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Tekken 7 General Discussion Thread - OP Updated With All Tekken Info


Believe in the hop kick
Yeah the CH launch was totally OP on Bryan's qcb3, there was already a knockdown and a guaranteed grounded soccer kick before the buffs. He was already given a CH launch on 3+4 and fF4. I think they changed qcb3 to -15 from -14 on block, now I just hope they reverted it back to -14 on block ie. revert the whole move back to TTT2 status.

As for the throw teching... where are you getting this info from? ATP or is there some developer stream going on?

My problem with throw teching in TTT2 was that I either reacted with the false input or I reacted with the right input but too late. Only way I broke throws was in anticipation from common setups, like DVJ db2 into 2+4 or King/AK b1,2 into giant swing, or at the wall just mash 1+2 as soon as I can tell I am being grabbed without visually confirming the hand position and correct break.

Overall these changes are somewhat questionable, I would use throws every now and then and quite frequently but for me I would just sprinkle them here and there if I see the opening rather than purposefully try to set them up. I tried to pick up AK at one point but I got pissed off because my regular sparring partner is a random ducking bastard who doesn't give a shit about getting hit by df1's and other weak mids... and overall I just prefer having safe OP mids and rudimentary low/throw game over a more balanced mix-up pool.

Edit: Characters with a command throw for every break have comparatively stronger mix-up game than before the more they nerf generic throws.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Yeah the CH launch was totally OP on Bryan's qcb3, there was already a knockdown and a guaranteed grounded soccer kick before the buffs. He was already given a CH launch on 3+4 and fF4. I think they changed qcb3 to -15 from -14 on block, now I just hope they reverted it back to -14 on block ie. revert the whole move back to TTT2 status.

As for the throw teching... where are you getting this info from? ATP or is there some developer stream going on?

My problem with throw teching in TTT2 was that I either reacted with the false input or I reacted with the right input but too late. Only way I broke throws was in anticipation from common setups, like DVJ db2 into 2+4 or King/AK b1,2 into giant swing, or at the wall just mash 1+2 as soon as I can tell I am being grabbed without visually confirming the hand position and correct break.

Overall these changes are somewhat questionable, I would use throws every now and then and quite frequently but for me I would just sprinkle them here and there if I see the opening rather than purposefully try to set them up. I tried to pick up AK at one point but I got pissed off because my regular sparring partner is a random ducking bastard who doesn't give a shit about getting hit by df1's and other weak mids... and overall I just prefer having safe OP mids and rudimentary low/throw game over a more balanced mix-up pool.

Edit: Characters with a command throw for every break have comparatively stronger mix-up game than before the more they nerf generic throws.
There is someone on the venue from hypespotting, and he will be there to test more in the next minutes or so, it has been 50 mins and he said he will there in a hour.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Throw nerfs are a welcoming add.
The game input lag has been insanely big, and it makes kinda impossible to react to some of these, now its more like Virtua Fighter, where you can input throw escape option selects in order to break free of command throws or specific ones.

I might be good with reactions but input lag kinda handicaps it since reacting to something you see gets affected by lag itself, even things you've have blocked in the last second become impossible to block or escape.

No wonder we were always reacting to the wrong throw animation or button in TTT2, i honestly never had time to see which button animation they've used and reacted accordingly.

Since i have a an arcade Stick, i can easly map 1+2 in R1 and in just piano input my throw escape command from right to left in order to escape any throw.

Azarashi Elder

I hope the throw tech leniency isn't too forgiving, in the final release. Having never played Tekken competitively, I don't know how to feel about the new ability to break 1 or 2 throws with either button, but my gut says it may be better for veterans. Rookies are going to want safe ways to open the opponent up and throws are an excellent option.

If you're able to OS break multiple types of throws, the mixup potential there is just gutted. Do they really want a Tekken game that only sees King (and maybe Nina) able to throw consistently?


Believe in the hop kick
Kazuya's df1,4 not launching really bothers me considering devil form is only accessible in rage. Which means Devil Jin and Jin are the only ones from the Mishima clan with an EZ mode i15 launching block punisher with d3+4. Heihachi lost his i16 d1+2 launcher from TTT2 as well I think, the move isn't listed in T7 command list videos on Youtube.


Believe in the hop kick
Throw breaking consistently on reaction is doable it is just extremely hard. if I set the dummy to do df1 into all 3 types of throws I can break them very consistently sometimes but it's totally different to break them in a real match when you have lot of other things to consider. I also think despite some of King's throws being faster like giant swing being i10 while generic throws are i12 and generic forward throws are i14, his throws are still somewhat easy to break because he is really buff and his hands are fkn enormous, also that they generally come from pre-meditated setups makes them easier to break. At neutral you just gotta worry about running 2+4 which is a 1+2 break but when you are engaged in a poke war there is going to be giant swings and occasionally pile drivers and what not.

In T7 might be the best practice to ask a Dragunov player to grab the absolute shit out of you because his f1+4 and f2+3 command throws are i11 instead of i12 and he also has a dank 1+2 throw with fF1+2

And input lag isn't a factor IMO really when it comes to throw breaking. I remember playing against Blackula on stream during early TTT2 and we obviously had like only 1 bar connection or something and he would still break all my throws.

