The whole experience of logging on and getting in to a match needs fixed. That said, on PC I haven't had any trouble finding matches via the rings with buddies. We both log in, then talk to the fat man at the bottom of the map and choose the same region, then same lobby, then we see each other. I'm absolutely not saying people aren't having serious trouble, simply that for whatever weird reason I haven't had any issues with that aspect.
However, ranked takes too goddamn long to queue and find matches. Haven't played it much so can't say a lot here, and never bothered with anything but ring and ranked.
What needs to happen is the ability to host a private lobby, ala BB and invite people directly to it from your friends list, have the little arcade cabinet setup like BB has, and allow some lobbies to stay on all the time if the host stays on,with the ability to search for and join lobbies. Imagine, for example, if I hosted a TYM lobby, with a password. You guys want to play, you log on, search by name and enter the PW and viola , you enter the lobby with anyone else online. And each of these lobbies would have ranked and training mode and everything else. It would allow us all to play the game and foster communities of players. Maybe I'm on and in training mode and get a little popup that says Juggs came into the lobby,and jbeezy is already there grinding ranked etc etc.
I think the lobby system has huge potential, but getting in to a match with a friend of just s random should be extremely fast and intuitive.
Oh well, it's frustrating now, but I think they are over-whelmed with the popularity and I'd absolutely expect fixes.