom show like Tekken/GG did? IMO in a perfect world NRS community is a part of the FGC without all the entitlement, so I vote goes to the latter.


The Power of Lame Compels You
I agree with a lot of said here.

Fact 1: NRS community is actually doing pretty fine without EVO/Rest of the FGC (Summit, e-leagues, developer support)
Fact 2: NRS community feels underappreciated and disrespected by EVO/Rest of the FGC (bad streaming slots, scheduling and overall treatment)

So how do you fix this? Do you want to start run separate events like Smash is doing? Or just suck it up, keep showing up and finally accept that EVO/FGC will always be mainly Capcom show like Tekken/GG did? IMO in a perfect world NRS community is a part of the FGC without all the entitlement, so I vote goes to the latter.
I want people to act like decent human beings for once so the rest of the FGC realizes we're not all garbage. When you have figure heads acting like children and taking potshots on peoples real life issues because of some dumb exhibition stuff, you make everyone look bad. The amount of hostility and vapid behavior generated from this sense of entitlement, especially from some top names in the NRS community, creates scenarios where we feel underappreciated and disrespected, because we're getting what we throw out there. As I said in the thread, this is a problem WE have to solve. Theres nothing wrong with the events, theres a lot wrong with us and we, and I mean ALL of us, need to step up and call out the bullshit or we're gonna keep living this cycle.

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
Great stuff dude. Our community need to solve the problems inside of it if we really need to move forward. Mortal Kombat is the biggest fighting game franchise in the world, and NRS/WB do everything they can to help the scene, and we need to do the same.

I do wanna point out that the issue with non-NRS events is indeed there, as at EVO 2016, MKX indeed had a huge problem with the sits and space and you could've clearly see this on stream, while IJ2 was on Saturday both in 2017 and 2018 despite being a new game in 2017. All of this because EVO is first and foremost an SF event and they realize that Capcom truly started to screw up with their games while NRS/WB games are only getting better and better, so that is their biased way to deal with this.

So the point of the events having an issue with us even beyond 2011 is not entirely false. However, like you said, there are problems that we can't solve ourselves, at least not directly, and that is one of them. And I say "not directly" because this issue actually comes from another issue that the NRS competitive community has: Because they are all competitive players and EVO does have a long history, even though that EVO is an SF event and SF is a rival of MK and they are compete with each other, this community has the illusion that EVO is the be all, end all of the FGC and they must get the spotlight and respect in the same spot as them, which is also partly the reason why a huge part of them blindly bash the NRS games, so they would answer the "standards" of Capcom fighting games and other Japanese games. So they just let EVO keep treating them like this and eventually just accepting this disrespectful treatment, because the NRS competitive community "has something to prove".


Mortal Kombat is indeed the biggest fighting game franchise in the world, and the FGC is only a small fraction of the people who buy and play fighting games (for all the franchises, not just MK), and all of the Japanese companies including Capcom cater to those people because that's their "safe" way to get money, and they are trying to shove the E-Sports aspect of their games down people's throats because of this. And even when they do try to cater to casual players, they can't reach the same quality that NRS/WB games have, while NRS/WB are only getting better with each game, both for E-Sports and Casual play. And just like it was said here some time ago, EVO is just a big party that Capcom players just happened to get enough money to organize every year. That big stage doesn't really have any true meaning at all whatsoever for NRS players, unlike the MKX ESL Pro League, the IPS, the Kombat Kup or the War of the Gods.

So the way we can solve this problem is to indeed be more welcoming and not being assholes, while also keep promoting our games and events, and eventually making our own flagship big event at the end as opposed to Capcom's EVO, even if it's turning let's say Combo Breaker to be that flagship event for us. We need to stop being passive and start being an active community, while indeed keeping a level of professionalism intact and not dropping it once every small tiny thing doesn't go to our liking, especially it if's for the liking of just the one or very few people who complain ATM. That way, we will take the community to the same level that Mortal Kombat is at as a franchise.

Once again great post @CrazyFingers .
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I really don’t like this community. It’s full of mid tier players that can’t think for themselves and hate on opinions so much that theres no point in sharing them. So now i just ghost view for news. Also scree the facebook groups, tym is better than most places


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator

Stop acting like the FGC is out to get us when we are better off than a large chunk of communities and actually be welcoming instead of claiming to be and then shitting on people when they drop our games.

EDIT: Also stop being entitled babies and dont be an asshole.
No one just randomly shits on people who drop our game(s). It’s always only ever the ones that come in with huge egos, shit all over our community and players. Then when they realize we actually have good players, instead of acknowledging that, they say the game is trash then bounce. That’s the entire issue.


