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Petition to let custom variation in competitive play MK11


In competitive tournaments the event organizers get to dictate that, he can’t lock the options of a tournament holder’s personal copy of the game lmao.
I assume that if there will be an organized tournament structure for MK11, similar to IPS for Injustice 2, WB/NRS will want to have a consistent set of rules to apply to all participating tournaments, just for fairness sake. A TO could certainly still decide to have a tournment and allow custom variations, but it might mean losing "ranked" status.


Do we even know what moves each preset variation is going to have? They may have more than three available to them that suits that variation due to some of them possibly being universal between all variations.


Go over there!
I think I heard in one of the streams (either NRS or K&M) that NRS could create more official variations over time. So while characters may start with 3, more may become available as the game’s balance and meta evolve.

That could be a good compromise. Injustice 2’s custom moves were mostly wasted, not because you couldn’t customize load outs in tournament/ranked play, but because those amazing alternative moves weren’t available at all in any variation since I2 didn’t have variations.

If Scorpion gets a move I absolutely love, I’ll be fine as long as it’s in at least one official variation.


Are you not entertained!?
I think I heard in one of the streams (either NRS or K&M) that NRS could create more official variations over time. So while characters may start with 3, more may become available as the game’s balance and meta evolve.

That could be a good compromise. Injustice 2’s custom moves were mostly wasted, not because you couldn’t customize load outs in tournament/ranked play, but because those amazing alternative moves weren’t available at all in any variation since I2 didn’t have variations.

If Scorpion gets a move I absolutely love, I’ll be fine as long as it’s in at least one official variation.
Why not have both options available?


Life is a block string with no gaps.

Those were cutom names, you can customize even the name of the variation.
So the TOs will all be responsible for changing each name? We'll have to communicate amongst ourselves for which variation we're referring to. The whole thing is just silly when you think about it.


Go over there!
I’d love to have both options available if all possible custom variations were well balanced. But the odds that even the most talented developer could do that is extremely low. If MK11 EVO is dominated by a single imba loadout, then the professional reputation and credibility for MK11 goes down the drain, and it’d take a long time for the franchise to recover. The risk/reward just isn’t worth it IMHO.


Are you not entertained!?
So the TOs will all be responsible for changing each name? We'll have to communicate amongst ourselves for which variation we're referring to. The whole thing is just silly when you think about it.
So here's how I see it. You sit at the console. Choose you char, choose custom variation (which ha a default name that you obviously don't change), press a button and custom specials show up, choose the ones you want, start match. On the loading screen shows which special you picked, loke Inj2. Experienced players willdo this procedure in less than 30 seconds.


I dont want custom variations available even in player matches. Too much customization sometimes kills the joy, makes you obsess over it. These stuff should be absolute, and you should have a plan in loading screen before the match, you shouldnt get surprised by a special they do in a match.

A part of why I dont want custom variations in online is that I dont want to lose to a guy who made his variation name "yourmomXD" as well


I love the idea of customization in tournaments, but:

1.) Character selection (including potential counterpicks)
2.) Variation select (with several potential combinations and possible counterpicks)
3.) Stage select
4.) Button check

Would take forever and a day. My worst fear is that one specific combination of specials would lead to a homogeneous character, but defeat the purpose of customization in tourney anyway.


Are you not entertained!?
I’d love to have both options available if all possible custom variations were well balanced. But the odds that even the most talented developer could do that is extremely low. If MK11 EVO is dominated by a single imba loadout, then the professional reputation and credibility for MK11 goes down the drain, and it’d take a long time for the franchise to recover. The risk/reward just isn’t worth it IMHO.
The issue at hand is to make it available, we'll worry about its viability later. Also have you never seen imba chars before? No difference from a variation.


Are you not entertained!?
I love the idea of customization in tournaments, but:

1.) Character selection (including potential counterpicks)
2.) Variation select (with several potential combinations and possible counterpicks)
3.) Stage select
4.) Button check

Would take forever and a day. My worst fear is that one specific combination of specials would lead to a homogeneous character, but defeat the purpose of customization in tourney anyway.
Atm it's just about making it available, not standard. We'll worry about that later. Presets will still be in the game.


Go over there!
The issue at hand is to make it available, we'll worry about its viability later. Also have you never seen imba chars before? No difference from a variation.
I think you’re underestimating a few things. There’s a big difference between a character being a higher tier than another vs a character having no answer to certain custom load outs. Also how too much emphasis on counter picking can make matches feel predetermined and how that kills esports excitement.

And it’s not as easy as you think to switch back to fixed variations after custom load outs bomb. One horribly imbalanced season or even a single bad major will kill MK11’s launch momentum, and the game’s esports scene could be dead for the rest of its lifecycle.

