Besides that, I'm kind of debating with myself if I want to get this subscription service. I'm not sure Titans will do it for me but I adored Young Justice so I obviously have to watch that at some point. I'm curious how successful this service is going to be. I think it's asking a lot from consumers and there's gonna be people pirating the shit of of those shows.
I have much the same thoughts. I would like to see Young Justice, but not sure I would sub to a entire service for that, and I'm not super interested in watching a ton of old stuff form 20 years ago.. I probably own most of it already anyway.
It really depends. If they release it like Netflix, all in a single go. I'[ll probably sub while I watch it all and possibly a while after while I check out the other content, then unsub. If it is released 1 episode a week, I'll probably just download it form the net.
Superhero movies above all else should be fun
Not sure I agree with that. Movies and stories in general need to be entertaining. Snatch is a Gangster film that is "fun". American Gangster is a gangster film that is not fun, but still entertaining and very good imo. So all a hero film needs to be is entertaining, it doesn't need to be fun at all.
Personally, despite the recent problematic WB films.. I would much rather stuff like Logan that is ultra-violent and adult and dark, than a bubble gum children's cartoon done in live action like many of the Disney films.
That is why I am interested in the new X-Men films. I mean New Mutants is basically a horror film, Logan is arguably (by me at least) one of it not the best comic soup film of the modern era and while Apocalypse had problems it still had adult themes, blood and brutal murders, and lets not forget Deadpool (at least 1 anyway). That is all good. I actually think the X-Men films are the most interesting films for adult comic readers at this time.
I absolutely hate the modern "bloodless violence" that is a big part of hollywood.. like Fast and Furious or the Disney Marvel films. I actually think the PG rating is a big part of why kids get so desensitised to violence. I mean in Thor 3 they stab people left and right, cut limbs off and there is no blood. I hate that shit. I mean you may gte a bleeding lip or something or some blue blood now and then but it is fuckign pathetic.
edit - reading that back it came off a little harsher.. I do like some of the Disney movies.. but I much prefer darker stuff.
My entire decision on whether or not I get the streaming service is if the Swamp Thing trailer
Doom Patrol for me. The Grant Morison run of Doom Patrol is one of the best runs in comic history. I can't even begin to imagine what a show done well, taking ques from that comic, would lead to.