The Power of Lame Compels You
No one just randomly shits on people who drop our game(s). It’s always only ever the ones that come in with huge egos, shit all over our community and players. Then when they realize we actually have good players, instead of acknowledging that, they say the game is trash then bounce. That’s the entire issue.
That's only some of the cases. I've seen other cases where people that dont shit on the game are immediately met with "well you're just gonna drop it a month in and not contribute anything" and that shit isnt okay

EDIT: Additionally, this mentality isnt treated as a case by case thing. The default reaction to people coming from other games, specifically SF players, is usually given a negative spin because of this stigma that only applies to a minority of players. Blanketing the whole outside world isnt good in any capacity.


I think my major problem is in any normal environment if you were to treat the entire group as a problem and as an excuse to not engage with or associate with the community in question you would be labelled as intolerant and narrow minded. I'm not trying to be political, but imagine if you had an experience with a certain group and one person or a couple made you mad and you just said screw everyone from that demographic? That's very obtuse and that part sounds like a weak excuse.

Bottom line is whether Tweedy or whoever you are talking about is RIGHT or WRONG, let them speak for themselves and themselves only. I'm sure these people don't believe they speak for the whole scene ANYWAY so why put them in a position they aren't necessarily even claiming?

The Summit roster looks solid and looks like a nice MK timeline of the past games (MK9 + 10) so outrage about that is unmerited.

People seem very cannibalistic of their own scene though.


The Power of Lame Compels You
I think my major problem is in any normal environment if you were to treat the entire group as a problem and as an excuse to not engage with or associate with the community in question you would be labelled as intolerant and narrow minded. I'm not trying to be political, but imagine if you had an experience with a certain group and one person or a couple made you mad and you just said screw everyone from that demographic? That's very obtuse and that part sounds like a weak excuse.

Bottom line is whether Tweedy or whoever you are talking about is RIGHT or WRONG, let them speak for themselves and themselves only. I'm sure these people don't believe they speak for the whole scene ANYWAY so why put them in a position they aren't necessarily even claiming?

The Summit roster looks solid and looks like a nice MK timeline of the past games (MK9 + 10) so outrage about that is unmerited.

People seem very cannibalistic of their own scene though.
I get and agree with your argument but also imagine if you were in a group and the largest names in that group had intolerable behavior and instead of calling it out you have people who back that behavior on misinformation and create an echo chamber of reassurement that what is being said is not only not wrong, but actively correct. Tons of people saw what Tweedy was saying initially and piggybacked on it saying "Yea hes standing up for the little guy." The community as a whole gets a bad wrap because a lot of the community is giving themselves that bad wrap by piling onto these shitty ideas. It's not so simple as a couple loud bad eggs making the whole batch LOOK bad. It's a matter of some of the chickens are causing eggs to go bad if that makes sense, big names are powerful things in a community like this and a lot of people prefer following rather than making thoughts for themselves so you create a pretty toxic environment with this kind of stuff. I wish the "let them speak for themselves and themselves only" was something that worked but in execution it gets a lot more complicated. Whether these people like it or not, they are the faces and mouths of the community at large


I think it's human nature to mimic the behavior we see around us, so when highly visable players act a certain way, it's not surprising that others follow their lead or try to respond in kind.


The Power of Lame Compels You
I think it's human nature to mimic the behavior we see around us, so when highly visable players act a certain way, it's not surprising that others follow their lead or try to respond in kind.
Surprising no but behavior that should be noted and hopefully corrected. Not to say I want to homogenize all opinion and just have everyone get alone merrily 100% but more so to say I want people to be more aware of how they speak and to again just be decent fucking human beings to each other. Within the community, our interactions with other communities. Whatever it may be.


I want people to act like decent human beings for once so the rest of the FGC realizes we're not all garbage. When you have figure heads acting like children and taking potshots on peoples real life issues because of some dumb exhibition stuff, you make everyone look bad. The amount of hostility and vapid behavior generated from this sense of entitlement, especially from some top names in the NRS community, creates scenarios where we feel underappreciated and disrespected, because we're getting what we throw out there. As I said in the thread, this is a problem WE have to solve. Theres nothing wrong with the events, theres a lot wrong with us and we, and I mean ALL of us, need to step up and call out the bullshit or we're gonna keep living this cycle.
I believe this happens because the top players who are the most representatives are mostly entitled brats. The solution has to start with them. Nowadays they are demanding special treatment from sponsors, TOs etc. What do they bring to the table to make these demands? They don't generate money for anybody so why are they so entitled.

