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Red Hood General Discussion


bye felicia
Are you shitting me you had to re download the whole fucking game? How has this not been addressed by nrs?? Wow
I would wager because its being discussed in status updates on TYM instead of the WB forums and support tickets where their guys look.


Live by the sword, Die by the sword
Are you shitting me you had to re download the whole fucking game? How has this not been addressed by nrs?? Wow

I have the disk, I had to delete the game showing up on my ps4 and re-download it. Just the additional content to the disk. Still took an hour to wait for it to be done, then had to restart my ps4 just for him to show up.

And I did everything Nrs, posters, etc said you had to do for him to show up.

And I preorder the ultimate edition btw.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
launch igau 2

go to in game store (via extras menu)

go to characters

"Red Hood"

hit dat motha fuckin confirm button


Rekka man is unlocked!!!

*process is the same as it was in mkx and igau*


Mine was weird. I booted up the game. Same character select no red hood. So I went to the store, there he was, so I purchased him (it was free since I have paid for the characters) and even after restarting the game, same character select and no red hood.

Eventually after just saying "screw it" I decided I would try to play a ranked match or two before I turned the game off and did some other stuff, got put into a match with a guy and the character select screen was now the updated one. The game got disconnected due to "desynchronizing" so then I went to offline and decided I would practice some combos and bam, new select screen with the character lol


I'm with you on this. The timing is oddball to me.

So, initial impressions from a purely training mode standpoint. Good forward walk speed and decent strings with that lovely lovely advancing low and decent advancing high/mid that can be used on whiff, along with natural options for movement makes me think he's got a solid neutral. He doesn't feel like he's ATROCITUS YOU DONT GET TO NEUTRAL good but more than solid. Nice counter zoning stuff, some functional zoning tools of his own. At least so far , I don't think he seems particularly disadvantaged at any screen position with good options to control his own space and to get in to that space efficiently.

I was worried at first about damage but less so now. Some of the combos coming out if the community here are perfectly reasonable damage. It's not best in game or any kind of Earth shatteringly high damage, but it's not what I'd think of as low either. Just solid.

He seems to have some setup potential.. with trait into mb throw being + enough that it seems like you get a guaranteed f3 (B3 as well?) And 112 x mine enders, As well as vortex-y restand stuff midscreen, he feels like a character that's going to want to have couple bars on deck when he really engages, to enforce his restand stuff while still doing respectable damage. Backdashes catch his mine stuff outside the corner, but perhaps we'll find ways around that..*

I will say not having the MB gun throw move is extremely sad, and I will also say that having the ability to MB the lunge into s bomb launch (an ability you get at lv20) being attached to gear is additionally sad because these are two very cool abilities, but hey, it's how it is, and I honestly live under the belief that we could see abilities introduced into tournaments one day with some system reworks., So fingers crossed, maybe.

Overall , he's 100% my new main. I like his kit and I like his character (minus the edgelord stuff). I like that as a gameplan it's looking like I can focus on different things, more.keepaway heavy, or raw damage, or setup/reset based, or everything. He looks like he has depth and the Red Hood of today is not as strong and optimized as the Red Hood of tomorrow or next week.

I have high hopes. Now, trying to place a character in a tier list when they aren't 24hrs old is little more than folly, but based on initial impressions, I feel like he's on the stronger side. No way to put s letter or number to it, but he feels strong to me. Not oppressive or insanely strong, but stout.

* Just curious, has anyone tried like, 112 x mine, jump Forward to deal with backdash? You drop the mine and get in the air where you can try to tag them as they backdash, or hit the air gunshot possibly? I know the idea is a setup that doesn't require us to hard read the opponents wakeup, but covers all options more or less, but I didn't know if the timing would allow for anything like that. Shrug.
Well said agree 100%


Unicorn Papi
Paid 100 for this game to compete and I get the big FU by NRS to DL my fav DC character of all time.... Reinstalled the game and everything fucking nothing smh I hate this shit but all I play is trash ass Red Hoods smh


It's all so very confusing.
So, I'm fully prepared to get teased for this, but...

What's the deal with the strings after trait? The timing seems weird and I can't get them out consistently. Is it just me and you can dial them in like normal strings or do they behave differently?
The timing is weird. There are kinds two ways I've found to do it..

