It's only dubious to you, because you are not educated on that particular topic.
If someone had told me a decade ago that bulls are color-blind and don't see the color red, I would have called that dubious as well. Up until that point it was alwas sold as if bulls became aggressive, when a matador waved a red flag. But it was then found out that they're color-blind and are triggered by the waving itself.
Well, you still want to consume vitamins :-7 And vitamins are not carbohydrates itself, but are won from foods, which also contain carbohydrates. Vegans also have to take supplements to get micronutrients, which they would otherwise not get from plants alone.
So no, I don't have to modify anything. Humans don't require a single carbohydrate to function properly.
There was a guy, who actually didn't eat anything in over a year:
He only took a couple of supplements like vitamins and sodium, which aid bodily functions.
You see, this is why I don't like arguing anymore with other people. I've done that a lot in the past, but the opposition absolutely never cares. I could now invest a lot of time to carefully seek out all the studies you would need to educate yourself on the topic, since you yourself don't seem to be willing to do it on your own. But chances are high that you would completely ignore everything, read absolutely nothing and stick to your opinion that humans need at least some amount of carbohydrates to function - which as I said multiple times, is simply not true.
Biology and physiology really aren't that complicated on the most basic level :-7
Apes are omnivores. They can eat carbohydrates, if they want. It doesn't mean that they have to to survive. As I said it multiple times: There is no biological / physiological need for humans to consume carbohydrates. However, there is a psychological "need" to consume them. Once you start fasting or you go full keto, you encounter the "keto flu", where you start feeling lethargic and weak. That is your body feeling the side effects of the sugar deprivation. It's the same as if a drug addict stops taking drugs. Sugar is an addiction, like it or not / believe it or not. How you want to perceive that is totally up to you, I don't care. I'm just stating facts.
If you truly are into fitness, then you have most likely heard about the idea that the body can only digest around 30-40 grams of protein within a couple of hours. Which is once again always sold as a reason to eat more small meals through out the day, if you want to build muscle. I hope that you don't believe that, because it's obviously utter nonsense sold to uneducated people in hopes they would buy supplements.
My point is that a lion kills prey, eats everything in one sitting and then might go a couple of days without any food. The same did apply for humans back in the day. They would kill something, eat as much as they had and then then potentially went days without any food. And the human body adapted to that state. The body was running on ketones for energy.
Most people, who are on keto or fast, state that they feel much more energized and alert. Many have sleepless nights, because they have so much energy. I have experienced the same. That is an evolutionary effect, since when you are in a fasted ("starvation") state your body makes you alert, so that you could hunt better.
If you are on keto, you never encounter the mid-day / afternoon slump, which you usually get after lunch - especially if you are older. Don't tell me you haven't had that. I did. But I haven't once I stopped eating carbohydrates.