that already announced the new Fallout game a few days ago... it is some kind of mmo type thing. Fallout 76.Almost forgot about Bethesda. An Elder Scrolls or Fallout game is unlikely.
I know, I saw it. I made that post in May.that already announced the new Fallout game a few days ago... it is some kind of mmo type thing. Fallout 76.
You do not think that they will talk aboit Fallout in e3 even though it has already been spoiled with a teasterI know, I saw it. I made that post in May.they already announced the new Fallout game a few days ago... it is some kind of mmo type thing. Fallout 76.An Elder Scrolls or Fallout game is unlikely.
You know gamers in general tend to be over the top and give companies a hard time but god damn I'm so with you. EA does the scummiest shit and they've been leading that charge of milking the consumer for over a decade.EA are fucking crooks and I refuse to buy any of their shit.
Command and conquer 4 scrapped all resource management and base building. You literally have a mobile base that did everything and u just spammed troops. There wasnt any tiberium gathering as far as I remember. Id played every command and conquer like 5 times through and I didn't get past the second mission of cnc 4 before I legitimately binned it in angerYou know what, as tempting as it is to say that the rot started with EA (and it did), damn, Generals was a superb game. I grew up with C&C & RA back in the 90s, and then played TS and RA2, so I went through them in order - even played a bit of Renegade, including the RA mod for it - but Generals with Zero Hour and the Shockwave mod is certainly one of my favourite games in the series. I don't know if anyone here has played Shockwave, but I'd certainly count it among the best mods ever made, purely in terms of ideas, quality, and consistency with the base game. If you've played it you'll know what I mean.
C&C3 wasn't bad either, to be fair, but I am told C&C4 is one of the worst games ever, and it certainly appears to have killed the franchise. What's happening now is just... well, really sad. They're scraping below where the bottom of the barrel used to be.
Microsoft - 5 h 45 mAnyone knows what will be the Conferences today?
If so - how many HRS from now? Thanks.
You know its easier to check this stuff by using Google right?Anyone knows what will be the Conferences today?
If so - how many HRS from now? Thanks.
You know its easer to simply do not reply if you dont even intend to help right?You know its easier to check this stuff by using Google right?