Confused Thanagarian

In preparation for the WoTG finale, Saturday Stream.me hosted another Kombat Cup, a one day MKX tourney for people to show that they didn't forget their Kitana BnBs. Starting with over a hundred players, things finally came down to Yungmonster12 and Noble Tweedy, the latter securing another notch in Noble's Stream.me wins.
And tonight he'll have another chance to score some money and fame. The WoTG season finale is going down tonight at 4EST, you can see the Top 8 finalists here. If you want to relive some of the best moments from this season, Mr. Aquaman and Echo are in the studio right now reminiscing and you can jump in the chat with them over here. Tonight's the night where Noble Semiij will either secure his dominance or be dethroned as the WoTG champ, don't miss it!