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I thought I could keep the bitching to myself, but it's just too much to hold in at the moment. I am so freaking salty about this game having more in common with MKX than Gods Among Us that I am at the point of shelving I2 until at least 3 patches have happened. It's flat out not fun at the moment.

GAU, albeit after at least 2 patches, was one of the most well balanced fighting games I have ever played. Even though there were some really difficult match ups, no character was necessarily better than the other. You could win with almost anyone once you figured out the core mechanics of the game. Wake ups were great and actually had some invincibility, reversals weren't stuffed 90% of the time, throws didn't always win even though you should have a clear window to attack after a successful blocks (unless you are Doomsday), etc.

Injustice 2 is the exact opposite. Wake ups are complete garbage, allowing almost all of them to be stuffed with ease. Getting out of a corner situation is much harder when wake up attacks are virtually useless. The basic throw, as it stands now with certain characters, is your best offense and defense when up close. It will beat low pokes, uppercuts and specials. Not to mention some characters are basically useless in this game from a competitive stand point. Sure Bane and Canary are fun to play with, but are almost useless against anyone with a range attack.

Etc, etc, etc.

I guess in short. Fix wake ups, reversals, and the overpowered throws.


The controls for this game really are shit. Let's be honest.
Its not even the back to block either, im fine with that tbh as ive grown up playing darkstalkers, but this games inputs and controls feel hella clunky.
I feel like im playing underwater even in matches that have 70ms ping.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
More input complaints that I posted in another thread.

Ok I decided to try to go pad with everything set to off.No release check and etc.

Please note that up haven blast is :d:r2. I'm inputting :d:qtl:l:r2 to try to avoid a :d:r2 input when trying to use one of my main pokes (F2) from crouch.

There's no reason I should be getting an up haven blast from any input other than :d:r2. I feel like my character just does what he wants.
TBH, i'm sick of just how unbalanced this game is. That's it's biggest problem right there. Boon has never been any good at building diverse fighting games. THis is just a cash shop fee to play experience with the dreadful loot system. The balance between characters is so transparently lacking as to be laughable. How anyone can defend the broken gameplay of a character like Batman or Superman or Aquaman - never mind that they haven't learned from last time - is beyond me. Superman gameplay got booed at EVO and rightly so. This is a joke of a game


Dojo Trainee
Who thought it was cool for half the zoning to exist the way it does with no viable counter play

I'm forced to spend meter for a CHANCE to get in? I don't even get meter for blocking. What kind of fuckery is this? Who the fuck is this stupid?
Honestly and I'm a find a way type person. but I honestly cannot talk myself into using meter burn roll for a chance of getting in


Dojo Trainee
Lack of hitstun of pokes pisses me off having to have a projectile pisses me off poison ivy bark skin pissed me off. The blatant difference in the meta between high level play and online warriors I cannot for the life of me get a f1 from black adam to connect yet I've never seen SF or Forever king get a forward 1 string blown up period. Superman's f23 pisses me off. The fact that I know 3 strings with aquaman and I can now win 75 percent of my matches pisses me off. And finally I have so much MKX in me I struggle to play this game I can't stop trying to D1 jump ins yet I dont poke out of blocked jump in I can't tech a throw to save my life because I tech with the wrong button. I miss cassies back 1. I try to wiff punish half the cast and get hit in active frames. However even at work I cannot wait to get home and play this game its addictive as hell but it did feel good to rant
Lack of hitstun of pokes pisses me off having to have a projectile pisses me off poison ivy bark skin pissed me off. The blatant difference in the meta between high level play and online warriors I cannot for the life of me get a f1 from black adam to connect yet I've never seen SF or Forever king get a forward 1 string blown up period. Superman's f23 pisses me off. The fact that I know 3 strings with aquaman and I can now win 75 percent of my matches pisses me off. And finally I have so much MKX in me I struggle to play this game I can't stop trying to D1 jump ins yet I dont poke out of blocked jump in I can't tech a throw to save my life because I tech with the wrong button. I miss cassies back 1. I try to wiff punish half the cast and get hit in active frames. However even at work I cannot wait to get home and play this game its addictive as hell but it did feel good to rant
Haha, I like this. Except for Cassie. She was evil/the devil.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Lack of hitstun of pokes pisses me off having to have a projectile pisses me off poison ivy bark skin pissed me off. The blatant difference in the meta between high level play and online warriors I cannot for the life of me get a f1 from black adam to connect yet I've never seen SF or Forever king get a forward 1 string blown up period. Superman's f23 pisses me off. The fact that I know 3 strings with aquaman and I can now win 75 percent of my matches pisses me off. And finally I have so much MKX in me I struggle to play this game I can't stop trying to D1 jump ins yet I dont poke out of blocked jump in I can't tech a throw to save my life because I tech with the wrong button. I miss cassies back 1. I try to wiff punish half the cast and get hit in active frames. However even at work I cannot wait to get home and play this game its addictive as hell but it did feel good to rant
I connect with the Aquaman part on a spiritual level


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
The balance in this game is really bad. I honestly think NRS didn't care about balance at all when they made this game. To them this is just a graphics and marketing exercise
Reactions: JTC
The multiverse mode feels like I'm being trolled.

There's a bunch of missions that require 100k entry 'fee' that will disappear after a while. The rewards are less than you'd get if you just spent on gold boxes directly.

Then there's a character specific mission requiring 5 pieces of epic n your character to complete. Its pure chance whether the RNG system will give me that.
Why does Aquaman have a 1 frame standing low and a 50% chip combo?

Why are the controls more suggestions rather than inputs? I feel like I'm coaching my chracter from off screen

Why can't you jump fireballs online?

Why do all the women have tranny bodies?
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