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Discussion 10/21/16 Tier List (Spicy)

x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
Tarkatan is garbage, Acidic still has good footsies, zoning, okay safety with spray, good zoning, good mixups albeit unsafe, I think he is a solid mid tier. Konjurer is alright too.
i agree with all those points, which is why i think hes B and not A. i don't think hes on the same level with ninjutsu,piercing,shinnok,or kano. Ninjustu hella strong in this game now dunno why ppl think he's so low. I would put him around A+


Can I ask why Alien is so low? I feel Acidic is still dumb.
A- isn't meant to be low. I think all characters are good.

I never thought Acidic was that dumb. A lot of his game was frustration with D4 into spray/flip, until they moved and got hit by an EX overhead flip into big damage.

As the character stands he's basically master of souls ermac, except he has to commit to using meter to launch. Nickel and diming with acid spray is cool, but what is -8 when you have no threat of launching armor? Launching armor that went into so much damage and an acid restand. Now all he can do is a punishable pounce or snag that leads into no oki because of the hit advantage nerfs.

Tarkatan might be better than Acidic IMO.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
A- isn't meant to be low. I think all characters are good.

I never thought Acidic was that dumb. A lot of his game was frustration with D4 into spray/flip, until they moved and got hit by an EX overhead flip into big damage.

As the character stands he's basically master of souls ermac, except he has to commit to using meter to launch. Nickel and diming with acid spray is cool, but what is -8 when you have no threat of launching armor? Launching armor that went into so much damage and an acid restand. Now all he can do is a punishable pounce or snag that leads into no oki because of the hit advantage nerfs.

Tarkatan might be better than Acidic IMO.
I don't think Tarkatan is better. I think he was before, sure but not now. Tarkatan is just terrible. He can't even nickel and dime, he just sucks.


Tarkatan Alien isn't even that bad. Some match ups are just butt ugly now, that weren't before. Some even got better, like Jax and Liu Kang.

He's probably not gonna be showcased at tournaments by high level players, nor is Acidic. That doesn't mean that the character is complete buns, though.


I don't think Tarkatan is better. I think he was before, sure but not now. Tarkatan is just terrible. He can't even nickel and dime, he just sucks.
Damn you posted right as I did, or I would have quoted you.

I don't think Tarkatan is that bad. Imo the only thing that holds him back from being a solid A tier character, is the ability to delay rekkas on hit. Without that, yeah, definitely towards the lower end of the cast.

But as he stands he still has one of the better mid range games with D4 and standing 2(that makes a big difference in comparison to Acidic and Konjur imo), great jump ins and half screen 50/50s. The real issue is the safety and zoning. I still don't know if those things make the character bad, though, or worse than Acidic, especially since there's no need to use meter without confirming it.

People aren't going to be right and punish rekkas every time, if you're mixing up staggering rekka 1 and finishing with an overhead or low. They probably should, but they won't. lol


There it is...
The Johnny community is also known to downplay hard af. He was potential top 5. He still has all the strengths he had before. What else do you want me to say? Except his wake up options.

As far as cancel characters go A-list can at least Dash cancel combos. He's got good staggers, damage, restand with lots of hit advantage, hell even decent zoning, D4 is so godlike. Cancel characters aren't dead also by any means. Just because A-list doesn't get braindead pressure anymore or fly across the screen by whiff cancelling all day doesn't mean he's bad. His neutral is pretty good with D4, fireballs, F3 string. Godlike Njp, S1 is a pretty good antiair as well
jc community was bad for downplay the first few months because nobody could play him to his stupid potential except top players -who all said he was good from day one.

After all the nerfs on xl patch etc Johnny became a contender for just outside top 5 he was very good, and then this story that johnny was this good all along got played and we the community got put on blast because of the first 3 months.

Legitimately none of jc community thought jc wasnt top 8 100% after xl.

Jc's pressure is totally goofed, do you even play him?

He also has a horrible defence.

I can explain properly why hes fucked but i dont want to get this off topic.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Damn you posted right as I did, or I would have quoted you.

I don't think Tarkatan is that bad. Imo the only thing that holds him back from being a solid A tier character, is the ability to delay rekkas on hit. Without that, yeah, definitely towards the lower end of the cast.

But as he stands he still has one of the better mid range games with D4 and standing 2(that makes a big difference in comparison to Acidic and Konjur imo), great jump ins and half screen 50/50s. The real issue is the safety and zoning. I still don't know if those things make the character bad, though, or worse than Acidic, especially since there's no need to use meter without confirming it.

People aren't going to be right and punish rekkas every time, if you're mixing up staggering rekka 1 and finishing with an overhead or low. They probably should, but they won't. lol
Maybe but I'll wait and see. I just hate thinking about him now so I'm just gonna wait.


Maybe but I'll wait and see. I just hate thinking about him now so I'm just gonna wait.
I buried everyone I played at SCR with Tarkatan, besides Shinobi Dharc, who plays Mileena. I had some close sets in casuals but didn't lose a set. Didn't play Sonic, Scar, Wound, etc, though. Did play some good players.

Mileena is just really tough now. She doesn't have to think when punishing rekkas and the zoning is so much harder to get around.

We just need to understand that there are bad matches now, rather than "nah this character is certified buns".

