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Tekken 7 General Discussion Thread - OP Updated With All Tekken Info


Plus on block.
I am become death, destroyer of worlds

Guess i'm a member of team RUCKY now.

This character is pure shenanigans. Almost feels like they slapped Lili and the Capos together and dumbed things down a bit, but she's a ton of fun.

And the salt she's been making online for me so far has been delicious.


Been making my way through labbing the entire cast to learn all of their shit(really does make a difference) and with each new moveset I figure out it gets harder and harder to pick who I want to stick with, besides Heihachi of course because big daddy is forever.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
Just depends on what ive got going on usually. I try to play in the evenings or night mostly (EST). Haven't played too much in the past 2 days or so cause i had real life stuff to get done, But i should be back on practicing again soon.

Fair warning i'm pretty scrubby. My game knowledge fair exceeds my skill at playing lol
Just depends on what ive got going on usually. I try to play in the evenings or night mostly (EST). Haven't played too much in the past 2 days or so cause i had real life stuff to get done, But i should be back on practicing again soon.

Fair warning i'm pretty scrubby. My game knowledge fair exceeds my skill at playing lol
Haha I have the exact opposite problem my execution and movement far exceeds my game knowledge. I spent most my time playing real ppl in t6. But the netcode was so bad I ended up just practicing Mishima stuff in the lab.

I barely played ttt2 wasn't a big fan and real stuff goin on at the time. I play nights when I don't work but sneak some lab time in for a bit before work. I am eat also so we can figure something out so we both can lvl up.

Kooron Nation

More Ass and Tits for MK11
@Psyren136 thanks heaps man, I actually mastered the command grab chain 3+4 f1+3 into the massive spiral piledriver for like 100 damage, not sure if that grab is actually useful though?

Mind letting me know the main grabs I should focus on for good ticks? He has so many different ones lol, is his master tackle chain grab useful?
I mastered that and also the one where you grab a grounded opponents feet, but once again, not sure if any of these are even optimal.

Thanks in advance if you choose to help me out :)

Kooron Nation

More Ass and Tits for MK11
Next weekend i'ma kick ya'll asses, wait for me bitches. :DOGE
I got the game yesterday and thought I'd hate Jin.....after going into the lab with 70% of the cast so far he is one of my fav's lol.
So please keep posting anything Jin related, I'm super new to the Tekken scene (played all of them as a kid but just casual with mates) so anything to help my Jin destroy the ranked competition would be great.

P.S. I can 10/10 times do the Wind God Fist, but there's a variation that must be pressed extremely fast, almost simultaneously, it seems literally impossible but I can see it's pretty vital part of his gameplan, any tips?

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I got the game yesterday and thought I'd hate Jin.....after going into the lab with 70% of the cast so far he is one of my fav's lol.
So please keep posting anything Jin related, I'm super new to the Tekken scene (played all of them as a kid but just casual with mates) so anything to help my Jin destroy the ranked competition would be great.

P.S. I can 10/10 times do the Wind God Fist, but there's a variation that must be pressed extremely fast, almost simultaneously, it seems literally impossible but I can see it's pretty vital part of his gameplan, any tips?
as i said before, electrics can be hard to anyone knew or out of practice in Tekken, but these days i even hardly finch to do them since it takes me way less effort making the motion.

The electric its basically a DP with f being tapped and then back to neutral before doing d and d/f but you need to press 2 as you press df, the game gives you a 2f window to do so, try to hit in that mark.

Since i play on a stick, i do a light tap forward with my angular part of my left thumb and my indicator finger, then i use my middle finger do move the stick down and with the angular part again i do a qcf motion without hitting F in the last moment as soon as it goes back to neutral, and at this instant that i control where my stick is before press 2 to match the d/f position. I doesn't need to be super fast either, and certainly you don't need to do it violently.

I will make a video about it.

But you can totally play Jin without EWHF to some point, he has really good tools and he seems to be build around CH tools in this game in particular.

However down the line you will start to feel the importance of having Electrics, it just opens a new door to a new world to where his F4 and B3 won't get the job done, but will prepare the room for those trying to retaliate too fast in situations created by such moves and much more, that a 2 step backdash will put you in perfect position to launch punish with EWHF if they try to ocupy that space with normals and whatever.

They also work well with each other, EWHF and F4 can do what the other can't and to totally the opposite, complicated right?

What i mean is, F4 can do what EWHF can't, but can also fill the role of EWHF when needed, same for EWHF which can do what F4 can't, but can also fill the roll of F4 when needed.

NaCl man

Welcome to Akihabara
Ok science time yall...
I can win on mkx when drunk...
I can win on sfv when drunk...
Tekken time...i think we all know the answer to this is...