Some suggestions to make the NRS tournament community more popular and allow it to grow:
1. They should stop shitting on their own game and look at the good stuff. Good reviews and word of mouth for a game make it grow. Stop being negative NRS games are usually the best fighting games out there and every other fighting game developer is looking at what innovation NRS does next to put it in their games.
2. Have a better presence. Players like Semij, Rewind, Hayatei are good but have boring personalities and contribute nothing to the community. Stream, provide content, share the good things of the game, make it grow.
3. Stop the elitist and condescending attitude towards the not top players or newcomers. Stop the "Randoms" "casuals" "Scrubs" "nobodys" "Necros". These are the players who make up your community and without them nobody is going to put out a tournament for the same 16 people. With bigger numbers come better prizes and a longer competitive life span for NRS games, maybe in the long run a way of living.
4. Open the door for people from other communities. Let tasty steve, Aris, Maximilian, Jwong, Punk and anybody who wants to try the game do it, welcome them to participate at the events, help them get into the game.

Deleted member 5032

I saw this was a @CrazyFingers post and thought, “Ooh, I wonder how many hours it will take me to read it!” I was not disappointed. #whenyourpostneedsapreface


That's only some of the cases. I've seen other cases where people that dont shit on the game are immediately met with "well you're just gonna drop it a month in and not contribute anything" and that shit isnt okay

EDIT: Additionally, this mentality isnt treated as a case by case thing. The default reaction to people coming from other games, specifically SF players, is usually given a negative spin because of this stigma that only applies to a minority of players. Blanketing the whole outside world isnt good in any capacity.
While it may not be ok, how do you expect people to react?

The only time any players from the non-NRS community at large participate in tournaments is at the very beginning (for about a month) and then at attempts to make money at big money tournaments. Outside of that, participation from players not regularly part of the NRS community is minimal at best.

Not to crap on the guy, but recently LI Joe has been posting videos about his personal MK history. It's all clickbait. Why would I want to watch a guy who has consistently dropped NRS games after the first couple of months talk about his personal history with MK games? The dude was moderate at best at UMK3 when you compare his gameplay videos to the gameplay videos of guys who still play the game. You know what's missing from his personal MK history videos is how he plays the MK games, and also NRS games as a whole, briefly, then drops them because either he can't compete in them or there's more easily attainable money for him, even if only in smaller amounts, in Street Fighter. That's sorely missing from his MK history videos.

So yeah, calling out non-NRS community members for bandwagoning to make money, then dropping support of the game is completely fair. Likewise, some people may not crap on the game, but instead they dump on the community, telling us that we need to support our games more, come to more tournaments, be there, participate, but when they look in the mirror, they see a player who dropped the most recent NRS game a month after release.


The Power of Lame Compels You
While it may not be ok, how do you expect people to react?

The only time any players from the non-NRS community at large participate in tournaments is at the very beginning (for about a month) and then at attempts to make money at big money tournaments. Outside of that, participation from players not regularly part of the NRS community is minimal at best.

Not to crap on the guy, but recently LI Joe has been posting videos about his personal MK history. It's all clickbait. Why would I want to watch a guy who has consistently dropped NRS games after the first couple of months talk about his personal history with MK games? The dude was moderate at best at UMK3 when you compare his gameplay videos to the gameplay videos of guys who still play the game. You know what's missing from his personal MK history videos is how he plays the MK games, and also NRS games as a whole, briefly, then drops them because either he can't compete in them or there's more easily attainable money for him, even if only in smaller amounts, in Street Fighter. That's sorely missing from his MK history videos.

So yeah, calling out non-NRS community members for bandwagoning to make money, then dropping support of the game is completely fair. Likewise, some people may not crap on the game, but instead they dump on the community, telling us that we need to support our games more, come to more tournaments, be there, participate, but when they look in the mirror, they see a player who dropped the most recent NRS game a month after release.
We are the literal only community that gets mad about people doing this. People do this for any new game release and then go back to their new game. This isnt new behavior and also the reaction I want is for people to have their own damn brain and take things as they are. I want people to stop having their lizard brain control their actions and just answer new player with "BANDWAGONER." Any attention on our game is good attention. Why would you get mad about people actively putting eyeballs on your game? The logic looks sound but its inevitably flawed because at the end of the day people arent thinking they're just doing. Lastly they crap on the community, because of shit like this. You dont answer negativity with more of it, that just perpetuates the same thing happening. They're only calling it like they see it because all of the shitters are loud as hell and always in your face about stuff and I'd argue all those criticisms are apt ones. People should support the games more, people should travel more, more participation is needed. Also who are you to say how much time in a game is enough to not just be bandwagoning? People are gonna play stuff they have fun with. No one is claiming to go super hard into the community, they are simply excited for the game. Stop acting like everyone needs to be hardcore on NRS games to enjoy them and be welcomed by the community.