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When this game comes out don't overreact. Hit the lab, work your way around.


D1 mashing is the tactic when skill fails !
IGAU was a big fail !!!! The game feels slow and stiff, the stages are ugly , the soundtracks have no hype and are boring has hell, the specials take too long m the story was the same thing has mk and mk vs dc , always with time travelling excuse. Just give the game some speed , better graphics , smother gameplay , and more important off all , less guns and bullets in fighting games .


Proud follower of the church of Cetrion
IGAU was a big fail !!!! The game feels slow and stiff, the stages are ugly , the soundtracks have no hype and are boring has hell, the specials take too long m the story was the same thing has mk and mk vs dc , always with time travelling excuse. Just give the game some speed , better graphics , smother gameplay , and more important off all , less guns and bullets in fighting games .
This might be one of the dumbest post I've read in awhile and i've seen some dumb shit on this fourm.
I wouldn't mind if interactables were unblockable but only IF:
1. They scale if they otg similar to tremors ground pound
2. They only do like 10% or something along those lines. 20% is way too much and is as much damage as some characters got for meterless bnb's just for pressing one button.

Otherwise I think the way they are in mkx is the way to go (minus the unblockable grabs cause those are cheap.)


best proclaimed hellfire scorpion
I hope you are on PS4, so I can look forward to throwing unblock-able shit at you.

It's not skilless, that as dumb as the people who say MKX is skilless.

You know why? Because it is clear that some people can utilize them with efficiency and others are just hopeless.

If it was skilless, there wouldn't be a skill gap.
So what you saying is if i score a knock down i should just get 25% dmg just because or when im plus 30 or have a assist like zod trait i should get hit with a unblockable just because. Sounds fair


best proclaimed hellfire scorpion
if its going to be unblockable it should only do up to 10% and cannot otg. But the problem with it being unblockable is the ground interactables batman or any other gadget character can do their whole BnB or a blockstring and get free damage into plus frames... why?
Sorry, but that's bullshit. Maybe you didn't put in enough time, because you just thought they were bad.

I know there are people who can play the game at a high level and adapt to them, and there there are people that just bitch about them.

Ohh, right, because I disagree with you I must not know what the hell I'm talking about. GTFO.

First, that was in a practice mode.

Second, I have seen that match, and that's a good example. FK is obviously better at interacctibles in the game then the sinestro player, since sinestro has all the tools to keep Batman out, and only has to use the dumpster once to destroy it.

People are welcome to their opinions, but I hope to god IGAU2 does have unblockable and oTG interactibles. It's part of the game and I think a big part of the gameplay of IGAU1. Those who don't like don't have to play it.

Yet, some people adapt and learn to incorpate them into their game play and avoid them, others bitch. Hmm.

If a single differing opinion offends you that much, the internet must be hell for you. Sorry.
Unblockable tracking 20% damage otg'ing projectiles that are available varying dependent on whether you have controller 1 or 2 at the start of the match are fucking stupid. You can use buzzwords like "adapt" all you want. Doesn't make it a good game mechanic.


Time Warrior
Yes, it does, because some people can figure out how to use them to their advantage while others just bitch. And since when is 'adapt' a buzzword?
If it wasn't just free damage for nothing then sure. If you are getting a free chunk of unblockable unavoidable damage then it should cost resources like Tremor or Bo's OTG setups, not just free damage for being the one standing near the interactable.


best proclaimed hellfire scorpion
Problem is, your input pollutes the thread. The very fact that it's been three years since the release of injustice and you weren't aware of OTGs is well indicative of your understanding of the game.

I am a Zod player, interactables are kind of my thing. But I don't go popping off on people, saying they "need to adapt" to unblockable interactables. Tell me, how exactly do you propose "adapting" to interactable usage?
by blocking the interactable of course


The Wannabe Prodigy

It's such a shame that so many people are being bitches. Yeah, everyone disagrees with me, and thinks I'm wrong. That's fine. I don't mind having an unpopular view, but I don't expect to be attacked for it.

Thing is, I've explained my reasoning, I've been humble and tried to enter in a discussion about a game I love, particularly about one of the elements I enjoyed, hopefully with other people who also love the game. But it seems people would rather insult and bitch then enter into an intelligent discussion.

If you disagree with me fine, but you don't need to stoop to insults, and you certainly don't need to take the effort to post JUST to insult me.. How about this, if you don't have something positive to contribute: Fuck Off.
I'll come at you from a more respective angle then. How is a free 20% otg unblockable after a combo remotely fair? At all? You just guessed wrong on a 50/50 or got ambiguously crossed up, and now you just ate 60+ percent.

What about bane? Someone can correct me of I'm wrong but I'm sure he gets a damage buff to his interactables too. So imagine he hits you with a combo mid buff and otgs you before the combo is over. Bear in mind that bane with his full level 3 venom is typically doing 50+ in a combo and it has a relatively long time to deplete. If he just did this combo and got an otg for 20+ percent, we're looking at at least 70 percent minimum, and possibly for no bar. Do I really need to justify that? That is broken which ever way you twist it, and even the top players would agree.

