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TYM's Injustice 2 at E3 2016 Thread

Clark L.

F1 ftw.
@Pig Of The Hut it might have already been asked and answered. I just wanted to know if the gear system will be in play with offline competitive play. Or will they have some kind of tournament mode? It would be pretty lame if every match of a tournament you have to wait for every contestant to load up on the gear they want


All too easy...
@Pig Of The Hut it might have already been asked and answered. I just wanted to know if the gear system will be in play with offline competitive play. Or will they have some kind of tournament mode? It would be pretty lame if every match of a tournament you have to wait for every contestant to load up on the gear they want
Ed already confirmed a toyrnament mode of sorts. Said there will be a mode with level playing feilds since you cant bring your character to a tournament and it wouldnt make sense to have a level 50 batman vs a level 1 supes


AUS FGC represent!
Haven't read the other questions here but here's what I want to know:

- how are dashes? Talking recovery, invincibility, etc.
- what are walk speeds like?
- please explain air teaching system in detail. Can it be read and punished? Can you do it whenever? I've heard you can tech in place, up, back or forward; is this true?
- please explain rolls. Can you roll backwards? Do they have invincibility? How fast is the recovery? Can you bait and punish them?
- how is teching throws? What's the window like? Is it injustice input?
- can you use grabs in combos (like MKX)
- is there a MB grab?
- what is the wakeup system like? Do wakeups have invincibility? Can you wakeup grab/roll/backdash? Can you delay wakeup? Can you wakeup with a special after delay?
- what is armour like in this game? Assuming everyone has universal mb b/f3, but what about other moves? Do any characters have armour on regular specials?
- does this game have counterhits? I've heard it does (essentially a counterhits is when you hit the opponent out of the startup of one of their moves you get more frame advantage allowing new combo opportunities or to hitconfirm things you'd otherwise have to commit to)
- what is chip like? Is it still only really on specials like injustice or do you get them from normals too like MKX?
- what is meter build like in general?
- can you still combo from low pokes?
- are specials meterburn or ex? Do I have to commit to them like MKX or can I delay and hitconfirm like injustice?
- what is frame data like? I mean this in a general sense like what are the fastest pokes, fastest reversals what is generally considered safe etc. I understand this might be very difficult to figure out in a short play through but thought I'd ask anyways.
- is there still a reversal window for specials? Is there a buffer window for reversal normals?
- do bounce cancels still cost 2 bars? Is the damage increase on mb b/f3 still a thing?
- regarding clash, I've heard each character has a different 'ender' if they win. Can you elaborate more on this? Is it the same if you win attacking and defending?
- how do interactables work? Are they unblockable? Are they plus on block (if blockable)? What's the damage like? Is interactable bounce still a high? Are there different classes of interactable users again (power, gadget, acrobat)? Do interactables OTG?
- Are OTGs still in the game?
- I've heard that you can increase the damage of supers/transitions by inputting things or holding buttons during the sequence. Is this a thing? Might be hard to confirm this but any info on this would be cool.
- what does damage seem like? Obviously everything will be unoptimised etc., but does it seem like there's good combo opportunity?
- how does safety appear to be in the game? Is it possible to play a safe footsie style game or do you have to really go ham in order to open your opponent up and get any damage?
- what's zoning like in general in this game?
- what's gear like? Does it give you new specials? Or only alter things you already have like increased damage, increased meter build etc. Is there a limit to the amount of gear you can equip to your character? Does gear incur a penalty for wearing it (e.g. +3% damage on all specials but -15% health)?
- what are anti-airs like? Can you special cancel d2s like injustice 1? Can you anti-air with jabs or low pokes like MKX?
- conversely, what are jump ins like? Can you hitconfirm your jump in or do you have to commit to it before hand? Does nj1/2 launch like in MK or is it just the same animation as a regular j1/j2, but just in place? Are jumps overheads on the way up (like injustice) or mids (like MK)?
- is d1 still universally a poke, d3 a sweep, d2 an anti-air?

Regarding character specific stuff:
- how does super girl's trait work?
- what's her f3 like?
- does Supergirl have a fly/levitate? What can she do from this (if it's in the game)?
- what's the move where she seems to shove them up into the sky and then dash under? Can you combo from that?
- what's her overall combo ability like?
- does she have a low starter? A string with a low in it? Any overhead moves (besides ex teleport and f3)?
- what are her specials like?
- what are her normals like? Any advancing normals? Any launching strings?
- what's her zoning like?

- can you elaborate on atrocitous' trait? I've heard it's like sinestro's but with 7 shots and can also act like Zod's and grab for a combo. If so it seems incredibly broken. Could you tell me how it is?

- how does grodd's trait work?

- any noticeable changes to any of the returning characters? Is aquaman still as bullshit as he was in injustice 1? Does superman still have his dive bomb?

I realise I have just posted a massive wall of questions and am asking an awful lot. You are of course not obligated in the slightest to answer any of these but I thought I'd put it out there just in case haha.
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Clark L.

F1 ftw.
Ed already confirmed a toyrnament mode of sorts. Said there will be a mode with level playing feilds since you cant bring your character to a tournament and it wouldnt make sense to have a level 50 batman vs a level 1 supes
Ok sweet, thanks!


Buluc Chabtan
In Injustice 1 and MKX, there were quite a few cases of in-game frame data being incorrect/inaccurate. Will things be done differently in Injustice 2 to ensure that theses problems are reduced/removed? Thanks!

Soul Bound X

Dojo Trainee
Will you continue the trend of pumping out your fighting games like they are call of duty, or will you take a break and work in other genres for a while so your fighting game community can grow and evolve like other fighting game communities have ?

