probably depends on the person, but I think treating it as any different from other matchups vs grapplers is what gets people. So whatever your usual style is I'd recommend going with that. Tool wise mika isn't much different from a lot of past grapplers(with the exception of nadeshko) so as long as you know her frames and ranges she does have to work hard to get her hits.
Now if you're already knocked down and in the corner you've just gotta know her mixups and try to predict what's coming. If it's just a meaty or a throw or a tick you've gotta guess just like anyone else, but her options narrow the more complicated her setup gets. For instance if she does 2 blocked st jabs she can ex the giant swing but not the forward command throw since it has less range(usually worth eating that throw unless it's gonna kill you since you're out of the corner.) if she does 2 lights into a cr lk she's setting up the spacing to go into a f mk which sets her up at a range where cr hp is plus. So either stuff the roll or if you block it don't press buttons cause you're gonna eat a counter hit.
Most importantly, don't let her get away with her shenanigans,. when it's your turn TAKE your turn, she's dangerous so letting her get extra chances is why most people lose to her. Anytime you block a mp or a f mp or a cr mp she's negative, don't let her cr jab you and put you back in the mixup. Even her cr hp, people space it poorly all the time and it's negative on hit when people do this so you can challenge it super easily.