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Lebron James, your thoughts on his choice of a new team...


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
So, was just curious as to what you guys thought about this...some people thought he was nuts to drag this out this long, have a press conference taking forever to tell everyone where he's going...

Other people are shocked, some say this was a dumb move because Miami compared to NY, Chicago etc isn't nearly a good a sports town(which I can understand)

I'm honestly a bit shocked he didn't go to the Knicks or stayed with Cleveland...I know he'll still go down as a legend regardless but for Miami? Some say he doesn't want the pressure of NYC and didn't choose Chicago because he would constantly be compared to Jordan or living in his shadow...


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Well, kind of yes and no...but equally shocked he didn't stay in Cleveland(I mean there he was a God let's face it lol) now....

But NY mainly because of the whole City, rep etc...but a lot think he wanted no part of the "media pressure" which I'll admit he would have here....not exactly the easiest place to play but I mean it's Lebron lol, I'm sure he could hack it....but I'm sure Miami now will be the best Eastern Team for the next like 10 years or so lol...pardon potential injuries of course.
So, was just curious as to what you guys thought about this...some people thought he was nuts to drag this out this long, have a press conference taking forever to tell everyone where he's going...

Other people are shocked, some say this was a dumb move because Miami compared to NY, Chicago etc isn't nearly a good a sports town(which I can understand)

I'm honestly a bit shocked he didn't go to the Knicks or stayed with Cleveland...I know he'll still go down as a legend regardless but for Miami? Some say he doesn't want the pressure of NYC and didn't choose Chicago because he would constantly be compared to Jordan or living in his shadow...
He had no chance to win in NY. Amare & Lebron together would not even make it to the semi-finals. I think he thinks he has a better chance to win a championship with Miami, so he decided to go there.

I don't think the Heat will win the East, it will be between Boston or the Magic. There is no way they can beat Boston imo.
Well, kind of yes and no...but equally shocked he didn't stay in Cleveland(I mean there he was a God let's face it lol) now....

But NY mainly because of the whole City, rep etc...but a lot think he wanted no part of the "media pressure" which I'll admit he would have here....not exactly the easiest place to play but I mean it's Lebron lol, I'm sure he could hack it....but I'm sure Miami now will be the best Eastern Team for the next like 10 years or so lol...pardon potential injuries of course.
NY as a whole city doesnt really mean anything, the Knicks outside the early 70's have been garbage. lol you said Lebron wants to part of the media? lol that guy cares more about fame then winning a championship. Btw what is this thing about NY being so hard to play, seriously? The Mets, Rangers, Giants, and Knicks for the most part have allways sucked, except for the Yanks who are a consistent franchise.

Miami isnt even the best team in the East right now. Who else do they have? they dont even have a bench. A good defensive team like Boston will most likely eat them alive.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Tbh, I feel he has a better chance in Cleveland since the team is already established anyway. Yeah, they've disappointed and didn't even make it to the finals, but they've had the best record 2 years in a row...which shows the team is good enough to win as it was. Plus didn't Miami have to get rid of some of their players just so that they clear salary cap now?

That's just my opinion. I wouldn't be surprised if this switch backfires on LeBron multiple years in a row.
Tbh, I feel he has a better chance in Cleveland since the team is already established anyway. Yeah, they've disappointed and didn't even make it to the finals, but they've had the best record 2 years in a row...which shows the team is good enough to win as it was. Plus didn't Miami have to get rid of some of their players just so that they clear salary cap now?

That's just my opinion. I wouldn't be surprised if this switch backfires on LeBron multiple years in a row.
Miami got rid of everyone to make enough room to sign Wade,Bosh, & Lebron, wich is why they dont have a 4th & 5th started and absolutely no bench.

I agree with you, this is going to backfire on either Wade or Lebron, I just dont see lebron being a pippen on Wade's team. Dont forget about Bosh, 2 weeks ago he said he wanted to be the center piece of a team and not just a role player lol.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
He had no chance to win in NY. Amare & Lebron together would not even make it to the semi-finals. I think he thinks he has a better chance to win a championship with Miami, so he decided to go there.