This is a good question that could be legitimately asked.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
Ask away and I'll answer what I can after checking and playing the game again tomorrow
Dose gear link to specials, maybe even normals or string or is it only increasing stats? If so how do they plan to get around the problem that MMOs have been trying to solve of everyone eventually all being in the exact same gear as you "have" to use that gear setup to be competitive or can you choose gear just on aesthetics?

The Slaj Jazz

TIckle my sweet salty nips
Will the gear pieces actually affect competitive play that much or are they little bonuses?

From what I've seen at least imo some of these don't really look that bad?

Atrocitus (Arms)(Rare) - Curse of Rage - 3.92% damage to thrown environmental actions

Atrocitus (Legs)(Rare) - The Butcher’s Blessing - *Single Player Only* Bonus 39 exp for not jumping

Aquaman (Trident)(Legendary) - Increases character exp gained by .20% +2 Energy? +1 Defense? +1 Health?

Gorilla Grodd (Arms)(Rare) - Immortal Shield - +1 Health +1 Defense?

Gorilla Grodd (Chest)(Common) -Steel Body Armor - +1 Energy?

Gorilla Grodd (Head)(Rare) - King’s Grimm - Increases all exp gained by .8%

Superman (Head)(Common) - Steel Chin Guard - +1 Health?

Supergirl (Cape)(Rare) - Cape of Zor-El - Increases all currency gained by .47% +1 health?

Supergirl (Belt)(Rare) - Defender’s Harness - +1 Energy?


Haven't read the other questions here but here's what I want to know:

- how are dashes? Talking recovery, invincibility, etc.
- what are walk speeds like?
- please explain air teaching system in detail. Can it be read and punished? Can you do it whenever? I've heard you can tech in place, up, back or forward; is this true?
- please explain rolls. Can you roll backwards? Do they have invincibility? How fast is the recovery? Can you bait and punish them?
- how is teching throws? What's the window like? Is it injustice input?
- can you use grabs in combos (like MKX)
- is there a MB grab?
- what is the wakeup system like? Do wakeups have invincibility? Can you wakeup grab/roll/backdash? Can you delay wakeup? Can you wakeup with a special after delay?
- what is armour like in this game? Assuming everyone has universal mb b/f3, but what about other moves? Do any characters have armour on regular specials?
- does this game have counterhits? I've heard it does (essentially a counterhits is when you hit the opponent out of the startup of one of their moves you get more frame advantage allowing new combo opportunities or to hitconfirm things you'd otherwise have to commit to)
- what is chip like? Is it still only really on specials like injustice or do you get them from normals too like MKX?
- what is meter build like in general?
- can you still combo from low pokes?
- are specials meterburn or ex? Do I have to commit to them like MKX or can I delay and hitconfirm like injustice?
- what is frame data like? I mean this in a general sense like what are the fastest pokes, fastest reversals what is generally considered safe etc. I understand this might be very difficult to figure out in a short play through but thought I'd ask anyways.
- is there still a reversal window for specials? Is there a buffer window for reversal normals?
- do bounce cancels still cost 2 bars? Is the damage increase on mb b/f3 still a thing?
- regarding clash, I've heard each character has a different 'ender' if they win. Can you elaborate more on this? Is it the same if you win attacking and defending?
- how do interactables work? Are they unblockable? Are they plus on block (if blockable)? What's the damage like? Is interactable bounce still a high? Are there different classes of interactable users again (power, gadget, acrobat)? Do interactables OTG?
- Are OTGs still in the game?
- I've heard that you can increase the damage of supers/transitions by inputting things or holding buttons during the sequence. Is this a thing? Might be hard to confirm this but any info on this would be cool.
- what does damage seem like? Obviously everything will be unoptimised etc., but does it seem like there's good combo opportunity?
- how does safety appear to be in the game? Is it possible to play a safe footsie style game or do you have to really go ham in order to open your opponent up and get any damage?
- what's zoning like in general in this game?
- what's gear like? Does it give you new specials? Or only alter things you already have like increased damage, increased meter build etc. Is there a limit to the amount of gear you can equip to your character? Does gear incur a penalty for wearing it (e.g. +3% damage on all specials but -15% health)?
- what are anti-airs like? Can you special cancel d2s like injustice 1? Can you anti-air with jabs or low pokes like MKX?
- conversely, what are jump ins like? Can you hitconfirm your jump in or do you have to commit to it before hand? Does nj1/2 launch like in MK or is it just the same animation as a regular j1/j2, but just in place? Are jumps overheads on the way up (like injustice) or mids (like MK)?
- is d1 still universally a poke, d3 a sweep, d2 an anti-air?

Regarding character specific stuff:
- how does super girl's trait work?
- what's her f3 like?
- does Supergirl have a fly/levitate? What can she do from this (if it's in the game)?
- what's the move where she seems to shove them up into the sky and then dash under? Can you combo from that?
- what's her overall combo ability like?
- does she have a low starter? A string with a low in it? Any overhead moves (besides ex teleport and f3)?
- what are her specials like?
- what are her normals like? Any advancing normals? Any launching strings?
- what's her zoning like?

- can you elaborate on atrocitous' trait? I've heard it's like sinestro's but with 7 shots and can also act like Zod's and grab for a combo. If so it seems incredibly broken. Could you tell me how it is?

- how does grodd's trait work?

- any noticeable changes to any of the returning characters? Is aquaman still as bullshit as he was in injustice 1? Does superman still have his dive bomb?

I realise I have just posted a massive wall of questions and am asking an awful lot. You are of course not obligated in the slightest to answer any of these but I thought I'd put it out there just in case haha.

Pan1cMode, pls


I'd love to hear about any improvements to training mode and tutorials. Better tutorials could really help casual players realize the depth of the game and bring 'em into the competitive fold. NRS has been getting so much better at incorporating stories into their fighting games--it seems like a logical step incorporate both beginner and advanced tutorials into the single player.