Every FG has counterpicks, and none are perfectly balanced, but what a lot of us skeptics appreciate is how custom load outs could turn those problems up to 11 (no pun intended).


Life is a block string with no gaps.
I love the idea of customization in tournaments, but:

1.) Character selection (including potential counterpicks)
2.) Variation select (with several potential combinations and possible counterpicks)
3.) Stage select
4.) Button check

Would take forever and a day. My worst fear is that one specific combination of specials would lead to a homogeneous character, but defeat the purpose of customization in tourney anyway.
I really think the time aspect of this is being overplayed (see earlier post about vs games). Arguments for balance are much stronger.


I'll be honest, when I first heard that custom variations didnt look like they were making its way to competitive I was kind of bummed out. After reading some of the responses here I kind of have a change of heart. I mean, with so many different combinations of moves, how many matches would he lost strictly due to character unfamiliarity and not actual skill? If you lost to a character in mk x or injustice 2 due to lack of match up knowledge, it was essentially your fault. If custom variations are a thing, it will be virtually impossible to "do your homework". And I dont think a single best of 5 is enough time to get used to fighting a character. I mean think about it, every match is essentially going to be two people probably playing against something they never played against before. This is quite the opposite of competitive in my opinion. Part of the beauty of fixed variations/characters is that you can lab and know each character and how to deal with them, so it's essentially up to you to know match up knowledge
from just a time standpoint it most likely won't happen. every player customizing their character. then the opponent counter picking then the button checks. Would be a slog to watch. if they can eleimate that part and somehow balance it then sure but I dont see it happening.


from just a time standpoint it most likely won't happen. every player customizing their character. then the opponent counter picking then the button checks. Would be a slog to watch. if they can eleimate that part and somehow balance it then sure but I dont see it happening.
Are you a Vegas Vacation fan? =P


Are you not entertained!?
I'll be honest, when I first heard that custom variations didnt look like they were making its way to competitive I was kind of bummed out. After reading some of the responses here I kind of have a change of heart. I mean, with so many different combinations of moves, how many matches would he lost strictly due to character unfamiliarity and not actual skill? If you lost to a character in mk x or injustice 2 due to lack of match up knowledge, it was essentially your fault. If custom variations are a thing, it will be virtually impossible to "do your homework". And I dont think a single best of 5 is enough time to get used to fighting a character. I mean think about it, every match is essentially going to be two people probably playing against something they never played against before. This is quite the opposite of competitive in my opinion. Part of the beauty of fixed variations/characters is that you can lab and know each character and how to deal with them, so it's essentially up to you to know match up knowledge
I never played Tekken, but I know every character has over 100 strings. It's still competitive and new chars come out every game.


PSN: Cansuela
It’s gonna be a no for me dog.

Balancing and practically speaking this is a nightmare. Tournaments would need two weekends. Totally unrealistic for players to lab basically an infinite amount of matchups. I don’t see how anyone thinks allowing custom variations in competitive play is a good call.

Can you imagine sitting there after each match while someone goes through and debates what special moves to use? It’s bad enough watching someone sit on character select going between variations.

Guys.....custom variations are designed for single player grinding and AI fights and as a diversion for casual players online.

I think people forget that the competitive player base is what...1%, maybe, of the total playerbase.


Are you not entertained!?
Ok, I see the majority here disagree. I'm gonna explain myself one more time and then leave it.
NRS wants to restrict custom variations fron competitive play withing the game. I say they leave the option for the custom variation to be available for competitive play and if it doesn't turn out viable, the community or tournament organizers can ban them and turn to preset variations, which will be in the game regardless. I'm advocating for the custom variation as an available option, not as obligatory.


PSN: Cansuela
Further.....who picks their move set first? Do we go hidden select every time? How many times before a game can you switch it? What if I
Keep in mind, you’d have the same exact advantage.

I guess I find it to be more skillful to win when you don’t know what your opponent is going to do. It makes matches much less predictable, which makes them much more fun. Frame data obsession is just... boring.

Chaos is beauty.
Dude what? The whole point of Fighting games is learning matchups and understanding both your own options and the other players options. That’s like paper rock scissors and all of a sudden your opponent throws “dynamite” and you didn’t even know that’s an option.

Your advocating for the opposite of a balanced and skillful game. I mean, everyone has an opinion, and at the end of the day it’s about fun, but I think you’re suggestion is terrible for competitive play and I would bet you don’t play competitively.

Frame data literally IS fighting games at a high level and what leads to quality play. You’re describing mindless button mashing which is the most boring and skill less thing I can imagine.


i don't understand. so is mk11 just back to being mkx with pre set variations? what happened to difficulty balancing variations