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Tekken 7 General Discussion Thread - OP Updated With All Tekken Info


I was wondering if there is a certain group of moves I should learn first based on those situations. EX: learn how to handle sidesteps first. Tighter wallcarry, then counter hit setups. If that made any sense.
Lots of tekken 7 arcade footage for most characters in this game. Youtube your char and see what more experience players do. Thats how I learned my characters in ttt2.


Saikyo Student
I like that Paul's other lows are generally more rewarding / usable. SS3 being +12 on CH means we can wallsplat with it now. QCF3 not being launch punishable by a good chunk of the cast is cool (assuming these properties weren't changed in the console versions).

One other nerf I noticed was that Paul's Kongo Blast (DF 1+3 : QCF2) got a slight damage nerf as well. 38 -> 35 damage.


Believe in the hop kick
They did, thank the Namco Gods for Josie's CH d n df3!
You mean CD3? That CH knockdown has been around for a few months now. I am currently labbing her and I am not liking it so far. MTS is a lot better with the CD transition and overall her pokes are better but she just lacks those good beefy safe mids. D4 and CD3 are ridiculously good now, although losing those 2 startup frames on d4 is alters how the move is used completely. FF4 is a nice addition but it's still a roundhouse so any and all crushing stances will go under it. Getting an orbital heel type of move is a big deal though, I wonder how fast it recovers on whiff.


Plus on block.
Yooooo Heihachi feels better than he ever has.

I was surprised how strong my muscle memory with him is, I jumped on to the practice and I was dialing in all my old shit like I never left.

Also putting the Heihachi mascot head on him is so hilarious looking to me, makes beating ass online even more satisfying.

Can't wait to get that pimp daddy tiger coat unlocked.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
T7 is just sick. Having played King and Nina since 1, here are my thoughts on them...

King is better in high level play than he was. They slowed him down and decreased the amount if blockstun on his quick attacks, but they gave him many new tools for punishing opponents. He's no longer a poke machine. Now, he has ways to deal big damage beyond just comboing off his 2 and 3. He struggles more with pressure, but now has easier answers for anything as long as his user makes the right read.

Nina was always a poke machine, but she has improved in that categiry and she has lost nothing in her combo ability. In fact, she has become a more inclusive character because many of her strictest frame punishers have been loosened some that more players will be able to make use of her. They took what was good about Anna and created an Anna-Nina hybrid with the strengths of both of them - and it helped curb their weaknesses. This is definitely the strongest iteration of Nina or Anna in any Tekken ever.
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Hmm that's very concerning. I wonder if I should hold off getting the game then.
Better wait a while. Game is amazing but a lot of people have connection issues. I am sad right now. Game was so long in development and they still didn't manage to test the online part enough.
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Time Warrior
So I picked up T7 yesterday, pretty excited to get into this series again since me and my cousins would play T3 and T4 pretty heavily as kids, just button mashing though but still fun. Now that I'm taking a more serious approach to this I was wondering what are the basics that I'll need to get started since the only fighters I've taken seriously since I was a child are MKXL and now I2. I think I've settled on Master Raven as a character to learn for now so yeah any advice on her and the game in general would be appreciated. How do I play this game is basically what I'm asking. I play on a pad too if that's important, I'm too poor to go buy a stick right now.
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NaCl man

Welcome to Akihabara
Adding armored super moves into Tekken was the most ridiculous disgusting noob pandering decision I have ever seen this franchise do.

Yeah im not a fan. I had a long set against a paul last night and as i figured him out i would forget about it wave dash in just to get hit by a wake up super.... feels bad man