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Kombat Kast #2 Tomorrow Will Include...


All too easy...
Can we just get a damn pre release road map of reveals?

Whwn will single player stuff be shown?

When will online stuff be shown?

When are the actual kombat kasts?

They are only giving off the impression that stuff is not being shown because its not ready to be shown... 2 months from release... with only 10 characters and zero additional content actually confirmed. How does NRS call this building hype? Silence is an absolute hype killer


Online Scrub Lord
I'm pretty confident it'll be Jade.

stay mad lmao
Not mad. There's just characters that are more deserving imo. There's been popular characters that haven't been in the game in over a decade that may have been ignored once again. I'd actually be open to her if they make her more visually appealing and I'm not referring to race as some people have suggested. You can actually critique a woman of color and not be racist.


I mean I don't want to complain and I'm glad we get to see more of the game, but yeah, these streams aren't really turning out how I expected. Or just the way they are handling thing leading up to release.
  • E3 for past games showed around 6-8 characters and that was around a year from each game's release. Since the Reveal Event was much closer to release for MK11, I thought there would be around 10 characters in the build. Just 7, so pretty much the same as E3. Oddly enough they revealed characters like Liu Kang (who actually was in gameplay for a couple seconds) and other characters like Kung Lao, Cassie Cage, Kitana, etc, but they weren't actually show off?
  • Despite being so close to release and they are able to open the floodgates of information, they decide to reveal Kano and D'Vorah using png renders versus gameplay, for some reason. Second livestream and said characters are still not getting shown.
  • Still no information about competitive variations, online netcode/modes, etc. Even though they have already stated that kustom variations are for casual players and won't interest competitive players, they still haven't explained how competitive variations work or even how you customize them. Like the skins/gear are tied to variations, but for competitive we have to use pre-set variations... so how do we use our skins and gear for them when we can't customize them? Why should competitive players be excited for these Ability Move combinations that they won't be able to use, and/or cosmetics that may not be usable as well?
  • A Kombat Kast isn't going to happen every week like we thought, Tyler last stream mentioned how sometimes they will skip a week.
  • There are still single player modes we don't know, and Towers of Time still hasn't been fully explained. What exactly are Tower Keys?
  • Website isn't being updated with characters renders and bios like they did for Injustice 2. They are also not doing the countdowns to reveals like they did for that game.
  • Global launch on all platforms but still no gameplay for the Switch and PC versions, and said platforms won't be getting a Beta.
  • No comic series or dedicated mobile game (MKX mobile will get updates for a few MK11 characters). Not a big deal to me, but I know some people look forward to this stuff and it did add something to pre-release.
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Mortal Kombat-phile
I mean I don't want to complain and I'm glad we get to see more of the game, but yeah, these streams aren't really turning out how I expected. Or just the way they are handling thing leading up to release.
  • E3 for past games showed around 6-8 characters and that was around a year from each game's release. Since the Reveal Event was much closer to release for MK11, I thought there would be around 10 characters in the build. Just 7, so pretty much the same as E3. Oddly enough they revealed characters like Liu Kang (who actually was in gameplay for a couple seconds) and other characters like Kung Lao, Cassie Cage, Kitana, etc, but they weren't actually show off?
  • Despite being so close to release and they are able to open the floodgates of information, they decide to reveal Kano and D'Vorah using png renders versus gameplay, for some reason. Second livestream and said characters are still not getting shown.
  • Still no information about competitive variations, online netcode/modes, etc. Even though they have already stated that kustom variations are for casual players and won't interest competitive players, they still haven't explained how competitive variations work or even how you customize them. Like the skins/gear are tied to variations, but for competitive we have to use pre-set variations... so how do we use our skins and gear for them when we can't customize them? Why should competitive players be excited for these Ability Move combinations that they won't be able to use, and/or cosmetics that may not be usable as well?
  • A Kombat Kast isn't going to happen every week like we thought, Tyler last stream mentioned how sometimes they will skip a week.
  • There are still single player modes we don't know, and Towers of Time still hasn't been fully explained. What exactly are Tower Keys?
  • Website isn't being updated with characters renders and bios like they did for Injustice 2. They are also not doing the countdowns to reveals like they did for that game.
  • Global launch on all platforms but still no gameplay for the Switch and PC versions, and said platforms won't be getting a Beta.
  • No comic series or dedicated mobile game (MKX mobile will get updates for a few MK11 characters). Not a big deal to me, I know some people look forward to this stuff and it did add something to pre-release.
Exactly. It's been pretty lackluster and I'm afraid it's getting worse. Hell, I learned more about Kustom Variations from K&M's newly released video than anything NRS has discussed...which makes me fairly sad. :/


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
I hope they don't tell us who it is beforehand and just show us a trailer first. Nothing is more hype than that. Derek don't ruin the surprise!!!

