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Red Hood General Discussion


Aqua Hood
How's everyone playing the neutral? This character's footsies suck because of his walk speed and everyone keeps mashing d1 on you. :/
I tend to zone with him a bit using stars, trait gun shot, air guns, and mine. Try to get them as close to the corner as possible to land a trait throw and put them in the corner, or mb roll to switch sides. Then go in from there


How's everyone playing the neutral? This character's footsies suck because of his walk speed and everyone keeps mashing d1 on you. :/
B1 3, I think that's the string, has darkseid Hit box properties


F2 1


I'm tipsy notations may be wrong but if u play RH u should know what I'm talking about


MB low mine is nowhere near a real mix up for those still wondering. It's pretty obvious but I figured i'd post, just in case. So you can't do like f21 or f2 mb low mine. They'll react, as it's over 30 frames until it detonates. Not sure what it is exactly since there's no frame data on it.
Hey guys here's some match footage of me vs a good Firestorm. I played kind of sloppy as it was my first time playing him vs a real opponent...


bad at things
not at the lab to test, but can he use df3 as an option select to get over crossover jumps?

like for instance, batman is on the right side and does a blocked b11xTrait cancel for plus frames, then goes for a jump over to crossup -- 1) can red hood mash out a df3 in time and if so, 2) does both fwd and back dive avoid the hit?
The timing is weird. There are kinds two ways I've found to do it..

You can hit the 33 really quickly after doing in to trait, then about when the second hit of the animation plays out, hit 2, then about in the middle of it's animation, hit your ender, be it D2 or throw.

The second way I've found is to keep s kind of rhythm. 3~3~2~Ender. You don't mash it out, or go particularly slow, it's like a metronome with an even pause between each hit.

I had trouble with it as well, but started to do 33 slight pause 2 slight pause ender.
Thanks man! That advice really helped.

I'm really enjoying this character though I haven't had a chance to spend more than an hour with him.

Da Tac0

GT: C88 Taco
So how much success is everyone having online with his mine set ups midscreen and corner. Would love to read some indepth experiences.


Beware my power, Red Lantern's Light
So how much success is everyone having online with his mine set ups midscreen and corner. Would love to read some indepth experiences.
Im having a ton of success with them until they start delaying their wakeup but its okay, I have answers for that once ive conditioned them to it. I have even greater success when used off background bounces since its a hkd and I can loop it most of the time.

I don't use 112 since its not plus enough to do anything with (ive had players just jump out free). I use F23 and see if they like to delay, tech, or wakeup. I have answers for all of them and some cover multiple options. Even made some people so scared and I knew they would panic wakeup, so I parried their wakeup!


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
Did testing against Supergirl's super. If they don't tech roll, we can get a free db3 after b13 as a combo ender. That said, I'm starting to think 323 is the way to go since it is a HDK while the opponent is airborne with larger hit adv. than 112.



I think Inflames posted about it on twitter. When you throw a mine after a meterburn throw, it's a really advantageous situation for red hood. You can do df3 mb or air akimbo for a htb, you can watch and see what they want to do, you can immeditaly mb it and blow it up if you think they'll try to move.

You gotta get a little tricky to stop double backdashing and forward jumps. I have some methods but they aren't fullproof, and I didn't want to wait to post about this, so you guys can dabble with it, if you aren't already.
Question: should the hidden bomb gear special have been part of his original moveset? I feel like it becomes absolutely game changing for his combo potential, and makes zoners think twice from max range of the lunge. I think once people start to see that some of the MB mine setups are gimmicks then this gear move will have to be part of the default moves, as it'll be hard to combo off of anything midscreen. Please let me know if I'm just full of shit bc i really want to learn!


Question: should the hidden bomb gear special have been part of his original moveset? I feel like it becomes absolutely game changing for his combo potential, and makes zoners think twice from max range of the lunge. I think once people start to see that some of the MB mine setups are gimmicks then this gear move will have to be part of the default moves, as it'll be hard to combo off of anything midscreen. Please let me know if I'm just full of shit bc i really want to learn!
I only see them adding gear moves to a toons default if they end up being shit tier, I don't think red hood is shit tier so I'm guessing he won't get it.

Who knows tho, u never know with NRS look at commando kano vs his vanilla just as 1 example.


Retired forever; don’t ask for games.
Question: should the hidden bomb gear special have been part of his original moveset? I feel like it becomes absolutely game changing for his combo potential, and makes zoners think twice from max range of the lunge. I think once people start to see that some of the MB mine setups are gimmicks then this gear move will have to be part of the default moves, as it'll be hard to combo off of anything midscreen. Please let me know if I'm just full of shit bc i really want to learn!
The move already travels fullscreen. Giving it that property would make it too good for what it already does