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Street Fighter V General Discussion


Normalize grab immunity.
I played on that airplane stage fine. Didn't even recognize the background was moving.

Can someone explain why ibuki has bad neutral and whatever else she sucks at? I get her 3 bar trigger with her low life negatively affects her but I don't know much else

FL Rushdown

I played on that airplane stage fine. Didn't even recognize the background was moving.

Can someone explain why ibuki has bad neutral and whatever else she sucks at? I get her 3 bar trigger with her low life negatively affects her but I don't know much else
literally all of her buttons suck. Exception being f hk.


It's all so very confusing.
I played on that airplane stage fine. Didn't even recognize the background was moving.

Can someone explain why ibuki has bad neutral and whatever else she sucks at? I get her 3 bar trigger with her low life negatively affects her but I don't know much else
Short normals with nothing special as far as frame advantage goes.

Terrible damage. She just doesnt do damage. To put this in perspective... you can do her basic Vtrigger combo off a confirmed st.fp.. and you use a kunai, a bar and half your Vtrigger for roughly equal damage to Vega's 1bar BnB, or Necalli's CC BnB, or just reg, non metered BnB, and if you end the combo in a mixup setup, you will sacrifice more damage, have to burn the other half of your vtrigger, usually spend at least one more bar and usually two more kunai. As you can see from his, you are also resource intensive. To do anything as Ibuki, you need A LOT of resources.

She needs meter for absolutely everything she does. If you want to get in on anyone with a brain you need a bar to burn on a kunai just to get the couple steps you need to get in to effective range..

Her main CC, the hop kick, STILL loses to some lows, and leaves almost no time to follow up, especially if you just hit with the tip of it. You *almost* have to commit to a DP after it to properly punish online. Its not literally that bad, but its a bitch to follow up. Her other CC, st.Rh, is a high and will whiff on crouchers. It has deceptive range, ill give it that, but you still don't get a follow-up worth a damn. Her AA's are weak and have no real followups. Urien and Vega, as examples, have situational, difficult to implement AAs, but they can lead to a lot of damage.. Ibuki's are difficult to time and use properly, and lead to nothing except maybe a dash under, but the same can be said of almost every character in the game.

Her dashes suck and are nothing but a gimmick. They lose to anything on the screen, and when in this game are people not hitting buttons? and once you have a decent feel for them, you can throw, among other things, on reaction pretty much every time. You can dash cancel some pressure for a side switch, but again, once the person has some experience against her, its not going to work any more.

She needs meter for her reversal. But she needs it for damage too.. And to be a proper threat in neutral,, and for her pressure. And for any decent Vtrigger combo.. and.,. well, like I said earlier, Ibuki needs meter for absolutely everything she does. She will *never* have enough.

Kunai are incredibly important, and they are limited. There are a few reload setups but they usually revolve around weird, situational combos in specific situations. Watch the high-level Ibuki players, they usually just go for spontaneous reloads in neutral when they get the spacing. Air kunai is negative on hit unless you hit as low on the hurtbox as its possible to hit.. So you if throw and land an air kunai and its not perfect, YOU will eat a punish.

Again, her normals are nothing special. Average to low range, st.mp is your work horse, but its only +2, which is certainly good, but nothing earth shattering.. and it pushes out quite a bit. Basically her entire pressure game is based on hitting mp a lot.

Her main TC is superduper unsafe and will get you blown up. Now, you can stop it on the MP or continue it in to st.lk instead of st.fp.. but stopping on lk still leaves you -2, so your turn is over and stopping it on MP doesnt allow a cancel (though st.mp will cancel if used by itself). So, not great. Its not bad, I mean, you can end all successfull TCs in DP and get a dash up meaty MK>TC which is quite nice..

One of the slowest OHs around.. Granted, on CH it will combo which is nice..

She's just weak. She lacks damage, and range and her pressure is basic. Her setups only really exist with vtrigger, and since its a 3bar and her vskill is 'meh' you are going to have to bleed to get it.

Out of all the characters Ive dabbled with, I havent found a single character that gives so little back in return for so much put in. You have to work your ass off as Ibuki and your rewards are pretty minimal. Ive begun to think she's among the worst characters in the game. You can watch one or two godlike Ibuki's run train on people and start thinking she isnt that bad, then you use her, and you realize the reason those Ibuki's were doing work is one of two reasons: The other player was respectful or there was just an enormous skill gap.

Ibuki is my favorite character in SFV next to to Vega, but she, to me, illustrates everything wrong with SFV and why the game can be SO fucking stupid.