Also if the reveal turns out to be Cassie I might just tear off my scrotum in anger. We already know she's in the game, give us a real surprise!!!
That's a bit extreme and very painful XD

I want to see Cassie gameplay, but I think if it's a reveal, then it'll probably be Jade or Frost.


Too bad YOU... will DIE!
Not mad. There's just characters that are more deserving imo. There's been popular characters that haven't been in the game in over a decade that may have been ignored once again. I'd actually be open to her if they make her more visually appealing and I'm not referring to race as some people have suggested. You can actually critique a woman of color and not be racist.
You absolutely can, and that's fair. I am just exhausted after like 7 actually racist comments in that other thread lol

I am hoping they've redesigned her in a way that will make her more hype.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
Can we just get a damn pre release road map of reveals?

Whwn will single player stuff be shown?

When will online stuff be shown?

When are the actual kombat kasts?
That would be ideal. Instead of just wondering what will be shown and then being disappointed because it wasn't exactly what we were expecting.

Like, the Kano reveal was cool, but why didn't they show a bit of a gameplay trailer? Same for D'Vhora.


Plus on block.
Not mad. There's just characters that are more deserving imo. There's been popular characters that haven't been in the game in over a decade that may have been ignored once again. I'd actually be open to her if they make her more visually appealing and I'm not referring to race as some people have suggested. You can actually critique a woman of color and not be racist.

The “deserved” argument is such an entitled mindset.

No one deserves to be in over anyone.

The only characters that “deserve” to be in are the ones they want to include, it’s their game to make and they don’t owe us anything more than the content we willingly pay for.


Mr. Righteous
The thing is....Here's the thing. The reason why they're just throwing character reveals out there like Kano and D'vorah because they stated that NRS is not sure of having a Kombat Kast every week. So since its getting close to the date, this is their way of just throwing out info like character reveals without showing gameplay. I know, it sounds a bit lazy, but we waited THIS long for a MK11 to even be announced! So i trust their process in giving us good stuff. GET FUCKING HYPE!


What a day. What a lovely day.
The “deserved” argument is such an entitled mindset.

No one deserves to be in over anyone.

The only characters that “deserve” to be in are the ones they want to include, it’s their game to make and they don’t owe us anything more than the content we willingly pay for.

It is not “entitled,” it is perfectly rational. The fact that NRS would seemingly include a much maligned character such as Jacqui over characters the community has been clamoring for, for nearly a decade, is questionable at best.

They are creating a product, and people have every right to be demanding. All said, it will still sell well because it’s MK, but that does not mean people can’t be critical of their choices.
Kind of hoping it's a new character, (not Kronika since she's the final boss) or something really unexpected like Sheeva or Khemelon..


It's like people who follows all these kombat kast streams didn't see everything about Baraka already. I hope they gonna show his competitive variations at least (unlikely)


Ermac & Smoke Main
Boring kombat kast plan. We don't even know how Shao Kahn will look like.. he is our goddamn pre-order bonus and we still know nothing about him. the wheel of chaos? again? Baraka? thousands of Baraka gameplay that i already saw on the internet. his customization options, his movesets, krushing blows, combos etc. i love baraka but is it really necassary Tyler?


Mr. Righteous
Boring kombat kast plan. We don't even know how Shao Kahn will look like.. he is our goddamn pre-order bonus and we still know nothing about him. the wheel of chaos? again? Baraka? thousands of Baraka gameplay that i already saw on the internet. his customization options, his movesets, krushing blows, combos etc. i love baraka but is it really necassary Tyler?
Ummmm we do know what he looks like....


'ello baby, did you miss me?
It seems like these Kombat Kasts are trying to appeal to people who are simultaneously so casual that they have no idea who K&M are, and so hardcore that they're gonna watch a 20 minute breakdown that shows off a character's every ability and not complain that they're not showing off skins instead.

