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Poison Ivy full strings and specials breakdown.


I've been carefully analyzing every move shown on the stream (including the ones not talked about) and trailer (there are different string enders to those shown in the stream) and I wanted to create a separate thread to serve as reference table and discuss them and their applications.

(note: her punch attacks mostly have extended range as she sends her "Chompy and Bity" back flowers through her arms)

I'm spacing strings to group them on "string families".


Hits High.


Not sure if the command is correct because they didn't talk about it and during many inputs they added wrong buttons and the strings still came out. Not sure either if each button represents a hit or if it's more like Kung Lao/Erron Black where you need to complete full sequences for a group of hits to come out.

After the initial High from s1 the full string delivers 7 Mid attacks with the last one being a knock down.

There is a different ender seen on her gameplay trailer where the last hit is a launching kick, so I'm assuming this is the "safe" version. I think the launch version will be ended on u3 instead of s3 because at some point 16bit was trying to improvise some combos and it looked like he tried to end it with u3 but it never came out.


Low "flamenco" kick. Very short range but looks relatively fast.


Mid advancing knee attack.


Mentioned in the stream but not shown. On her gameplay trailer you can see that it's a double hitting slap whirlwind. Not sure if it knocks back, launches or is cancellable because it's shown during a juggle.


Hits twice (High, High).


Low crouching kick.


Double Overhead cartwheel kick. You can cancel it and it also launches (on her gameplay trailer you can see a midscreen followup without needing to cancel into any move) which means that you can connect into her Kiss command throw in the corner (if it's unsafe enough to be a tick throw it would be brutal but probably that's not the case considering it would be a Low-OH-OH-Throw that connects on block and hit).


Advancing slap. Hits High.


Hits twice with her hands (Mid, Mid).


Double Overhead cartwheel kick. Knocks Down.


There is a different ender shown on her gameplay trailer, where she delivers a single hit using both hands for a knock back. This is probably the safe ender.


Advancing hit reaching with both hands. Hits once. Mid.


Low hit reaching with her hand.


No height (I assume it only comes if the previous part isn't blocked). This is the move where she climbs to her opponent's neck and delivers a flurry of strikes before knocking him down like a falling tree.


Huge vertical vine. Mid.


Mid vertical axe kick. The animation looks like it's an Overhead but it's a Mid.


Low crouching kick.


Low foot stomp. Knocks down.


Leaping Overhead kick. Can be held down to increase the leap distance (short, medium, far). Launches in all versions.


Huge diagonal vine. Hits Mid. MB version has armor.


Air blitz with both knees bent. Hits once.


Hits twice with air kicks.

Her other jump attack, pokes and sweep weren't shown (Derek used her D1 in a couple of juggles during his match, it looked like a regular D1).

(I got most of the names from the pause screen)

Drilling Vines (DB2):

Hits Mid, tracks your opponent and comes from the ground under him. Can be MB for a second vine that also hits Mid and launches (can be followed up midscreen with a F3 for example if done from close enough) and can force a guess on block.

Bed of Thorns (DB3):

Similar to Erron Black's Caltrops, it deals damage over time when opponents stand on them. Doesn't seem to be able to stop dashes or MB dashes so I'm not sure if they're good enough to stop rushers (I mostly see them as a corner setup move right now and the damage isn't too high). No mention of MB version.

Kiss of Death (DBF1):

It's a restand Throw (not sure if neutral or plus advantage, I'm inclined to believe it's plus) that can be MB for combo continuation (which can be useful during a juggle to continue a combo without it getting air teched). It's going to be very interesting to see if she can setup other moves during the stun and still continue the combo.

Bark Skin (DD2):

Reduces damage taken for some time to 2/3s (0.66... period) of the original damage.

Datura Hammer (DD1):

Stance move with different options, all of them at great range (all of them deal the same damage):

* 1: Straight Mid hit. Doesn't knock down but it's going to need either good hit advantage or safety on block (or both) to justify using it over the other options.

* 2: Mid launcher.

* 3: Low knock down.

* MB: flurry of spinning hits. It seems like it can be MB after one of the previous hits too (it could be interesting to see if it can be used to make the others safe as the low one could be a good mixup tool combined with some of her cartwheel Overhead kicks at the end of many strings).

Poison Ivy can't move while in this stance and using one of the versions won't remove the stance (you have to press up, or maybe up,up).

Super Move:

Hits Mid with a spray (not sure about the possible max range as it's always shown relatively close) to start the awesome "Audrey" attack.

Nightshade (Trait - S4):

Also known as "puky" by the devs or a plethora of names (Ivysaur, Yoshi, etc...) on this site. It summons a sentient plant that serves as an automatic turret. It throws projectiles over time with a very slight arc at your opponent's position. The projectiles don't trigger auto-block (so you can combo if hitting right after them with strings or ranged attacks). It disappears after some time or if you're hit.

You can send it forward full screen for a Low hit using D4 but removing him (recommended to do this when it's almost gone but you can always try to surprise). During this command Poison Ivy has an animation so you can't use it as a hard to blockable.