You can hit the 33 really quickly after doing in to trait, then about when the second hit of the animation plays out, hit 2, then about in the middle of it's animation, hit your ender, be it D2 or throw.

The second way I've found is to keep s kind of rhythm. 3~3~2~Ender. You don't mash it out, or go particularly slow, it's like a metronome with an even pause between each hit.

I had trouble with it as well, but started to do 33 slight pause 2 slight pause ender.


It's all so very confusing.
Paid 100 for this game to compete and I get the big FU by NRS to DL my fav DC character of all time.... Reinstalled the game and everything fucking nothing smh I hate this shit but all I play is trash ass Red Hoods smh
If you're on ps4, there are a couple ways to do this, but I think you're overthinking this.. People started reinstalling the game before really looking at what was wrong..

I had the fighter pack and it said it was installed/downloaded and working, but no Hood, because HE wasn't downloaded and installed.

Again, couple ways to go about this, but try going to PS Store and go to search. Type in Injustice 2 Red Hood. He should pop up in the list. Click him, and choose Install.

That worked for me and that it something similar to it has worked for everyone that's had this issue that's tried it, as far as I've heard. The problem is that the Fighter/Ultimate/Whatever editions are downloaded, but the character itself isn't. It's dumb and I assume an oversight of some kind, but just look for Red Hood himself and try it that way. Hopefully that will work for you.


Unicorn Papi
If you're on ps4, there are a couple ways to do this, but I think you're overthinking this.. People started reinstalling the game before really looking at what was wrong..

I had the fighter pack and it said it was installed/downloaded and working, but no Hood, because HE wasn't downloaded and installed.

Again, couple ways to go about this, but try going to PS Store and go to search. Type in Injustice 2 Red Hood. He should pop up in the list. Click him, and choose Install.

That worked for me and that it something similar to it has worked for everyone that's had this issue that's tried it, as far as I've heard. The problem is that the Fighter/Ultimate/Whatever editions are downloaded, but the character itself isn't. It's dumb and I assume an oversight of some kind, but just look for Red Hood himself and try it that way. Hopefully that will work for you.
Going into the PS store and dl him worked, thank you bro I was ready TO SNAP AND CALL CUSTOMER SERVICE I appreciate it


I'm a little disappointed in some stuff but I realize that no character is made just for me. He's definitely not the 6 out of 8 in top 8 ermagerd broke dlc we get sometimes. Could be really strong, tho.


What's his wake-up options? I tried him online and nothing felt safe
I play him like he doesn't have one tbh. His back roll has invincibility frames but it's pretty bad imo. If they end with something that isn't super advantageous, like Aquaman's f2, it works. A good knockdown and proper meaty will destroy it tho.

Then again Aquaman can just react to you doing it and ftd. Bad example.


Scrubby nice guy
I'm a little disappointed in some stuff but I realize that no character is made just for me. He's definitely not the 6 out of 8 in top 8 ermagerd broke dlc we get sometimes. Could be really strong, tho.
Made for you? I'm really curious what do u mean.


Unicorn Papi
I've only played him for like 3 hours.... he's not amazing but he's fun and the setup game has yet to be explored/established but I'm loyal to the hood so I can really care less, we gonna make him work! Lab all day tomorrow...


Unicorn Papi
I play him like he doesn't have one tbh. His back roll has invincibility frames but it's pretty bad imo. If they end with something that isn't super advantageous, like Aquaman's f2, it works. A good knockdown and proper meaty will destroy it tho.

Then again Aquaman can just react to you doing it and ftd. Bad example.
Glad to see you play him hope to learn a lot from you especially on stream


The timing is weird. There are kinds two ways I've found to do it..

You can hit the 33 really quickly after doing in to trait, then about when the second hit of the animation plays out, hit 2, then about in the middle of it's animation, hit your ender, be it D2 or throw.

The second way I've found is to keep s kind of rhythm. 3~3~2~Ender. You don't mash it out, or go particularly slow, it's like a metronome with an even pause between each hit.

I had trouble with it as well, but started to do 33 slight pause 2 slight pause ender.

U can pretty much dial in 332, the 4th hit (ender) has a delay, u gotta wait until the 2nd hit is ending if that makes sense. While in trait u can not mash, your execution needs to be 100, If u do 3332, then it'll end at 33 and 2 will not come out.