Everyone here doesn't like it but they actually do adapt and use them, but that doesn't make it okay. You are the only one so far who believes something so broken should exist. It does not matter if you have to "work" for them, that doesn't mean you should be granted free broken damage.

Just because A-list requires execution doesn't excuse his shit. Just because vanilla quan had no armour doesn't excuse his shit. And just because an interactable would be apparently harder to get to doesn't excuse this shit. If you really want an otg unblockable, then make it like 5 percent or so if you insist on it, but 15+ is retarded, everyone but you so far agrees.


The Wannabe Prodigy
They are unavoidable on an otg though. This is the problem. And even then, if it wasn't an otg, it was damn hard to avoid because of their massive hitbox's. What you are saying is easier said then done. And what about the characters who don't have these built in tools? What are they supposed to do? Take it because the opponent was by some respawning interactable? That's not fair at all.


best proclaimed hellfire scorpion

  • You can jump so they don't hit you, a lot of the time, if not most of the time.
  • Many characters have a move to negate them (flash vibrate, aquaman shield, shazam phase, lex shield, batman's trait, all teleporting characters etc..)
  • A lot of the times, you can make a move against an opponent trying to use an interactible, and use it against them (metropolis and watchtower drones, ferris cannisters..if hit when trying to use them, you take the damage, there may be more..).
But none of that matters, since everyone would just rather bitch....
Lets me explain to you; you actually cant jump alot of the interactables unless you have a very high jump arc if you had a standard jump arc you're fucked. About 1/3 of the cast have those options. So if i dont have a option to defend vs it i just got to take the FREE damage
In order for you to move behind them you have to be pretty close and with a hella fast dash and pray that the explosion dont hit you because that shit actually happens.
Having a free unblockable option is just bad design Its one of the reasons why ZOD was top tier he gets trait out you have to I REPEAT YOU HAVE TO take the interactable there's no avoiding it ZOD could legit take 60% off you for free just because

SM StarGazer

The voice of reason in a Sea of Salt
Dr. Fate is going have a fun time with all of you.

Also I kaybe flamed for this but I support a variation system in IN2. Only if it reflected after Triborg. In which one character can equal three.

A few examples:
Superman: Man of Steel
Sinestro corps: Cause that suit is gdlk and noone can deny it. Plus its canon to the story.

Green Lantern:
Hal Jordan: Baseball bats, rockets, jet missles, Lanterns might.
John Stewert: Miltary type constucts, will beam, bubble shield when blocking, etc
Guy Garner:melee base constructs, swords, hammers, boxing gloves.

Detective: Batarangs, grap-hook, same as always.
Dark Knight: Batman kung fu skills, parries, bone breaking locks, melee.
Thomas Wayne: Guns, slow but heavy damage, horrid dash and wake ups.

That would be awesome and allow them to add more of the lore into the characters themselves.


best proclaimed hellfire scorpion
You're not explaining anything. Most characters absolutely have the tools to deal with intearctibles. I know that, because I've seen them deal with them when I throw shit at them, and they are able to avoid it or turn it back on me.

Tell you what. List the characters who have a "high jump arc". List the characters with defensive options that can help them counter a trait. List the characters with a teleport that can be used to avoid an interactible...now, how many characters are left that with nothing to help them in them deal with interactibles? Hint: It's not many....

Anyway...time to bow out of the conversation. It's obviously not a positive thing, people want me to stop, it's primarily dullard crybabies responding with insults because they can't form cogent arguments. And now that my former passive-aggressive obssesive stalker has showed up, it's definitely time to bail.

What I will do, hopefully in the coming weeks, is make a longer post with video clips to demonstrate what I'm saying. Because I can back it up, and it's much easier to show something than to try and discuss with people who seemingly are not capable of discussion.

the chars who have a higher jump arch from the top of my head: Aquaman Batman with his x2 jump black adam super man wonder women and hawk girl

You cant counter ZOD trait once it out you have to respect him for the most part

batgirl scorp mmh zanana(got to spend a bar) Aries. Flash can auto dodge

i named 12 chars that can dodge them pretty good. Theres 30 characters on the game soooo... just about 1/3 can dodge?

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
I never played the first one that much. I considered that game not as serious. It looked clunky and gimmicky still does in away. It doesn't help years after with slimy tactics of camping and throwing free shit. I tend to think mentalities like this is opposite of what & how the game should truly be played.

I haven't heard too much about fundamentals, offensive game plans, strategies. The science of the game play & flows of the matches. Or the presence of a true options of defences, schemes and new or better ways that will improve Injustice2 from the last game.

I would rather here about how they plan to get me to pay $60 for this new NRS game and new players and old to come back and play anorther NRS game after all the mistakes and problems that STILL exists in there last game. MKXL. Which is only barely a year old.

