Rushdown (keeping an opponent inside a certain distance via pressure and spacing)
1,1 - 12f execution; good range for both hits; first hit whiffs on ducking opponent; can be hit-confirmed on first hit into Spear or cancelled into Takedown.
3,3 - 10f execution; decent range for both hits; both hits hit ducking opponents; can be hit-confirmed on first hit into Spear or cancelled into Takedown.
2,1 - 12f execution; great range for both hits; first hit whiffs on ducking opponent; can be hit-confirmed on first hit into Spear, cancelled into Takedown, or finished with 2.
D1 - 6f execution
Takedown - 21f execution; terrible range and hitbox to be used by itself; safe on block; keeps you close to opponent on block; on hit can set up okizeme opportunities.
Rushdown with Scorpion is pretty straight-forward. Pressure strings cancelled into Takedown build a good chunk of meter. 1,1 and 3,3 should be your go-to pressure strings, but 2,1 receives a notable mention since it gives Scorpion a safe 50/50 in exchange for damage and a reset. All pressure strings can be cancelled into Spear for a combo. D1 can be used as a frame trap after Takedown.
Zoning (keeping an opponent outside a certain distance via pressure and spacing)
Demon Fire - 22f execution; unblockable; tracking; whiffs on airborne opponents; unsafe on whiff
Teleport - 33-35f execution; can lead into an AA Vortex setup; unsafe on block
Spear - 13-34f execution; can lead into an AA Vortex setup; very unsafe on whiff; unsafe on block
D4 - 10f execution
Zoning with Scorpion is a bit tricky, and certainly not his strongest aspect. Against opponents who cannot read the Scorpion player, Demon Fire baiting into an AA Spear will work better. However, if the opponent can make reads based on the motion used for (B,B v D,B), then footsie D,B into either Demon Fire or Teleport. D4 has absurd range for a poke, and can push your opponent out of their comfort zone.
Turtling (proactively or reactively eliminating an opponent's options and punishing their mistakes)
EN Demon Fire - 22f execution; unblockable; tracking; OTGs; taller hitbox (will catch jumping opponents); unsafe on whiff
EN Spear - 13-34f execution; can lead into an AA Vortex setup; very unsafe on whiff; unsafe on block; one hit of super armor while executing
EN Takedown - 21f execution; travels farther; has super armor while executing
EN Teleport - 33-35f execution; good advantage on block; can lead to a juggle in the corner
F2,1xxTeleport - AA and Mix-Up Vortex setup finisher; Allows for a safe ji.P or jx.P; negates wake-up opportunities for the opponent.
F4,3xxSpear - BnB Vortex setup finisher; Allows for a Mix-Up Vortex set-up afterwards; negates wake-up opportunities for the opponent.
D3 - 7f execution
Turtling is probably where Scorpion excels the most. EN Demon Fire negates wake-ups, though it should be rarely used as such. EN Spear reactively punishes zoning, while EN Takedown proactively punishes zoning (i.o.w. EN Takedown is better for getting in for rushdown, particularly against mid-range zoners). EN Teleport can escape the corner and allow Scorpion to rushdown. F2,1xxTeleport and F4,3xxSpear,D3 both negate wake-ups.