You know it's funny. I remember SRK used to have endless threads about this very same thing years ago. But the MK community not so much. Tekken community hardly a peep. The good folks over at 8way a lil. But now... Seriously you guys have it made... And your laying in it.
There used to be debates on which was better 2D of 3D. The death of cabinets and shitty online. Ect.
Now you have that good netcode. Everyone and any one can pick up the game and play.
Its 2D again with great graphics compared to 10 or 15 years ago.
Growing competitive scenes both online and off.
Real rewards you can hold in your hands for being great at a game.
The fact you don't have to wait for years in-between your chooen developer to drop games since the last release is still good and you can still do everything said above.
And much more.
Hell for the LONGEST TIME people would ask or speculate what sort of new game would then at the time Midway & Boon would make besides great MK titles for fighting game fans. And he did! But I don't remember this much bitching about it. Back then people played it. Love it or hate it but people where just plan happy to play any fighter because it was there. So now the community has it's cake and much much more and is eating it too and still it's not enough.
Twitter, TYM, discord, Reddit, SRK, and other fourms are out there to talk about the game. Plan out Match making. Talk tech, shitpost, go deep into the lore, create content and basically communicate across the globe from one to another about the games and do whatever both casullly and competitively in more ways than one now more than ever.
But instead of actually pausing for a sec and asking yourself, why do I like fighters anyways and so what do I care about a streamer, "community leaders", poster, pro player or casual thinks I'm going to play my fighter because I like it and not give a shit about some poll or other person thinks because I like fighters and I'll play them.
Some said it before.
Entitlement. Not just the community because its more then a site, cliques or a game.
Spoliled as well.