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Street Fighter V General Discussion


The Power of Lame Compels You
he plays a pressure game using very plus on block buttons to try and frame trap people into oblivion.

Medium difficulty.

He's in my bottom 3.
Feels bad. I was somewhat interested in PSYCHO CRUSHAH!...I might still play him tho... tiers never stopped me :p


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Feels bad. I was somewhat interested in PSYCHO CRUSHAH!...I might still play him tho... tiers never stopped me :p
He's defensively one of the worst characters in the game. Weak anti-airs, 4f lights, super is only reversal, slow walkspeed, offense is built around slow buttons (fortunately, his CCs are + on block), and he does pretty good damage in general. In such an offensive/neutral-minded game, you gotta have some defense and good footsies. He can play, but he's definitely not a character I'd recommend for a beginner to SF.


The Power of Lame Compels You
He's defensively one of the worst characters in the game. Weak anti-airs, 4f lights, super is only reversal, slow walkspeed, offense is built around slow buttons (fortunately, his CCs are + on block), and he does pretty good damage in general. In such an offensive/neutral-minded game, you gotta have some defense and good footsies. He can play, but he's definitely not a character I'd recommend for a beginner to SF.
thanks! would you say necalli is a better start then?

FL Rushdown

thanks! would you say necalli is a better start then?
necalli is easier to use and has stronger and more varied tools. He's a better character for new players to learn with since he has a more varied and well balanced tool set, and he's a better character for high level players to dominate with because he's a far more oppressive character that's tough to deal with in pretty much every matchup.

FL Rushdown

I wouldn't say Bison is bottom 3 but he's not a great character to start with.
i say
3 fang
2 bison
1 gief

As my bottom 3. Right outside that I would put Laura, rashid, and birdie.

But being bottom 3 in this game doesn't mean you're unplayable. The game is well balanced enough that you can make pretty much any character work(except gief imo, he has enough bad matchups that you'd need a pocket char to win a tourny).

Rip Torn

i say
3 fang
2 bison
1 gief

As my bottom 3. Right outside that I would put Laura, rashid, and birdie.

But being bottom 3 in this game doesn't mean you're unplayable. The game is well balanced enough that you can make pretty much any character work(except gief imo, he has enough bad matchups that you'd need a pocket char to win a tourny).
I don't think Bison is below Laura, Juri, Ibuki, Balrog or Gief. That could definitely change as the DLC characters are quite under-explored.

FL Rushdown

I don't think Bison is below Laura, Juri, Ibuki, Balrog or Gief. That could definitely change as the DLC characters are quite under-explored.
i don't have juri anywhere yet. And when I put gief at 1 I mean bottom 1. Balrog is definitely not bottom 5-6 though.

If I had to make a full list itd probably go

S+ Chun Li

S- Ryu

A+ Karin, Nash, Necalli, Cammy, Ken, Mika.

A Vega, Alex, Guile.

B Dhalsim, Balrog, Ibuki

B- Rashid, Birdie, Laura. (If I had to put juri somewhere it'd probably be here)

C Fang, Bison

C- Gief.
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Rip Torn

i don't have juri anywhere yet. And when I put gief at 1 I mean bottom 1. Balrog is definitely not bottom 5-6 though.
Yeah, I understood your list of bottom 3. Gief does have a lot of bad MU's. Balrog has a lot of weaknesses although he has some crazy burst damage and resets. I just don't think Bison is that low. He's got a lot of good buttons and he's pretty crazy in V-trigger.

FL Rushdown

Yeah, I understood your list of bottom 3. Gief does have a lot of bad MU's. Balrog has a lot of weaknesses although he has some crazy burst damage and resets. I just don't think Bison is that low. He's got a lot of good buttons and he's pretty crazy in V-trigger.
his v trigger is 3 bars, he doesn't have any legit mixups, his super is his only reversal, he can't shimmy, and when he does actually get in you can usually just v reversal him off.

His buttons are great, but it's almost impossible to be in the right spot to use them with how poor his mobility is.

If his trigger was 2 bars I might agree but as he is now I think he's too simple to be good.

As for Rog compared to bison I think he's got similar quality of buttons, a legit shimmy, gap closers that are faster and still safe when used correctly, and pretty equal damage output, a 3 frame normal, and (albeit a shitty one) a wakeup that he can use besides super.

They've even got similar v skills, although rogs is far superior since it can actually be used to punish the projectiles with big damage and provides mixups in matchups vs non projectile characters. He's similar but better in almost every way.

Rog is to bison what mika is to Laura in my book. Just a better version of the same archetype.