Edit: Throw break difficulty is also kinda affected by the characters stance as well as hand and arm size. If a character has a traditional, both hands high stance like Jin, Kazuya and King then it's a bit easier to see the hands. Lars having his other hand down makes it seem like the whole arm just teleports out of nowhere and makes seeing it in time more difficult. Anna's posture, hand and arm size is also really deceptive to me, her arms are just so close to her body and they are the same color as her dress and they are tiny. Customisations also have an effect, the smoke effects and robes and what not are just plain dumb and make it harder to see the hands... on the other hand if I was playing Steve I would choose to customise him without his boxing gloves because their bright color and positioning is a dead give away to what throw is gonna come out.
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Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
apparently mainman said there is an interview with Harada where he confirms PS3 sticks will work on PS4 for Tekken 7, thank god there is indeed a god and his name is Katsuhiro Harada.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
No words on Josie, aside from the brian nerf, and Eddy nerf which seems to be huge, there aren't a lot of things changed but kinda hard to tell without knowing what to look for, he said Xiaoyu Aop its the same, so she must be Unchanged as well.


Believe in the hop kick
The length of the stagger and Eddy's posture afterwards is still wonky. I think Kazuya's ws2 might still whiff and for some characters, crouch cancel into standing launcher might be the more reliable option... and for Mishimas crouch cancel electric will most likely be the go-to punish. On the other hand, Bryan could possibly get a Fisherman's slam on the relax sweep. That would be #jizzinmypants #mindblown level of awesomeness and righteous justice/galactic karma.


Believe in the hop kick
f4 is also counted into the damage of the combo... that can't be right... f4 on a crouching opponent gives a guaranteed CDS 1+2? Naah that can't be happening it's way too OP.

Edit: NVM it's not I just looked at the picture wrong.


My issue with the game is that you die too fast. Not sure how many in here played the actual game... but i can tell you theres little room for mixups.
Its so easy to get hit by stuff and lose over half life for it. I played tt2, but this game isnt for me.

I think the bryan nerf is good. He already has ch b1, ff4, a safe uf4, and fb2. The less things that launch in that game....the better.
I dont mind kaz df14 doing what it does now, but i just dont see why his df1 isnt faster. He needs speed.
Should be 14f at least

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
f4 is also counted into the damage of the combo... that can't be right... f4 on a crouching opponent gives a guaranteed CDS 1+2? Naah that can't be happening it's way too OP.

Edit: NVM it's not I just looked at the picture wrong.
whem f4~zen hits jin gets a 50-50 mixup, he can get CD4 or ff3, but these both options are not guaranteed though they're pretty hard to block, you can still button your way out, however 1+2 out of zen frame traps anything else since its +12 on hit.

there is a case tho which cherryberrymango was explaining, though i forgot so ask a dude to test today, bf23 on crouch characters, according to CBM, the if the second hit of the move hits crouched chars, 1+2 out of zen becomes guaranteed, so if someone is hitting you with bf23 better off blocking on hit and don't press any buttons, but you will be put into a 50-50 mixup right after tho.

Azarashi Elder

I don't know if any of you caught Tekken 7 at NorCal Regionals this weekend, but I'll say this: Though a good idea in theory, a player should NEVER be given an open mic during a match, or anytime ever. That was the first Grand Finals I watched with the mute button on and I pray it will be the last.

Regular characters can now use their i15 out of a blocked RLX4 and punish him accordingly.
Mishimas can use their i14 EWGFs or EWHF or d3+4 in Jin's case
Kazuya can use ws1,2.
What does the 'i' mean in "i14" and "i15"?

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
launchers in tekken are common to start at 15 frames so i15 its the common launchers in tekken such as hop kicks, WS moves and so on.

Some other characters like Mishimas or Bryan for example can launch at i14 with the EWGF Bryan with Jet Upper i think and Jin with EWHF
Kazuya since he lacks good pokes, he has pretty good punishes, so he launches earlier than anyone, he has i13 launchers, his ws1,2 its a i13, and he has a 13f EWGF which no other mishima has, so doing hope kicks against a high level Kazuya such as main man, can be a very bad idea since he dominates the 13f startup punishes and used it ver well whenever he needs.

Azarashi Elder

Some other characters like Mishimas or Bryan for example can launch at i14 with the EWGF Bryan with Jet Upper i think and Jin with EWHF
Kazuya since he lacks good pokes, he has pretty good punishes, so he launches earlier than anyone, he has i13 launchers, his ws1,2 its a i13, and he has a 13f EWGF which no other mishima has, so doing hope kicks against a high level Kazuya such as main man, can be a very bad idea since he dominates the 13f startup punishes and used it ver well whenever he needs.
Yeah, I heard. I was watching Main Man's video, "Evaluating the Mishimas" or something like that, on YouTube a few days ago. I was wondering if that Tag 2 frame data carried over to Tekken 7FR, or if Kazuya's been changed.

What do you all think of Kazumi? The commentators seem to think she's really good. As the "black sheep" of the Mishima Clan, I think her style is hilarious, and fun to watch at the very least.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Yeah, I heard. I was watching Main Man's video, "Evaluating the Mishimas" or something like that, on YouTube a few days ago. I was wondering if that Tag 2 frame data carried over to Tekken 7FR, or if Kazuya's been changed.

What do you all think of Kazumi? The commentators seem to think she's really good. As the "black sheep" of the Mishima Clan, I think her style is hilarious, and fun to watch at the very least.
frame data in tekken usually carries over, it only changes if its broken or has been buffed or nerfed, Kazuya is still super awesome in FR.

Kazumi is super cool, i plan to play her a lot, she seems to be a lockdown character.