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Tekken 7 General Discussion Thread - OP Updated With All Tekken Info

So far, I really enjoy the game but the netcode leaves more to be desired on the xbox. I don't know how I search for 4 bars only and get a lag filled mess. Fortunately they seem determined to fix it. Issues aside, I am having fun a blast learning the game, tried Dragunov a little bit and he fit like a glove. I might lab him up more and see how well I do with him.


Dojo Trainee
Kazuya has 2 versions of the electric because of his mist step. F,n, df2 and f,n,d,df2

Mist step electric = PEWGF. 13 frame electric with fastest possible execution. Regular crouchdash electric is 14 frames with fastest possible execution. @Gofer_MK
Been long tie since I have played Tekken, time to beat myself into shape, and get the knowledge.xD


So far, I really enjoy the game but the netcode leaves more to be desired on the xbox. I don't know how I search for 4 bars only and get a lag filled mess. Fortunately they seem determined to fix it. Issues aside, I am having fun a blast learning the game, tried Dragunov a little bit and he fit like a glove. I might lab him up more and see how well I do with him.
This unfortunately happens on all games due to peoples connections (Wifi, downloading/streaming etc.) causing them to have fluctuating ping.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Anyone interested in a game or ten around 9am est?

I have had almost no lab time beyond just running through move lists trying to find characters I clicked with, but I'd like to put them into some actual matches vs humans and just see how they flow. Probably replacing Claudio with Bryan because Bryan, even through my minor complaints, is ridiculously awesome.

But so far all my character tinkering is just conjecture, I'd like to put them into s real match. Of course I don't know combos or relative gameplans or much of anything, but I'll see who seems fun when I'm slamming the stick with my face.

Edit, EntropicByDesign on PC.
Join Discord! There's a PC channel https://discord.gg/6hqBH6b


Dojo Trainee
@Psyren136 thanks heaps man, I actually mastered the command grab chain 3+4 f1+3 into the massive spiral piledriver for like 100 damage, not sure if that grab is actually useful though?

Mind letting me know the main grabs I should focus on for good ticks? He has so many different ones lol, is his master tackle chain grab useful?
I mastered that and also the one where you grab a grounded opponents feet, but once again, not sure if any of these are even optimal.

Thanks in advance if you choose to help me out :)
I'll list off a few of the things i have noted down and you can see what works for you.

1,2,DB 1+3..........1,2,DB 2+4........F2,1,W!,1,2,DB 1+3

You really base your grabs on how your opponent is responding to them (or i do). If you are using grabs and he isn't breaking then you can keep doing the same ones, But if the opponent is breaking your grabs then you need to start mixing them up to different brakes, so that they have to guess right to beat it.

Do you play on pc or ps4?

Anyone interested in a game or ten around 9am est?

I have had almost no lab time beyond just running through move lists trying to find characters I clicked with, but I'd like to put them into some actual matches vs humans and just see how they flow. Probably replacing Claudio with Bryan because Bryan, even through my minor complaints, is ridiculously awesome.

But so far all my character tinkering is just conjecture, I'd like to put them into s real match. Of course I don't know combos or relative gameplans or much of anything, but I'll see who seems fun when I'm slamming the stick with my face.

Edit, EntropicByDesign on PC.
If we are ever online at the same time i'll run some sets with you. Just pm me if you ever see me on.

Azarashi Elder

This unfortunately happens on all games due to peoples connections (Wifi, downloading/streaming etc.) causing them to have fluctuating ping.
The WiFi Warriors! :mad:

They refuse to change their setup. They refuse to stop playing online. They refuse to admit reality!

Look, no disrespect to those that have a Wi-Fi setup at home. Ethernet cables are not always convenient or even practical, but if you don't have a dedicated, wired area to play online at home, don't play online. You're wasting your time and mine.

Put the console in the corner where the modem is and buy a monitor! It's not that hard or expensive. You can always play your backlog of BioShock or Bloodborne or whatever the f$#@ you like! Quality single player everywhere. Go enjoy it and then get your setup right.


Okay ill provide a handful of links that will be useful to new players of any character. So feel free to pick and choose what you need:

Character Overviews:

Nobi's Beginner Vids:

T7 Frame Data:

Yuu,Nobi,Take Tier List:

Top 15 Moves For Each Char:

Tekken Forum(Lots Of Info):

Tekken Zaibatsu Site Legend:

Understanding And Building Fundamentals:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/clilt3cbzo59dlb/Understanding and building fundamentals in Tekken.docx?dl=0

Korean Backdash:

Sample Combos(Easy-Hard):

You can find the full playlist for all sample combos for every character from that video link.

Hopefully This will provide some helpful information for everyone to reference and this way everyone can whats what.
@SaltShaker would it be possible to update the OP with posts like this? It would make it so much easier getting to these resources than having to search through 150+ pages of comments to find them.


It's all so very confusing.
Ok.. so, I got some more time to dick about after running my errands from earlier. Too tired (been up since noon yesterday) now to actually play anyone, can't think straight, so not trying to compete.. but I did get some more training mode time messing around with the characters I'm interested in.

This time I had written down the 15 most useful moves and all that from the link posted earlier and I tried to pull up a guide or something for each character as I went, just to have a little extra info.. I've eliminated Bryan and Claudio.. but added Feng. Originally I glossed over him giving him almost no consideration because I had him confused with someone else and thought he was one of the super difficult characters to learn/use and I want to avoid them for now and just keep things simple... Well I was wrong and realized it.. so I messed around with him in training mode with the end result that he might be my favorite character next to Leo and he and Leo are pretty much tied.

I'm officially done. No more character fiddling. I've eliminated everyone I had interest in and ended on my two. Time to start learning properly.

(I never pick a single character in s FG,, it's s boredom thing)


So now that online has some level of functionality...

I'm not sure if I can comfortably say whether I prefer Injustice 2 or Tekken 7 just yet, but I will say one massive advantage Tekken 7 has over Injustice 2, and a ton of other fighters for that matter. At no point do you ever feel completely out of options - there's always something you can do to win the round provided you're not in the middle of being juggled.

Sure, being backed against the wall with next to no health left isn't great, but with the right read there's at least a non-negligible chance of snatching the win out from under your opponent. Whereas in Injustice 2 there are many endgame situations which boil down to "well, I may as well just put down the controller at this stage..."

Punishing a desperation Rage Art with your own Rage Art is also good for a laugh.

NaCl man

Welcome to Akihabara
So far, I really enjoy the game but the netcode leaves more to be desired on the xbox. I don't know how I search for 4 bars only and get a lag filled mess. Fortunately they seem determined to fix it. Issues aside, I am having fun a blast learning the game, tried Dragunov a little bit and he fit like a glove. I might lab him up more and see how well I do with him.
ps4 just got patched and Xbox patch is on the way.

Azarashi Elder

BTW, settled on Katarina Alves. But I can hear Lucky Chloe calling me with her gimmicks.
That's cool. Katarina looks like that bartender you met that one night way back when. You heard wild tales about her and she was giving you the eye, but when you came to collect she just laughed and brushed you off. Unfortunately, you'll never know if she's as freaky as they say.

Seriously though, she looks like a good character, with some punishing lows, if I recall correctly.
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