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October 10th Hotfix Notes


Get over here!
every zoner now easily beat all jax variations, in hotfix jax loses his only ability to pass strong zoning
Man.... you forget that people were able to overcome kabal zoning with characters that had no business doing so at the highest level in mk9 (example kitana) which is way worse than anything zoning wise in mkx. I agree that jax could have kept that armor and I'm not sure why they changed it but people are way too quick to scream "unwinnable" these days...

Edit: Tom even beat Curbos Kabal at one of the big E majors with mk9 sub zero. You think mkx has a bad zoning matchup at that level?!


Good? Bad? I'm the one with the fans
All I can say is that the Jax MU just became a lot easier for Kitana. Keep him mid-screen and he's going to have to make some hard reads to get in whereas before he could plow through with armor. Once he's in, he's still a problem though.


Why do people bitch about Ermacs ex push??? Its the only move he has in that variation and it doesn´t combo. You make that unsafe and you kill the variation again. I understand Kitana because TS was across all variations and she does have other options but Ex push??? TYM should stop with the salty scrubby whining


Why do people bitch about Ermacs ex push??? Its the only move he has in that variation and it doesn´t combo. You make that unsafe and you kill the variation again. I understand Kitana because TS was across all variations and she does have other options but Ex push??? TYM should stop with the salty scrubby whining
Ermac actually has other options. EX DB2 is safe armor. Only difference is that it doesn't go halfscreen and can be jumped. There's nothing you can do about EX push, that's why it's unbalanced.

Safe Armor

Tier Whore. BS, GM, Mystic etc.
To be fair Goro is probably almost as bad as Sub Zero for Jax now as well. He's gonna have a few match ups like that, where you might as well not even load up the game.
How many top players main GM and Gordo again?


They see me zonin', they hatin'
I'm ready to be torched for saying this.

I don't understand how Jax is bad. He's not top 10, but bad? I don't know brehs.
Yeah. That character is super good! The problem is that a lot of people are saying that he is bad just because of the Grandmaster matchup. lol


Ermac actually has other options. EX DB2 is safe armor. Only difference is that it doesn't go halfscreen and can be jumped. There's nothing you can do about EX push, that's why it's unbalanced.
So what? We kill Mystic??? Ex push is specific for Mystic that is the whole variation FYI there is nothing else to it.

Safe Armor

Tier Whore. BS, GM, Mystic etc.
Ermac actually has other options. EX DB2 is safe armor. Only difference is that it doesn't go halfscreen and can be jumped. There's nothing you can do about EX push, that's why it's unbalanced.
lol false, you can cross over it on a read and full combo whiff punish it.

Up close is -5 so block and you are +5 and he lost a bar.


lol false, you can cross over it on a read and full combo whiff punish it.

Up close is -5 so block and you are +5 and he lost a bar.
And if you cross over, the Ermac player can get up and anti air with a D4 for a full combo.

Why do you want a situation where one side has no options?