(note: I got most of the names from the screen showing loadouts from the Derek vs Tyler fight, luckily I got most names as I didn't catch the pronunciation of many of them)

Crawling Vines (1 slot, replaces Drilling Vines):

It no longer tracks (always hits close to Poison Ivy) but covers a lot of vertical space. MB version hits a total of 3 times and sends opponents full screen.

In my opinion it's not worth to pick this move unless you get a decent ranged option (which so far I haven't seen) to compensate as you lose the main zoning tool and I'm not sure the character is ready to go full rushdown mode even with the huge amount of armor breakers that she has.

Thistle Coat (1 slot, replaces Bark Skin):

Instead of reducing damage received, it increases damage dealt (I think it only applies to melee attacks) and opponent's take some damage when hitting you.

Deadly Thorns (1 slot, BF2):

Shoots 2 projectiles (both High). MB for 2 additional High projectiles on a separate shot.

Personally I like this move because it doesn't replace anything useful and adds to her zoning (but I wouldn't try to carry her zoning exclusively through a duckable projectile, so I would try to keep the original version of Drilling Vines and use them in combination).

Petals of Life (1 slot, replaces Bed of Thorns):

It heals Poison Ivy for an amount similar to the damage done to opponent's by Bed of Thorns. MB to increase the healing (and a really cool animation where she spins throwing out more petals).

Considering how Bed of Thorns doesn't seem to be so good at stopping opponents (I might be wrong but so far it doesn't look like it would stop them from MB dashing through the thorns into your face like Erron's version would do), I think this is a good replacement, specially when combined with vanilla Bark Skin as any health gained gets extra value when you're reducing incoming damage.

I want to add, that the way her gear moves work, I'm still very inclined to let gear moves (but not stats) rock on tournament settings as I don't see them being so powerful and for example I think Crawling Vines is worse than the move it replaces.
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Her d2 looks pretty slow, b3 looks like a better choice for aa. Still not great though, damn jumpers.


I'd rather SHOW than TELL ~ Poison Ivy
First thank you for the tag! I plan to help find as much tech as I did with konjurer alien lol but overall I'm very happy with her base design and also her play style


B2D2 really seems to be thought to make people used to command grab cancels during juggles. I still don't know why NRS has to keep them as 3 directional commands to be honest, but pressing down during the last hit of the previous string helps as you only need to input BF after it and this string already asks you to press down (it would also work if the string doesn't require a direction but this one makes it look natural).


Nice breakdown, thanks! Looks like she won't be easy to play, it will take me some time to get used to performing command grab consistently as well as her 1212123 string, but she seems fun and I like the character so it won't stop me.


I'd rather SHOW than TELL ~ Poison Ivy
Well I think all us P.I. Mains can say our 3 BEST moves are
1) Vine Drill ~ A great TRACKING mid that when mb'd allows a combo that pushes full screen into (possibly) free NightShade /bark skin/ ground seeds setups! It's easy to hit confirm after strings a great counter zoning tool also basically our "Go to move" for any and every situation!

2) Night Shade ~ our beloved pet! 5 Mid projectiles or 4 mid projectiles into a low dash! AMAZING TRACKING ! Looks like we will be able to call out Night Shade 2-3 time during one round that's 6-9 times during a match HOLY SHIT! Full screen distance with night shade in play probably makes P.I a top 5 zoner (probably)

3) Bark Skin ~ Ik yall are probably saying "or mids" or " it looks like a long start up" well this IS a top 3 move for us, with this move active WE TAKE REDUCED DAMAGE! We can be full screen against characters like (DeadShot Firestorm, and Dr. Fate) and compete with them or be up close and not have worry about full damage... this move might actually be better than Night Shade because of those reasons and the fact that it doesn't need to be charged to be used

Honorable Mentions
4) Stance ~ while we have a Low in this stance IT WILL NOT BE THE GO TO OPTION! We have a possible launching mid from the stance! Which can probably be meterless conversions in the corner! We have a check mid for people who'll try to dash up, and a multi Hitting (possible armor breaking) huge chip damaging mid sequence which might knock people out of the air! The low option is the worst imo because it gives us nun, no launcher, no real chip, no damage really, and it leaves a possible gap to B3 armor or jump just out!

5) Ground seeds ~ although not a projectile, this move will be good for us to possibly use in the corner with Night Shade out it does DoT damage to the opponent (imagine doing The ground seeds into a knock down that gives us Night Shade... and sum how doing the 121212333 string possible cancelling into stance, then mb'd for insane amounts of chip to close out rounds)

6) D2 ~ a quick hitting AA move leads to amazing damage in the corner! Might be our go to AA option

7) F3 ~ Range, Range. Range! I possibly see a condition with Night Shade of conditioning the opponent that will do low with Night Shade but instead do F3 for full combo!

