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Rumor: M11K to change combo system.


I've actually never heard that. Actually more of the opposite, that MK wasn't that great gameplay wise, at least competitively, until MK9.
I'm sure it depends on age considering MK2 was way back in '92, but most searches for "Best Mortal Kombat Games" will put MK2 at or near the top with MK9. They are incredibly different games of course.


I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me
Ehhhh idk how I'd feel about this. I just don't see WHY they'd change it. The way things have been working is perfectly fine in terms of the mechanic. I don't see what would be gained by changing the system.

I don't think it's real. I don't know who this shujinkydink dude is so I have no reason to believe what he says. I also hate "I know someone who's an insider" leaks.

From where I'm sitting: A Youtuber's trying to get some views. It might be real, but who knows? We'll see in 5 days.


Hardcore gaming poser.
No friggin' way. They are not going to introduce this game with SF-combos. Imagine the disaster watching tyler fumble around with mileena trying to get frame perfect hits. There is no way that an MK game would get made without reliable 30% combos for everyone. Even in a world where they would make this change, the hit-animations would make it very clear when to press the next buttons and the windows would be large. Most people can easily do raiden cancels and the windows for those are much easier than some of that Karin nonsense in SFV. I'm not worried; regardless of what happens - easy combos are going to be apart of the game.


maybe this is to promote footsies instead of 50/50s while keeping run button in(if it’s true). Sf4 had some flashy as hell combos so dunno what some of you are talking about. That being said... I doubt this.

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
I seriously doubt this rumor. If they actually do tweak it or overhaul it then I think they'll stick to what worked in the past.

Then again this is NRS so there always doing new and innovative things.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I feel like at this point, if NRS changed the chain combos MK is known for it would be equivalent to them changing block to back or ditching the block button all together. It just wouldn't feel like MK.
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Tony at Home

Almost definitely click-bait but I'll entertain it:

I could see this happening honestly but the form it would take would definitely noooooot be anything like Street Fighter's "link" system. Both because NRS always tries to steer towards making the game more accessible, and because it'd be too drastic a change to what hit stun means in Mortal Kombat (Imagine being able to link any +12 d3 into a full combo)

The dial-a-combo system allows you to put in inputs as fast as you'd like without worrying about timing. However it does mean you are required to input the next part of the string BEFORE the start of recovery frames for the previous part of the strings. Newbies have historically had issues with this (though nowhere near the issues they have with the SF link system) because certain fast strings can be difficult to mash out, and certain hit confirms off two hit strings become very difficult.

Most other games like DBFZ, Soul Calibur, Tekken, DoA (pretty much any fighter that doesn't use links as a basis) conversely don't allow you to input strings as fast as possible and still come out- however they allow you to input each part of a string into the next anywhere from the startup up until a good portion of the recovery window of the previous move. So even very fast strings are easy to mash out without much speed, and you almost never have a two hit string that you can't easily confirm the third hit off of.

All that said, I'd be bummed about them moving away from dial-a-combo. But if they moved to the traditional string system (NOT links), I'd be fine with it. The big consequence of this though- pretty much every character would likely have good staggers. Whereas with dial a combo a character uniquely had to have a low recovery window to have an effective stagger.


Smoke & Noob & Rain
Let's indeed entertain the idea that the combo system will be different:

MK11 running on a new engine might have caused some problems? Maybe something NRS wasn't familiar with, so that they had to change things up differently to adjust to the engine. But I highly, highly doubt that they would have issues with the Unreal Engine 4. The engine has been out for a couple of years now - enough time to adjust to it on the side.

And NRS changing the combo system for the hell of it and just to switch things up... That's way too big of a change, which could potentially not only alienate core players, but also scare off casuals. The NRS combo system is very casual pleasing IMO. Easier to grasp and execute, but also prettier to watch than something like Street Fighter.


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
I wouldn't mind it, if it's like Guilty Gears or Blazblue latest games (GGXrd Rev2 and BBCF). If it's like Street Fighter, then I don't think I should be seriously playing it.


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
If it's not in the game no big deal. If it's in the game we'll adapt. No point using it as an emotional crutch to how you want the game to be instead of getting busy trying to figure out the game engine etc. You'll just end up getting left behind and have to catch up that much more after (not trying to single anyone out, just speaking in general terms)


Stay focused or get Caged
If they change the system to a SF-based one, I'm not playing the game.

Might buy it for collector purposes, but I'm not sticking with a system that I tried many times and know for sure that I don't like, at all.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Though im sure this is just a rumor, both systems are good. Yall need to play more games. The only thing i wanna add is that since target combos might be better for mashing and mk is the fighting game representative for the casual audience, the combination would work
We all play more games, but i like my Mortal Kombat with Dial system, if i want to play something like Street Fighter i play Street Fighter, or KOF.


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
I dunno... one of the things I really don't like about SF is the gameplay. And if you don't like the gameplay of a game, especially when speaking of fighting games, then what reason is there to play it?
To each their own. They certainly can't force you to like something. I'm keeping an open mind at the moment, I have no idea if I will like it or not. But if I want to keep playing it and keep playing my friends who play it, then I will at some point just have to bite the bullet, or just not play it.

edit: jesus, that was worded terribly, but you get my drift. Gonna go get a cup of coffee now


To each their own. They certainly can't force you to like something. I'm keeping an open mind at the moment, I have no idea if I will like it or not. But if I want to keep playing it and keep playing my friends who play it, then I will at some point just have to bite the bullet, or just not play it.

edit: jesus, that was worded terribly, but you get my drift. Gonna go get a cup of coffee now
Don't worry, I get what you meant. :p
Because it's Mortal Kombat, I'll give it a chance. I love the franchise! But if I ultimately end up not liking the gameplay, then it'll be hard for me to continue playing it. :/


"You won't winter over?" Who the fuck wrote that?
I really don't see them drastically changing such a core component in the game, but I've been wrong before. I would much rather have the strings I'm used to than the linking in sf.
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draxx them sklounst
Yeah, i just can't see this happening. It's too integral to the series' identity, or hell, even nrs' identity as a whole.

that said, if it does happen, i for one will be pretty open to it

but it won't so who cares


Use only logic, please
Here is what I posted on YouTube:

I love this idea! I hope it's true! If they do that, they need to allow you to choose between the two styles. During the character select screen you could choose traditional style MK or Advanced for players like me who love Street fighter controls. There's a bit more customization and less memorization with Street Fighter combos since the combos are not predefined for you. But there is also joy with the simplicity of MK controls once you memorize the different strings.

One caveat to MK combo strings is that if you haven't played the game for a while, it's tough to come back and play a character that you used to be good at because you may not remember the sequence of the combo strings. That's never the case with Street Fighter controls. If you have learned how to buffer a fire ball motion from a normal move, you are good to go and can more easily jump back in the game.