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Red Hood General Discussion


Proud follower of the church of Cetrion
What did you guys do for mid screen bnbs. Right now I'm doing starter mb bomb b3 j3 f23 trait 332u2 for the knockdown but my max damage is starter mb bomb b3 j3 j3 air guns


Everyone Has A Path
I'm having a hard time comboing 32xx4, 332 1+3 after wallbounce. They always land right before the grab comes out. I can combo into 332d2 just fine though. The damage difference is almost negligible, but I'd like the opportunity to side switch


Is it me or does 4 332 feel really weird to input.

Like sometimes the 33(2) doesnt come out
Yeah I noticed that it felt weird trying to activate his trait after a combo pushing 332. I guess I was just pushing it to fast. I'm going to try again after I get off work.


It's all so very confusing.
Is it me or does 4 332 feel really weird to input.

Like sometimes the 33(2) doesnt come out

I'm with you on this. The timing is oddball to me.

So, initial impressions from a purely training mode standpoint. Good forward walk speed and decent strings with that lovely lovely advancing low and decent advancing high/mid that can be used on whiff, along with natural options for movement makes me think he's got a solid neutral. He doesn't feel like he's ATROCITUS YOU DONT GET TO NEUTRAL good but more than solid. Nice counter zoning stuff, some functional zoning tools of his own. At least so far , I don't think he seems particularly disadvantaged at any screen position with good options to control his own space and to get in to that space efficiently.

I was worried at first about damage but less so now. Some of the combos coming out if the community here are perfectly reasonable damage. It's not best in game or any kind of Earth shatteringly high damage, but it's not what I'd think of as low either. Just solid.

He seems to have some setup potential.. with trait into mb throw being + enough that it seems like you get a guaranteed f3 (B3 as well?) And 112 x mine enders, As well as vortex-y restand stuff midscreen, he feels like a character that's going to want to have couple bars on deck when he really engages, to enforce his restand stuff while still doing respectable damage. Backdashes catch his mine stuff outside the corner, but perhaps we'll find ways around that..*

I will say not having the MB gun throw move is extremely sad, and I will also say that having the ability to MB the lunge into s bomb launch (an ability you get at lv20) being attached to gear is additionally sad because these are two very cool abilities, but hey, it's how it is, and I honestly live under the belief that we could see abilities introduced into tournaments one day with some system reworks., So fingers crossed, maybe.

Overall , he's 100% my new main. I like his kit and I like his character (minus the edgelord stuff). I like that as a gameplan it's looking like I can focus on different things, more.keepaway heavy, or raw damage, or setup/reset based, or everything. He looks like he has depth and the Red Hood of today is not as strong and optimized as the Red Hood of tomorrow or next week.

I have high hopes. Now, trying to place a character in a tier list when they aren't 24hrs old is little more than folly, but based on initial impressions, I feel like he's on the stronger side. No way to put s letter or number to it, but he feels strong to me. Not oppressive or insanely strong, but stout.

* Just curious, has anyone tried like, 112 x mine, jump Forward to deal with backdash? You drop the mine and get in the air where you can try to tag them as they backdash, or hit the air gunshot possibly? I know the idea is a setup that doesn't require us to hard read the opponents wakeup, but covers all options more or less, but I didn't know if the timing would allow for anything like that. Shrug.


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
His design is pretty interesting, having a lot more fun then I thought I would.

He feels solid, I wouldn't be surprised to see him turning out really good with his mobility, versatility and setups.


It's all so very confusing.
I got this at lvl 10. But I agree with the rest of your post, I wish they were part of his base set because I love the swag they give
Gotcha, I just powered to 20 so didn't really know when I got the ability lol.

I will probably end up learning some combos with those moves eventually, once I have his basic stuff down, just to pull them out on occasion and swag my way through s gear match or KOTH once in a while.


Aqua Hood
Gotcha, I just powered to 20 so didn't really know when I got the ability lol.

I will probably end up learning some combos with those moves eventually, once I have his basic stuff down, just to pull them out on occasion and swag my way through s gear match or KOTH once in a while.
The MB lunge bomb leads to some really good damage as far as I can tell lol. I'll just have a load out with it ready if someone doesn't turn off competitive mode

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
best bnb off f23 is f23 close mine MB b3 j3 f23xx43321+3
after b3 j3 do f23 into trait string and throw. gets 343 damage on superman. best 1 bar bnb so far that ive found..

also b13 is amazing it has crazy range comes out on whiff and its +2 on block so feel free to throw it out


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Not sure if people are still struggling, but if so, I figured I would make this thread to help. This is what my process was. (I have the Ult Edition btw)

Went to the PSN store and searched "Red Hood". It came up under "Injustice 2" and I downloded him from there.

After that, I loaded the game. He wasn't selectable but I coukd customize him from the character customization menu.

I went to the Multiverse, and played his first mission. To use him, I went to random and pressed "2" then random select. It selected Swamp thing but when the match started I was Red Hood.

Upon completing the series of fights, I got gear for him and equipped them.

Then I reset the game. He still wasn't selectable.

After this, I let the Main Menu go to the cinematic fights and then pressed a button. Upon returning to the Main Menu, an Icon popped up saying something about Red Hood being available. But he still wasn't at the character select screen.

So I reset the game one last time, and finally he was playable.

Not sure why it took all these random steps, but it worked out in the end. Hope this helps.
So, I'm fully prepared to get teased for this, but...

What's the deal with the strings after trait? The timing seems weird and I can't get them out consistently. Is it just me and you can dial them in like normal strings or do they behave differently?


Live by the sword, Die by the sword
I had to delete the game re-download it after an hour and the restart it just so he shows up.

Please don't make me go through this again for the next dlc...


I had to delete the game re-download it after an hour and the restart it just so he shows up.

Please don't make me go through this again for the next dlc...
Are you shitting me you had to re download the whole fucking game? How has this not been addressed by nrs?? Wow


bye felicia
I haven't bought the Pack, but my levels still reset from time to time and I always have to specifically close the app, then boot my system to get it to behave again.