Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
Basically, government regulation that prevents ISP's from charging people differently or providing different service(throttling) depending on what the actual content of your internet usage is. Without it, ISP's could potentially provide different service or charge more if you were gaming or more extreme things like streaming illegal porn.hi, im not from USA, can u explain me what this net neutrality is?
They would still be under public pressure depending on what they do with this freedom but ISP's (in the US anyway) are huge and in a lot of places(more rural typically) there is only one provider avaiable which means there's no alternate choice if they decided to be asshats.
Arguments against are mostly about how ISP's could influence or even control access to certain content if they wish which could potentially be horrendous for internet freedom compared to what we have now. Arguments for tend to focus on the monetary benefits for ISP's would get which could lead to cheaper internet service, more varied plans, etc.
It's a really complex issue but that's the gist of it from what I understand.