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Overwatch Discussion Thread


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
Tracer's definitely my favourite/best and she's amazing for distracting people from the objective and one of the best in a 1v1. I'll be properly picking up Genji, McCree and Widowmaker before the beta runs out.

This play of the game shit is so irritating though. You can be going in with some long ass killstreak but some lucky Hanzo gets play of the game for pressing a button. The struggle.


Plus on block.
Tracer's definitely my favourite/best and she's amazing for distracting people from the objective and one of the best in a 1v1. I'll be properly picking up Genji, McCree and Widowmaker before the beta runs out.

This play of the game shit is so irritating though. You can be going in with some long ass killstreak but some lucky Hanzo gets play of the game for pressing a button. The struggle.

You fucking said it.

Had a game of escort where a Zyaraha(whatever the hell that buff tank chick's name is) did her ult to pull the whole enemy team in and then I did Pharah's missile barrage and got a quad.

Then towards the end of that same game Mei did her ult and froze the whole enemy team and I did my ult again and got another quad.

Some shitty tank girl gets POTG of one triple.


Oh snap so there are other Tym users playing the Overwatch beta as well, cool.

Well, my favorite characters to play as are reaper ( Attacking) and bastion (Defense). They are simple to use, yet effective when used properly. Ocasionally I play Mcree, soldier, and the turret guy for variety.

Anyways, I m looking for teammates to play with. The game is more fun when you have a team than playing alone. I m level 28 btw.

Doctor Rektangle

Think outside the Box
Offense, escorting, or Defense I'm playing D.va or Lucio and having success either way. Closes I'm ever getting to Jet Set Radio 2 it looks like xD.


I've been maining Mercy. Play a few other supports but I can play most of the characters in the game.

Psn = Psyren136
Battle.net = Psyren136 (dnt rmbr the ID numbers lol)


Plus on block.
I forgot about how much I love Symmetra as well.

My favorite of the support characters, a shame she's so underused because she can easily make or break a game.

That portal is stronk when it comes to pressing the offensive or getting to objective points fast, and she put of 6 turrets on any surface at any angle, 2 of which hurt like hell, 3 or more fucking melt things.

And her gun is one of my favorites, kind of surprising that they'd give a support character such a strong weapon. Not only does it snake to targets it's locked on to like a health beam, but it increases in damage the long you hold it down. And the mega-buster shot is good for arial denial or taking out unsuspecting Bastions and snipers.


My blades will find your heart
If you want to play on PS4 I will be playing all night(or as long as people are on). My PSN is Zoidberg747. I play every character in the game except Bastion.


Plus on block.
I made a quick montage, even featuring the aforementioned multi's I was slighted on...

Yeah, I got a pretty big erection when I knocked those three guys off the map at the same time with that concussive rocket. Probably can't hear it with the music but the medic even revived someone right as I did it, it was either one of the three that died or the Hanzo I killed right after...
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Thread Referee
I love having options, so I really tried to at least get passable with a couple of characters in each group (since people never seem to understand balancing a team), but the most rewarding experience was probably Zenyatta.

With how accurate his orbs are, I was hanging back with a sniper and providing healing buffs and debuffs while picking opponents off on the way to the objectives. Got better K/D spreads playing a squishy support than I did with McCree, D.Va or anyone else I tried who were more offensively minded.