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I buried everyone I played at SCR with Tarkatan, besides Shinobi Dharc, who plays Mileena. I had some close sets in casuals but didn't lose a set. Didn't play Sonic, Scar, Wound, etc, though. Did play some good players.

Mileena is just really tough now. She doesn't have to think when punishing rekkas and the zoning is so much harder to get around.

We just need to understand that there are bad matches now, rather than "nah this character is certified buns".
Yeah what I'm saying is I only played him because he complimented my main. I don't need him anymore is the thing.


fear the moobs
Raiden should be higher than B-tier in my opinion, at least if we're talking Displacer. He's looking pretty good these days.

Ferra/Torr in C-tier? Did he get hit THAT hard in the patch?

Rest of the list seems fine enough, though seeing as this is a tier list thread I should probably put on my salt-proof clothing until further notice.
wanna play a few games? i haven't fought a single decent displacer


fear the moobs
Most boring tier list incoming, because I think the game is decently balanced.

S: Ermac, Predator, Smoke, Mileena, Sonya, Jason

A+: Sub Zero, Quan, Reptile, Sektor, Kitana, Kano

A: Shinnok, Kotal Khan, Raiden, Liu Kang, Takeda, Goro, Tanya, Kenshi, Tremor, BRC, Kung Jin, Jacqui, Scorpion, Kung Lao

A-: Johnny Cage, Alien, Erron Black, Cassie, D'vorah, Leatherface, Cyber Sub Zero

B+: Jax, Cyrax

Edit: Going by best variation. Balanced Kenshi is definitely not A tier for example.
do a variation tier list. i would be a lot more interesting is seeing that thread also
Hit up "TheOnlyGoonie" for games.

That may not be his exact psn. Psn is down so I can't check.
let me know when psn comes back


Saiyan Prince
Yea I use him but wasn't sure if he's way high. He got a bit better IMO but smoke is for sure still above him
Sektor is pretty solid. What his is lacking though is still a good and fast mid. (like Smoke) I don't play Sektor that well though or understand the character very well. Perhaps @PND_Ketchup can help here?


Dojo Trainee
Since no one has posted a recent tier list, and I'm slow at work I thought I would take the liberty of upsetting some people. This tier list is based on the best variation used for each character depending on the matchup.

*No particular order in each tier*

: Sonya, Takeda, Sektor, Sub Zero, Shinnok, Mileena

A+: Jason, Kitana, Ermac, Quan Chi, Smoke, Kano

A: Cassie, Predator, Reptile, Goro, Liu Kang, Cyber Sub, Scorpion, Bo'Rai Cho

B+: Kenshi, Jacqui, ?Johnny Cage?, Alien, Tanya, Tremor, ?Leatherface?, Kung Lao

: Kotal Kahn, Raiden, Erron Black

C: Kung Jin, Ferra/Torr, D'Vorah

D: Cyrax, Jax

I admit I am not a guru so there will be obvious things people are gonna want changed, please comment and explain somewhat so I can update this as it's out.
Gee I wonder why theirs only 1 like for this post.


There's so few likes for the OP, because there is no C or D tier lol. Ferra/Torr has safe 50/50s, a command grab, ridiculous damage. Lacky might be C tier but that's probably the worst variation in the game.

A real tier list, albeit boring, would probably be structured similar to mine. B tier being the lowest.


There's so few likes for the OP, because there is no C or D tier lol. Ferra/Torr has safe 50/50s, a command grab, ridiculous damage. Lacky might be C tier but that's probably the worst variation in the game.

A real tier list, albeit boring, would probably be structured similar to mine. B tier being the lowest.
I think this game is at its most balanced state it has been in.

Also, I think Inferno is worse than lackey


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Like I said before, he was still massively nerfed in the WU/reversal department. Plus HW is straight up trash now, you can't do a rocket cancel (most of which are -ve so lol) into a midscreen 1 bar combo anymore.
And like I said before, if you're doing a LAW cancel then using EX OHDP instead of 3B2 as your launcher, you shouldn't even be playing Heavy Weapons.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
There's so few likes for the OP, because there is no C or D tier lol. Ferra/Torr has safe 50/50s, a command grab, ridiculous damage. Lacky might be C tier but that's probably the worst variation in the game.

A real tier list, albeit boring, would probably be structured similar to mine. B tier being the lowest.
I think Lacky, Cyber Sub, Cyrax, and Inferno are about the worst it gets.


Psn, Xbox, Twitter: TheGangstaFace
jc community was bad for downplay the first few months because nobody could play him to his stupid potential except top players -who all said he was good from day one.

After all the nerfs on xl patch etc Johnny became a contender for just outside top 5 he was very good, and then this story that johnny was this good all along got played and we the community got put on blast because of the first 3 months.

Legitimately none of jc community thought jc wasnt top 8 100% after xl.

Jc's pressure is totally goofed, do you even play him?

He also has a horrible defence.

I can explain properly why hes fucked but i dont want to get this off topic.
It wouldn't be off topic. It's a tier discussion. He's got a safe overhead, the D4 THE cancels, the good staggers. You say he has no Defence but he's got 6f D3, D4 (no need to explain) and good fireballs. Only thing he lacks is a wakeup