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Question Strongest online player community


Feel the nerf of despair
I did a little digging around before making this thread and I didn't see anything on the topic. Im looking to start playing competitively in a game other than Street Fighter, so before making the plunge into buying another console, I'd like to hear from those around TYM.

Which do you believe has the stronger online player presence for MKXL; X1, PS4, PC, or is it relatively even? Things to consider are player pool size, median skill level, skill ceiling, top player presence, and connection stability. Discuss.


Feel the nerf of despair
With that I guess there's not much need for a thread now, this was probably better off a tweet lol


Yeah and i'm like a die hard xbox guy. The game is just so dead on xbox. Idk about PC but most people have played on ps4 for awhile. Just the sad reality.

As a competitor I don't even consider xbox an option at this point, for this game.


There are still a lot of people on xbox but usually play people they know. Plus it's not that PS4 is better it's mainly because most if not every offline tournament some how came to a decision to only use PS4's and not allow converters which is pretty odd. That with the fact that PS4 has a shitty controller out of the 2 consoles that there is more of a learning curve to get used to the controller on PS4 so a lot of people just wen't to PS4 to save the hassle. But i don't follow the crowed so on xbox i stay :)


The best mediocre Batman
There are still a lot of people on xbox but usually play people they know. Plus it's not that PS4 is better it's mainly because most if not every offline tournament some how came to a decision to only use PS4's and not allow converters which is pretty odd. That with the fact that PS4 has a shitty controller out of the 2 consoles that there is more of a learning curve to get used to the controller on PS4 so a lot of people just wen't to PS4 to save the hassle. But i don't follow the crowed so on xbox i stay :)
All majors have allowed the Brooks converter for over a year. Xbox players can still get in on that offline action and get mopped by Sonic.


I've been playing ps4 (eu) since release and I would probably recommend it too. but the last thing you wanna do is play ranked because its full of terrible players , instead go around streams and ask for sets and they'll tell you about some other good players you can play .


The Wannabe Prodigy
Unfortunately as a xbox player its true, scrubs surround us like locust.There's barely any good players and more and more players are moving to ps4 for mkx. I like most xbox players want to move ps4 from now because its just dead at this point.
I was playing PS4 USA and now I'm playing on PC due to the lack of PS4 console :) (my brother kidnaped it so he and his son can play new PES,godamn thiefs ) I was above level of scrubiness,was OK for most of the time on PS4,off course I cant compete with tournament players and stuff but i was beating any reckless shit,even knowledgable,strong players on good days.

PC community is laughable most of the time,I can barely find a decent set,most of them do not have a fuckin clue,it's not even funny anymore,i demolish 90% of them,quitalities are real.I guess that's why I'm the first one to mention PC at all in this thread lol

So,PS4 USA Ultra strong
PC Weak as fuck,at least from my European experience
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villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
Stick to ps4. Xbox is dead. It's a shame really but tournament organizers going ps4 over xbox is the perferd choice. Which I don't understand why but oh well.

Sad really. But there's still decent players I run into on x1 once in a while but it's definitely not enough if you truly want to level up.

If I decide to get I2 it'll be for ps4.



To Achieve, You must Believe
I play on X1... its usually dead. Most of the people I play with are the guys in SoCal. Really good player base. If anything you should start a Sub forum consisting of regional veteran players with their permission of course that play competitively online. Getting Match ups down, the basics, fundamental match up value experience in which every competitive player craves for. I only play with players that have 4 to 5 bars to save myself from headaches lol
I'm not sure about most people but my friends moved in to ps4 after SF 5 was only released for ps4. I'm sure that's just a small fraction maybe but for some people it did influence moving to ps4.

Riot Frenzy

Acidic Reptile
I'm on Xbox and have trouble finding good games all the time.Usually at night after work/school I find nothing.I'm considering going back to Marvel 3 online while I save for a new PC. I only enter marvel at wnf anyways because I don't have a ps4 converter yet lol


Sub and kotal FTW
Love the name!! There's usually a fine line with me being some what god like buzzed, and I shouldn't be playing this game drunk. Where'd you find the SZ IPA?
Thanks! I found all of the mkx beers at Bevmo. beverages and more is the full name if you've never heard of it.


Feel the nerf of despair
There are still a lot of people on xbox but usually play people they know. Plus it's not that PS4 is better it's mainly because most if not every offline tournament some how came to a decision to only use PS4's and not allow converters which is pretty odd. That with the fact that PS4 has a shitty controller out of the 2 consoles that there is more of a learning curve to get used to the controller on PS4 so a lot of people just wen't to PS4 to save the hassle. But i don't follow the crowed so on xbox i stay :)
I always felt the DS4 was superior to the X1 controller for MKX. I constantly had an issue with UF and UB inputs on the X1. Matter of fact I began on X1, only later to try the game on PS4, and the change in controllers was very welcomed.


I always felt the DS4 was superior to the X1 controller for MKX. I constantly had an issue with UF and UB inputs on the X1. Matter of fact I began on X1, only later to try the game on PS4, and the change in controllers was very welcomed.
That may be a preference thing for you but overall even based on the ps4 pad design and what iv heard from the majority of the high level players especially with high execution characters they found it more difficult on the PS4 pad so i guess different strokes for different folks