Yeah, I know there's already a thread about "what characters you want in the game", but I wanted a poll, dammit! This is also a "Who do you think will actually make it in", and not purely a "who do you want".
As far as choices, they've said this will be the biggest starting roster of any NRS game, so it's safe to assume we're going to be starting with at least 26 characters. They've already confirmed (or mostly confirmed) Superman, Super Girl, Batman, Flash, Aquaman, Captain Cold, Wonder Woman, Doctor Fate, Harley Quinn, Atrocitus, and Grodd, so that leaves us with 15 additional characters (6 heroes and 9 villains, most likely).
I'm sure we'll have a few returning characters from Injustice, but for the purposes of this poll I only included new characters. Characters chosen were based on popularity and whether or not they have a major IP coming out soon, such as the Suicide Squad movie. I also didn't include "clone" characters; i.e. Mr. Freeze isn't an option since Captain Cold has already been mostly confirmed.
I put the "Other" option roughly in the middle (13 heroes, 16 villains due to the number of heroes already revealed). You've got 15 characters to choose. Who do you think will make the cut?
[Edit] Totally forgot about Red Hood...