I can't wrap my head around who NRS is trying to please, because this group of people cannot possibly exist in large enough numbers to justify NRS's marketing strategy revolving around them. They should just promote the shit out of K&M content on their twitter if they want people to see it. Not show it on the fucking Kombat Kast.
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MK11 Pocket Guide: Koming Soon to the App Store
I think it's either Jade or Sareena.

Why do they reveal one character per week ? It's boring, and the final roster will be leaked before the complete reveal, so come on give us something to get hyped for.

And NRS, please make another trailer like the one for MKX with System of a Down, this shit was way too hype. It was probably the best trailer I've ever seen for a video game, you know how to make awesome trailers NRS, so please buy the rights of an awesome metal song and give us the trailer of our dreams.
One character per week? Didn’t we have 3 reveals last week? Kabal, Kano, D’Vorah.

You guys are ruthless!


Plus on block.
It is not “entitled,” it is perfectly rational. The fact that NRS would seemingly include a much maligned character such as Jacqui over characters the community has been clamoring for, for nearly a decade, is questionable at best.

They are creating a product, and people have every right to be demanding. All said, it will still sell well because it’s MK, but that does not mean people can’t be critical of their choices.
That isn’t what I said though.

Being critical doesn’t mean acting entitled.

NRS listens to their fans on many fronts but you’re unreal if you think they shouldn’t be allowed to make certain major decisions of their own volition, just because they don’t perfectly line up with certain fan’s feelings. This isn’t a crowdfunded indie game, they don’t owe us anything an we don’t deserve any more than what they give us and we pay for.

There’s nothing questionable about it, the answer is she is one of the characters they want to continue to work on and improve and write for, for now, and not the others. Because this is a company where writers get to write what they care about and not cater to every whim and whine. Which is good, because we get stuff like turning somebody forgettable like Skarlet into a more dynamic and creative character.


What a day. What a lovely day.
That isn’t what I said though.

Being critical doesn’t mean acting entitled.

NRS listens to their fans on many fronts but you’re unreal if you think they shouldn’t be allowed to make certain major decisions of their own volition, just because they don’t perfectly line up with certain fan’s feelings. This isn’t a crowdfunded indie game, they don’t owe us anything an we don’t deserve any more than what they give us and we pay for.

There’s nothing questionable about it, the answer is she is one of the characters they want to continue to work on and improve and write for, for now, and not the others.
That’s true, she’s what they’re choosing to work on. The fact that she is, is questionable.

All I can say is that they’d better blow everyone away with her design.


'ello baby, did you miss me?
It is not “entitled,” it is perfectly rational. The fact that NRS would seemingly include a much maligned character such as Jacqui over characters the community has been clamoring for, for nearly a decade, is questionable at best.

They are creating a product
That is an incredibly cynical view of the gaming industry. Yes, a lot of producers feel that they're merely "creating a product," and yes the financial side of things obviously has some impact on the gameplay and even the story.

But a lot of the people working on games love what they're creating, and they personally have a vision for how the games they're working on should look, feel, and play, and if your vision doesn't align with theirs, then to some degree that is just your problem. It'll become their problem if and only if their decisions financially bite them in the ass. If as you predict MK11 is incredibly successful, then you can expect them to keep making decisions based on what they personally like or don't like.


I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me
I'm excited to see the new characters, but I find the streams to be entertaining anyway. Relax. Everyone wants to see these characters but shit-talking Tyler isn't going to change anything. He's just the guy who transfers this information to us in a way that's fun.

Here's an idea: Wait until the streams are over so you can skip around to what you wanna see, or wait until they post the trailer on Youtube. Nobody's forcing you to watch shit. They don't owe you a character or a specific stream or anything.

They've had these Kombat Kasts planned out for who knows how long. D'Vorah and Kano will be shown eventually, just not today. Maybe not even next week. They're not gonna change their schedules just to make you happy, which....at this point I don't even think will be possible cause y'all stay finding something to be mad at.


What a day. What a lovely day.
That is an incredibly cynical view of the gaming industry. Yes, a lot of producers feel that they're merely "creating a product," and yes the financial side of things obviously has some impact on the gameplay and even the story.

But a lot of the people working on games love what they're creating, and they personally have a vision for how the games they're working on should look, feel, and play, and if your vision doesn't align with theirs, then to some degree that is just your problem. It'll become their problem if and only if their decisions financially bite them in the ass. If as you predict MK11 is incredibly successful, then you can expect them to keep making decisions based on what they personally like or don't like.
I’m a cynical person. It is what it is.