Rip Torn

Anybody know how to get that "Funny Guy" mission? I think it has to do with a stage interaction...

Something with putting a bucket on their head?


Normalize grab immunity.
Anybody know how to get that "Funny Guy" mission? I think it has to do with a stage interaction...

Something with putting a bucket on their head?
Oooohhh I thought it was a story mode thing. Union station left side. Background character falls and gets a bucket stuck on his head. r/streetfighter posts solutions.
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Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Anybody know how to get that "Funny Guy" mission? I think it has to do with a stage interaction...

Something with putting a bucket on their head?
Just go to vs cpu mode and pick cammy vs vega then beat him on the left hand side of the london stage. That's what I did to get it, not sure which part is relevant to the challenge but there you go lol


Life is a block string with no gaps.
I played on that airplane stage fine. Didn't even recognize the background was moving.

Can someone explain why ibuki has bad neutral and whatever else she sucks at? I get her 3 bar trigger with her low life negatively affects her but I don't know much else
Welp. You've done it now. Entropic will educate lol.


It's all so very confusing.
Let me put it this way, if I make baked chicken or anything, I take the dirty dishes and set them next to my PC before I play SF. A few games later they are ready for the dishwasher.

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
I didnt know switching to Guile for some matchups means Guile is winning tournaments. Every character in the game has won at least 1 tournament besides the dlc and gief it's not really a big deal.

Let me know when a 100% Guile wins an offline cpt event like toptier Rashid did, twice.

Rip Torn

I didnt know switching to Guile for some matchups means Guile is winning tournaments. Every character in the game has won at least 1 tournament besides the dlc and gief it's not really a big deal.

Let me know when a 100% Guile wins an offline cpt event like toptier Rashid did, twice.
Did Rashid win 2? I thought he only won that one in PR that was the same weekend as NEC or some other big East Coast major. Anyway, Rashid has been looking weaker and weaker as the months go on. He's not bad, but definitely not in the top 10 conversation. Guile, on the other hand, has been putting in work.

I've always thought Guile was strong. His V-skill is kind of stupid in a lot of MU's.

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
Did Rashid win 2? I thought he only won that one in PR that was the same weekend as NEC or some other big East Coast major. Anyway, Rashid has been looking weaker and weaker as the months go on. He's not bad, but definitely not in the top 10 conversation. Guile, on the other hand, has been putting in work.

I've always thought Guile was strong. His V-skill is kind of stupid in a lot of MU's.
Infiltration won the Dubai Cpt all Rashid and Takeuchi when he 3-0 Go1.

Guile isn't toptier because the best American player beat Tokido in an even matchup one time, losing every other time, while switching to Mika as a safety net through the whole tournament.

He just isn't toptier as decided by his matchup chart and the actual toptier's matchup chart. That's how it works.

"Guile isn't top. The problem with people who have these opinions is when they see someone do well in a tournament they automatically associate that with the character" - Nuckledu.

Rip Torn

Infiltration won the Dubai Cpt all Rashid and Takeuchi when he 3-0 Go1.

Guile isn't toptier because the best American player beat Tokido in an even matchup one time, losing every other time, while switching to Mika as a safety net through the whole tournament.

He just isn't toptier as decided by his matchup chart and the actual toptier's matchup chart. That's how it works.

"Guile isn't top. The problem with people who have these opinions is when they see someone do well in a tournament they automatically associate that with the character" - Nuckledu.
I had no idea Infiltration won a tournament with Rashid. I must have been locked in my nuclear fallout shelter that weekend.

Like I said, I've felt Guile was strong before Du won this tournament. Chris G., Dieminion, Du, and ISDD have all been doing well with him lately so it's not just 1 fluke example. Also, pretty sure Du used Guile for the entire top 8 at Battle Grounds.

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
I had no idea Infiltration won a tournament with Rashid. I must have been locked in my nuclear fallout shelter that weekend.

Like I said, I've felt Guile was strong before Du won this tournament. Chris G., Dieminion, Du, and ISDD have all been doing well with him lately so it's not just 1 fluke example. Also, pretty sure Du used Guile for the entire top 8 at Battle Grounds.
Chris G is an evo champion who won an amateur tournament, ISDD, Nuckle du and Dieminion are all legacy mains who have played the character for years. They're some of the best players in their countries. They all agree the character isn't toptier. So like Nuckledu said.

Tournament results especially from top players have nothing to do with matchups, it's not a strong argument. If somebody thinks Guile is toptier, the first thing they should do is either look at what character they're playing and then their own knowledge of the game since one or even both of them is the culprit.
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