8) B1 ~ a quick Hitting low that goes into overhead might be our go to option after or grab / if conditioned to block Vine drills

9) Grab ~ a tool to mixup up close with our already great mixups/ and staggers (leaves us plus!

10) B2 ~ our main Footsie tool ! Compliments Vine Drill so well also hit confirmable for amazing damage into Night Shade/ Bark Skin setups / S2 a quick high hitting attack which might be our main punisher with 22 string

Can't wait to play this beautiful Flora

Might well add this in here too


dbf commands took a long time for me to get used to but they're okay now. Ivy doesn't have any other specials off that button so at least you won't get a db1 on accident.


I'd rather SHOW than TELL ~ Poison Ivy
I think Bark Skin will be a universal tool will use against rushdown/zoner opponents! And Ground Seeds will be more corner oki/pressure used... while Night Shade will be multi purpose


The fact that she may have a restand and Ivysoar possibly resets, she's going to be so scrumptious!
I wonder what could happen if Ivysaur hits during the grab animation (any of them as both are restands). In MKX, a hit during grabs (SZ clone, Cyrax bombs...) would knock you down too (it would be funny, like the plant not liking strangers kissing his mom) but if it doesn't KD any player it could be a restand that doesn't trigger autoblock.

Another thing to look for is if any of the strings is a HKD with 30+ frames of advantage because it would guarantee a free J2 (armor breaker for wakeups) into S2 (another armor breaker that leads into a mixup).


I'd rather SHOW than TELL ~ Poison Ivy
I wonder what could happen if Ivysaur hits during the grab animation (any of them as both are restands). In MKX, a hit during grabs (SZ clone, Cyrax bombs...) would knock you down too (it would be funny, like the plant not liking strangers kissing his mom) but if it doesn't KD any player it could be a restand that doesn't trigger autoblock.

Another thing to look for is if any of the strings is a HKD with 30+ frames of advantage because it would guarantee a free J2 (armor breaker for wakeups) into S2 (another armor breaker that leads into a mixup).
Yes also setup sum corner oki with nightshade/ground seeds into s2


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
Good stuff man. Lol I didn't even think of the 50/50 between 213/F213 and 21 Low Mace. If Low Mace is safe on block then that's actually pretty decent.

Derek used her D3 vs Tyler. It's pretty standard. Also is this what you're referring to here?

Not sure about the command or the effect because they whiffed it during the stream. It's some sort of leaping kick.
If so then that's not a string, it's just F21 xx MB F3
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Good stuff man. Lol I didn't even think of the 50/50 between 213/F213 and 21 Low Mace. If Low Mace is safe on block then that's actually pretty decent.

Derek used her D3 vs Tyler. It's pretty standard. Also is this what you're referring to here?

If so then that's not a string, it's just F21 xx MB F3
But F3 isn't used in the buttons log. That's why I assume it's a different ender to the string.


Yeah you can do DF/DB MB to bounce cancel into MB F3/B3
I didn't know that (I didn't play Injustice 1). So then it's like canceling into a special? You press DB/DF and MB from any string and the B3/F3 animation will come? If you don't use MB can you cancel into the meterless versions? This adds an OH cancel to any string she has then, and one that can be held a bit for different ranges to bait button press.


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
I didn't know that (I didn't play Injustice 1). So then it's like canceling into a special? You press DB/DF and MB from any string and the B3/F3 animation will come? If you don't use MB can you cancel into the meterless versions? This adds an OH cancel to any string she has then, and one that can be held a bit for different ranges to bait button press.
Yeah as long as the string is cancellable. But you can only bounce cancel into MB B/F3 (can't do meterless) and it requires two bars of meter. It's also very reactable.

It was generally used for unclashable/more damage but could also be used after a punishable string to bait the punish and blow them up with the armour.
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Yeah as long as the string is cancellable. But you can only bounce cancel into MB B/F3 (can't do meterless) and it requires two bars of meter. It's also very reactable.

It was generally used for more damage but could also be used after a punishable string to bait the punish and blow them up with the armour.
Thanks for the info, I will remove that particular string from the post to avoid confusion then.
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Ugh, the dbf and dd1/dd2 inputs are such a turn-off
Yeah, the dd aren't such a pain but I still don't know why there is a need to make command grabs get 3 directional inputs. Even if you can get used to them, it makes no sense to add artificial difficulty to execution for the sake of it on tools basic for a character's gameplan (and don't get me started on Wrestler Jax and Jaquie's stanky leg...).


Yeah, the dd aren't such a pain but I still don't know why there is a need to make command grabs get 3 directional inputs. Even if you can get used to them, it makes no sense to add artificial difficulty to execution for the sake of it (and don't get me started on Wrestler Jax and Jaquie's stanky leg...).
Yeah, and I don't get why Sun God Kotal has an easy command grab input while the rest of the cast in mkx have that 3-directional input, seems pretty random. I'm still not 100% consistent with command grab in Cryo even after practicing for so long, I know I'll be having a hard time with it in I2, which is unfortunate, because I really want to play Ivy :/