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Tekken 7 General Discussion Thread - OP Updated With All Tekken Info


I don't know what Dynamic and silent entry I have never heard the terms before. This game is different then pretty much any game really can't really compare it to NRS games at all. you can otg some combos but usually you can keep hitting them until they hit the ground after the tailspin which extends combos with certain character specific moves.

I suggest looking up Avoiding the puddle youtube Aris has some entertaining beginner guides that will answer all your questions for the most part and you can come back and ask anything you didn't fully understand or join the discord https://discord.gg/fEGwQbD
thanks for the response

Azarashi Elder

Does anyone know what happened to those character guides, that Main Man SWE was supposed to be doing?

They were going to be posted on one of the Bandai Namco YouTube Channels, but I checked every one (I think! There were a lot of them.) and I couldn't find any except the minor breakdown he did on devil Kazuya, on his own channel.

In other news: Last night, on more than one occasion, I performed a Korean back dash and a single back dash follow up, on P1 side. I'm starting to get the hang of it, but I'm screwing up somewhere after the second cancel. P2 side I'm moving the joystick too far down, because I'm stepping to my left instead of moving backward.

Anyways it's progress, as I couldn't do any of it on stick before now. At the moment, it feels like I've dipped my toes in the pool. Yes, I know there are other priorities, but this one is really high on my list. Hopefully I can get a few matches in this weekend, just to dive into the deep end of the pool. Once I get rekt but good, I'll be motivated to do more. But, as always, I got IRL business to take care of, and that's going to take precedence.

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
There is a way to hit the 1,2,4,3 filler with Kazuya consistently on some combos without much execution required. For example after EWGF and during the lightning animation you mash fF+1,2,4,3 to get a micro dash, easy to do since EWGF recovers almost instantly on hit. There is no need to delay any of the hits this way. The first jab will whiff and the rest of the pre-tailspin combo will hit without any more dashing, connects into df1,4 and then you finish with df1,4 for the splat, then the usual run up into empty crouchdash, ws4 - df1,4 - 1+2 wall ender. It does 90 points of damage instead of the usual 84 if you just filled the first 3 hits with 3,1,4. On a CH df2 you can buffer an SSL then when Kazuya recovers you hit the f1,2,4,3 and if you got a small sidestep the df1,4 tailspin should connect, but this is very strict and IMO not worth attempting. On a CH b1+2 and f1+2 the combo hits without any adjustments but it wouldn't hurt to do the micro dash.

Off axis the first combo will not hit. If you are off-axis even slightly to your left, you will need to time a dash after the initial 3 fillers to land the rest of the combo, but this defeats the purpose of doing this combo in the first place because the timing of the dash into df1,4 after the 1,2,4,3 is kinda strict. Post "random dash electric" this combo will hit as well as when EWGF is used for block punishing. If you EWGF after sidestepping I'd say you need to make a habit of doing an easy staple instead of this one. I've tested this combo and it hits on Katarina and Xiayou. With Gigas you don't need the dash, doesn't land on bears obviously due to their short legs.

Kaz has a new back turn punish sequence: df1,2 - ws4 - 1+2. 69 dmg all guaranteed, crouch turn and standing turn into stand block won't escape it. Standing turn attempt after ws4 does happen, but the 1+2 still hits.

Devil Jin's db2 is actually -13 on block now and only +3 on hit. The tracking is also garbage now and doesn't track at all to his left, it tracks steps to his right but it can still be walked that way. If you walk left you can catch him in the back after a point blank db2 whiff.

... I kinda agree. She's... I think she needs more work but her poke game is on point. Her tiger moves leaves me chasing down my opponents too much. Solid report btw @Smoke_Of_Finland extremely detailed and great big chunks of information that I love reading. Seriously thank you and I got more questions on the way, but guess what.

Ima try to be a Kazumi main boi's. I like her. I actually love the character and overall design. I'm sprung for Kazumi.

Wish me luck.


Believe in the hop kick
Hi ppl, recently I just picked up Tekken 7 (because I dont have a console so I cant play Injustice) and this is my first Tekken video game. My first impressions are that it is totally different from NRS games in overall game mechanics e.g. juggling system, combo system, and for me it is way difficult to perform combos. Also, I have trouble understanding terms such as "dynamic entry" and "silent entry". Also, how the hell do you know a combo ends since combos can be continued when the opponent lands on the ground? Would really appreciate if anyone can answer these questions or tell me the basics of Tekken. Thanks in advcance.
Dynamic entry and Silent entry are stances for Lars, primarily used in his combos. When you get an aerial juggle, you get one screw/tailspin attack to extend the combo and increase the carry. Some moves knock down into a guaranteed follow-up, such as Kazuya's and Heihachi's f4 on counterhit gives them a free stomp and Jack's f2 on counterhit gives him a free fF4.


Dynamic entry and Silent entry are stances for Lars, primarily used in his combos. When you get an aerial juggle, you get one screw/tailspin attack to extend the combo and increase the carry. Some moves knock down into a guaranteed follow-up, such as Kazuya's and Heihachi's f4 on counterhit gives them a free stomp and Jack's f2 on counterhit gives him a free fF4.
I did not know these were character specific. With that being said, any other character with similar mechanics to this?

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
Tell me about it, that shit is near impossible, it's like you literally have to press every button listed at once
Execution wise, I can't imagine that Kazuya's and Jin's are any different, but for some reason I just can't seem to do his.


Believe in the hop kick
I did not know these were character specific. With that being said, any other character with similar mechanics to this?
Many characters have normals that can be cancelled into some type of command dash or forward movement. As stated, most of these are for combos. On block, these sequences have gaps that can be blown up severely by experienced players, but you will see new players mash these strings out, especially if the stances have a 50/50 mix-up built into them.


Believe in the hop kick
Execution wise, I can't imagine that Kazuya's and Jin's are any different, but for some reason I just can't seem to do his.
Kazuya has 2 versions of the electric because of his mist step. F,n, df2 and f,n,d,df2

Mist step electric = PEWGF. 13 frame electric with fastest possible execution. Regular crouchdash electric is 14 frames with fastest possible execution. @Gofer_MK


Dojo Trainee
Many characters have normals that can be cancelled into some type of command dash or forward movement. As stated, most of these are for combos. On block, these sequences have gaps that can be blown up severely by experienced players, but you will see new players mash these strings out, especially if the stances have a 50/50 mix-up built into them.
Does Heihachi have any?