I hope NRS really listens to what the next game needs. I'm not talking about characters or nerfs and buffs. Who gives a shit about that so bloody early. I'm talking about the substances, engine, the games core balances and just as importantly.

A complete interactive game not missing half a game because developers dont take time to make shit properly, complete and polished.

This is what needs to be discussed in my opinion.


The Wannabe Prodigy
I appreciate that, thank you. Hopefully others can follow your lead. There is no need to resort to insults because you disagree with someone.

Well, the other factors of the game come into play. If you think that's a risk, for example if you are getting comboed near the car on metropolis, then you can use your meter to do a push block or clash.

I think some characters can use a wakeup to avoid getting hit with an interactible also...pretty sure lex can corp charge out in that situation.

Look, I'm not saying there does'ne need to be refinement and improvement to make them more balanced, but I want the underlying element to be there. Make people work for it a bit more, make them more balance, but keep them unblockable and OTG.

That's a worst case scenario.

Keep in mind interactibles can be avoided, people act like they can't be and that's just insane.

In the scnario you described, it's not a sure thing they will hit. If a Bane player goes for interactibles and misses, in the situation you described, he just wasted his venom, and would soon be in recovery, where he is much slower, and takes more damage (I don't recall how much more). That leaves him incredibly open, not just for combos but to be hit with interactibles also.

Again, not saying there are not problems. I've been saying all along I want them to be balanced and refined....

The damage is not free if you have to work for it.

Honestly, I've played so many players that are clearly skilled, but just can't seem to be bothered to take interactibles into account. There are some players I've been running into off and on in Injustice the last 2 years who still can't deal with them. They are clearly skilled players, and whoop me in MKX, or even if they get their combos in in Injustice. Yet, when they can't avoid somethign thrown at them, or try a stupid move when I'm clearly about to use an interactible...that, to me, is a failure to adapt. When I'm playing, I always have them in my mind and to be watching out for them. I don't think most people do.

Most Injustice players probably have not even heard the news yet. I really, really doubt I'm the only one who appreciates interactibles. It's possible the people posting are biased, in the sense they are primarily MK players and never liked Injustice that much (just look at the reactions to it being leaked). I expect as more people hear the news and more Injustice players flock back, that other people will say they liked them. I've seen the issue discussed a lot on GameFAQs. I'm not the only one who likes them, I'm the only one who likes them talking about it on TYM at this moment in time.

Well, yeah, I disagree. I think any move/tool/whatever is fine as long as it can be countered. Which again, just to reiterate, I'm not saying they are fine as they are in IGAU, they obviously have problems. But lets improve them rather than just removing them.
OKay after watching some videos of yours and seeing what you just said, no offense but you seriously do not know what you are talking about. First things first, you cannot push block mid combo at all. The only way to escape a combo is with a clash, which you only get one of on your second health bar. Secondly, if done correctly you CANNOT wake up. It is and guaranteed OTG. You cannot avoid it at all.
NO ONE CAN WAKE UP EITHER. If you have woken up out of it, the person didnt do the setup properly, no ifs or buts. It us fully, fully guaranteed.

They should be balanced obviously, but making them unblockable and an otg is not balanced at all unless they do like 2 percent on an otg and 5 normally. They need to be blockable to be balanced imo. No more of this 20 percent bullshit on a inescapable otg.

If you still don't believe they are avoidable in a guaranteed setup then I have no words for you. The bane player if done correctly will hit you with the interactble and it is not that hard. It's one button. How the hell can it miss? If he does it with the car in metropolis, theres no missing or escaping at all.

No one is trying to remove interactables, we are all trying to get NRS to improve them and having them still otg for massive unblockable damage isn't the way. Please explain to me how they can make us work for interactables? They are part of the background, there's no other way about it. You can't work for a set interactable that spawns, you literally just have to stand/jump near it and press one button and you get free damage. You can't change that without making it into something that isnt interactables.
I never played the first one that much. I considered that game not as serious. It looked clunky and gimmicky still does in away. It doesn't help years after with slimy tactics of camping and throwing free shit. I tend to think mentalities like this is opposite of what & how the game should truly be played.

I haven't heard too much about fundamentals, offensive game plans, strategies. The science of the game play & flows of the matches. Or the presence of a true options of defences, schemes and new or better ways that will improve Injustice2 from the last game.

I would rather here about how they plan to get me to pay $60 for this new NRS game and new players and old to come back and play anorther NRS game after all the mistakes and problems that STILL exists in there last game. MKXL. Which is only barely a year old.

I hope NRS really listens to what the next game needs. I'm not talking about characters or nerfs and buffs. Who gives a shit about that so bloody early. I'm talking about the substances, engine, the games core balances and just as importantly.

A complete interactive game not missing half a game because developers dont take time to make shit properly, complete and polished.

This is what needs to be discussed in my opinion.
I agree, but I believe you're thinking too logically. Let's remember that inevitably, many people will beg for unnecessary character fixes rather than core mechanics fixes.