I'd like to make a case that we often forget to play games for fun.
Aside from having a departure for other reasons, one of the things I'm trying to explore again is the basic enjoyment I once felt from playing. There are a number of top players in our scene that have expressed this frustration on Twitter recently. This is something that must be continually investigated to make it worthwhile. Yes, this is a site dedicated to the competitive nature of MK and INJ but it is evident that we take it too far. The debate of competitive vs casual is one that strikes a nerve when a game is hot because it affects balancing but balancing isn't everything. It doesn't dictate if a game is worth playing. Now, of course, it is one of the major tenets of game enjoyment, but it isn't the sole reason, nor should it be. I find it a bit ridiculous to see claims of people falling out of a game for just one reason when it reality it is more than one, whether the person in question knows it or not. Such claims give rise to the 'just one more patch' mentality. Playing games because they are fun is one of the strongest positions and mindsets of a thriving community.
How can we do this? I'm not so sure, I'm still trying to find out myself. But it is a discussion that we should all have among each other and ourselves for sure. We should lay out a few strategies and come to agree on a few things instead of just dropping likes here and there, otherwise some great points made for (but not limited to) lack of leadership, community attitude, advertising, lack of support/updates, all become just plain noise. With no announcement of MK11, it is a great time to explore a new kind of innovation for our game(s), which we can then bring to that game when it comes.