Im gonna be free lol

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Ok science time yall...
I can win on mkx when drunk...
I can win on sfv when drunk...
Tekken time...i think we all know the answer to this is...

Im gonna be free lol
Just practice really, ever since i got the game, my execution has really gone far better, i'm going devil jin combos too.


It's all so very confusing.
Anyone interested in a game or ten around 9am est?

I have had almost no lab time beyond just running through move lists trying to find characters I clicked with, but I'd like to put them into some actual matches vs humans and just see how they flow. Probably replacing Claudio with Bryan because Bryan, even through my minor complaints, is ridiculously awesome.

But so far all my character tinkering is just conjecture, I'd like to put them into s real match. Of course I don't know combos or relative gameplans or much of anything, but I'll see who seems fun when I'm slamming the stick with my face.

Edit, EntropicByDesign on PC.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
Anyone interested in a game or ten around 9am est?

I have had almost no lab time beyond just running through move lists trying to find characters I clicked with, but I'd like to put them into some actual matches vs humans and just see how they flow. Probably replacing Claudio with Bryan because Bryan, even through my minor complaints, is ridiculously awesome.

But so far all my character tinkering is just conjecture, I'd like to put them into s real match. Of course I don't know combos or relative gameplans or much of anything, but I'll see who seems fun when I'm slamming the stick with my face.

Edit, EntropicByDesign on PC.
I can play a couple with you man

NaCl man

Welcome to Akihabara
Ok zo my top dollar net is trash teir tonight. On the phone to these sceubs now so sorry no science tonight.....

Lets be real in tekken with booze i was free


It's all so very confusing.
sounds good, join the Tekken discord or just message me on it when your ready.
Hey man, Im sorry, getting caught up on other crap. Not going to be able to get on I dont think. Sorry to have wasted your time. Hopefully we can catch each other when I am actually able to get on, and you can body me properly lol.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
Hey man, Im sorry, getting caught up on other crap. Not going to be able to get on I dont think. Sorry to have wasted your time. Hopefully we can catch each other when I am actually able to get on, and you can body me properly lol.
Its all good man, I was just doing some stupid shit in the lab messing around anyways. Let me know whenever your wanna play.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Thank you @Eddy Wang I'll keep putting the hours in practice mode, Jin is heaps of fun.
Does he have any glaring weaknesses ?
He actually doesn't have real weakness currently, he has tools for every possible situation in the game, however for every possible tool has, someone out there has it too and does the job better than his tools does.

But in the end, fighting jin is like fighting the entire cast as once with a bulk of average tools, since tekken is a game where character is like 20% of the game, if you know your way out of your struggles you will end with a super strong Jinm hit parry makes moves that are plus on block with huge block stuns launchable post parry, and also make some moves unsafe, the tool itself gives moves to have their original propriety as if they whiffed while having jin really close to them to maximize the risk to his favor.

For example, i've came to notice that unblockable setups cornered at walls doesn't work on him due the parry, same for character doing obvious strings that are parry-able after you block previous hits.

He just becomes one of the best characters in the game when this particular tool is well used, however it takes a lot of skill to use, lots of character knowledge and game knowledge to the best, if you are a player that can predict outcomes as what tool your opponent will try to use next, your parry is something they will have to fear.


Hi ppl, recently I just picked up Tekken 7 (because I dont have a console so I cant play Injustice) and this is my first Tekken video game. My first impressions are that it is totally different from NRS games in overall game mechanics e.g. juggling system, combo system, and for me it is way difficult to perform combos. Also, I have trouble understanding terms such as "dynamic entry" and "silent entry". Also, how the hell do you know a combo ends since combos can be continued when the opponent lands on the ground? Would really appreciate if anyone can answer these questions or tell me the basics of Tekken. Thanks in advcance.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
Hi ppl, recently I just picked up Tekken 7 (because I dont have a console so I cant play Injustice) and this is my first Tekken video game. My first impressions are that it is totally different from NRS games in overall game mechanics e.g. juggling system, combo system, and for me it is way difficult to perform combos. Also, I have trouble understanding terms such as "dynamic entry" and "silent entry". Also, how the hell do you know a combo ends since combos can be continued when the opponent lands on the ground? Would really appreciate if anyone can answer these questions or tell me the basics of Tekken. Thanks in advcance.
I don't know what Dynamic and silent entry I have never heard the terms before. This game is different then pretty much any game really can't really compare it to NRS games at all. you can otg some combos but usually you can keep hitting them until they hit the ground after the tailspin which extends combos with certain character specific moves.

I suggest looking up Avoiding the puddle youtube Aris has some entertaining beginner guides that will answer all your questions for the most part and you can come back and ask anything you didn't fully understand or join the discord https://discord.gg/fEGwQbD