Plus on block.
I am become death, destroyer of worlds
Guess i'm a member of team RUCKY now.
This character is pure shenanigans. Almost feels like they slapped Lili and the Capos together and dumbed things down a bit, but she's a ton of fun.
And the salt she's been making online for me so far has been delicious.
Been making my way through labbing the entire cast to learn all of their shit(really does make a difference) and with each new moveset I figure out it gets harder and harder to pick who I want to stick with, besides Heihachi of course because big daddy is forever.

Guess i'm a member of team RUCKY now.
This character is pure shenanigans. Almost feels like they slapped Lili and the Capos together and dumbed things down a bit, but she's a ton of fun.
And the salt she's been making online for me so far has been delicious.
Been making my way through labbing the entire cast to learn all of their shit(really does make a difference) and with each new moveset I figure out it gets harder and harder to pick who I want to stick with, besides Heihachi of course because big daddy is forever.