I don't think the Heat will win the East, it will be between Boston or the Magic. There is no way they can beat Boston imo.
They could have given as how B-ball is a one, two man sport...Jordan and Kobe anyone? lol But it doesn't matter anyway since he's with Miami. Then there's the fact that the knicks just improved with their new signing but getting rid of Lee was dumb IMO...sometimes the knicks are their own worst enemy...


In the Shadows
LBJ has always been my favorite player, since he was drafted. He still is.

He is not going to be anything that he was in Cleveland...
Although I'm from NY and would've love to see him in an NY jersey, it was a better decision for him to stay in Cleveland rather than join the Heat.
Also the whole TV thing was a little bit too much, especially when he knew he was leaving Cleveland, going on Public TV to do this...well, I don't think he will ever be welcomed back there ever again.

And exactly... it's still Wade's team.
They could have given as how B-ball is a one, two man sport...Jordan and Kobe anyone? lol But it doesn't matter anyway since he's with Miami. Then there's the fact that the knicks just improved with their new signing but getting rid of Lee was dumb IMO...sometimes the knicks are their own worst enemy...
Yeah, why even consider putting Lee on the block. Wasnt he the best player the Knicks had? It's the Knick's front office that deserves to get fired.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
They could have given as how B-ball is a one, two man sport...Jordan and Kobe anyone? lol But it doesn't matter anyway since he's with Miami. Then there's the fact that the knicks just improved with their new signing but getting rid of Lee was dumb IMO...sometimes the knicks are their own worst enemy...
In Kobe's case, at first he had an amazing team. Now, though, he does carry the team.

Jordan pretty much always had a great supporting cast in his Chi-Town days.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
LOL IT'S THAT FUCKIN' SERIOUS! I'm a Clevelander at heart for as long as I live...but that first vid was LOL.

But for real, he did pull some shady shit by doing that. That was uncalled for.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
@THTB, oh yeah both Jordan and Kobe have others to support them but just saying guys like Jordan, Kobe and Lebron can own a game on their own if they really, really wanted to...give them the ball and nothing's stopping them lol. Although Jordan didn't need it, nor does Kobe really man Pippen and Rodman were perfect back up guys when Jordan needed them.
Yeah, why even consider putting Lee on the block. Wasnt he the best player the Knicks had? It's the Knick's front office that deserves to get fired.
I have no idea lol...so stupid IMO, I liked Lee and they get rid of him....The knicks front office is retarded I think seriously lol and I live in NYC, just so frustrated with their moves over the past 10 years...and I read the big guys dolan etc asked former coach Thomas(who's not even with the knicks anymore) to talk to lebron prior to his decision to join the knicks...why are they asking a former coach that fans hated to do that and not their own people, coaches? lol...

But yeah, did you guys see the fans in Cleveland? lol they were burning his jersey....I can't wait to see the responce when Lebron/Miami come into Cleveland lol.

I do agree with King, my father and friends said the exact same thing...it's still Wade's team, so now Lebron is in there and Wade is thinking oh no way, this guy's not taking my spotlight lol.
Their probably going to throw stuff at Lebron, but I assure you Lebron is going to have a huge game in Clevelands floor lol. It's going to be funny tho, I hear this might even be the 1st game of the 2010/2011 season.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
I think i will buy a LeBron HEAT jersey to always remind Cleveland fans here how fail Cleveland sports are. i love it. Worse sports fans ever!! lmao


I think i will buy a LeBron HEAT jersey to always remind Cleveland fans here how fail Cleveland sports are. i love it. Worse sports fans ever!! lmao
LOL I was gunna do the same thing

I may need to make it a pointing see thus new heat when they visit la. Aswel as my pistons


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I think i will buy a LeBron HEAT jersey to always remind Cleveland fans here how fail Cleveland sports are. i love it. Worse sports fans ever!! lmao
That might be hazardous to your health ^ lol if you do that, or at least be somewhat armed lol



Now on this topic, I think Cleveland fans were just stupid taking the Lebron James thing way too seriously.