Edit: as for v triggers I'd say rogs is better as well. They both gain access to increased damage and mixups, but Rog also gains corner to corner carry which is pretty important in making a big comeback. Bison just gets some fake ass mixups that a competent player won't fall for(and might even punish).
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Rip Torn

his v trigger is 3 bars, he doesn't have any legit mixups, his super is his only reversal, he can't shimmy, and when he does actually get in you can usually just v reversal him off.

His buttons are great, but it's almost impossible to be in the right spot to use them with how poor his mobility is.

If his trigger was 2 bars I might agree but as he is now I think he's too simple to be good.

As for Rog compared to bison I think he's got similar quality of buttons, a legit shimmy, gap closers that are faster and still safe when used correctly, and pretty equal damage output, a 3 frame normal, and (albeit a shitty one) a wakeup that he can use besides super.

They've even got similar v skills, although rogs is far superior since it can actually be used to punish the projectiles with big damage and provides mixups in matchups vs non projectile characters. He's similar but better in almost every way.

Rog is to bison what mika is to Laura in my book. Just a better version of the same archetype.

Edit: as for v triggers I'd say rogs is better as well. They both gain access to increased damage and mixups, but Rog also gains corner to corner carry which is pretty important in making a big comeback. Bison just gets some fake ass mixups that a competent player won't fall for(and might even punish).
They both deal with fireballs well. Bison, I feel has the stronger v-trigger, has an easier time getting in and can escape knockdown pressure better with ex headstomp. Balrog just drowns on knockdown. Bison doesn't have shimmy but with his throw range and plus frames, he has a strong throw mixup game. He can dash right through your button and throw you, so you can't just press stuff all the time.

Balrog's v-trigger is also 3 bars and he desperately needs his v-reversal as his wakeup is horrible (whiffs on crouchers, armor on frame 3, moves him forward so it loses to neutral jump, punishable on block). It also runs out so fast, it can only be used for one mixup, which can be punished or v-reversaled as well.

FL Rushdown

They both deal with fireballs well. Bison, I feel has the stronger v-trigger, has an easier time getting in and can escape knockdown pressure better with ex headstomp. Balrog just drowns on knockdown. Bison doesn't have shimmy but with his throw range and plus frames, he has a strong throw mixup game. He can dash right through your button and throw you, so you can't just press stuff all the time.

Balrog's v-trigger is also 3 bars and he desperately needs his v-reversal as his wakeup is horrible (whiffs on crouchers, armor on frame 3, moves him forward so it loses to neutral jump, punishable on block). It also runs out so fast, it can only be used for one mixup, which can be punished or v-reversaled as well.
Bisons v trigger neutralizes a projectile or strike and throws one back. It's punishable on reaction by a lot of the cast when they have CA and are throwing from full screen(try absorbing a Nash or chun Li fireball). And it's strike parry is basically useless.

Balrogs v skill can be used as a mixup from anywhere on screen or be used to flat out punish projectiles on reaction from about 1/3 of the screen out. It also adds mixups to every aspect of his game since he can cancel into it. He can even combo with it allowing him to build v meter faster than bison.

I don't think it's a competition. As for wakeups they're both terrible but at least rogs gets damage.

bison is missing a whole part of the mixup game that makes characters like him scary, without the shimmy you've only gotta guess between strike and throw, making the situation a 50/50 when it should be in your favor. Also if you're getting caught by bisons randomly dashing up to throw you just need to practice vs him. That shit ain't real.

Rogs v trigger going down faster isn't a big deal because you generally combo into the activation and get your free 300 damage plus full corner carry. Rog gets a similar amount of extra damage off of being in trigger and gets a lot of utility out of it, bison gets a few extra mixups. The teleport hand is almost useless, the ex headstomp can be punished on reaction by a good player that knows to dash, and the dash side switches should all get stuffed.

They've both got good buttons and plus on block crush counters, but dog has better mobility to actually put himself in position to use those tools so I'd say neutral is in his favor as well.

And you can't overstate how nice it is having 3 frame normals, in a few matchups you can get abused for not having one.

Bison is usable for sure, but he's more of a scrub sweeper than a legit high level threat. He just doesn't have any dirt.
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Flash kicks a flying Barcelona but Vega goes through the green and kills me even though i successfully FK'd the same move the same way three times prior.


I'll be back 3ing
4 months left of this season. Capcom could make Urien really good to spice things up or he can just be another dead dlc character to throw at the bottom of a tier list like some others

Can you stop people from dashing into grab with pokes? Everytime I try it just seems to go through me
No you have to commit to pressing a button premptively. Welcome to the SFV mid-range footsie scramble