neutral game - 5/10
up close game - 7/10
deffense - 7/10
offense - 7/10
mix ups - 7/10
zoning - 5/10
antizoning - 7 maybe 8 for displacer/10
He's definitely not a bad character, it's just that almost everyone is designed to be more dumb than him.
I like your ranking on Raiden. That's a really cool way to rank him. I'll use it and give you my opinionated rank on Displacer for now.
Neutral - 8/10:
The whole premise of Displacer is controlling neutral. His 1 jab, d4, and big leg have good range and his backward walk speed complements those normals. Easily punishes back jumps with bf3 and jump-ins with f1. Furthermore, he can jump-in almost free against most of the cast with jumping 3 into bf3 confirm. D1 is a long ranged mid that can be canceled into far teleport to reset neutral anywhere on the screen save for when opponent in in the corner.
Up Close Game - 10/10
Raiden excels when he is at range 1. His safe 50/50s, 8f mid in b1, and 6f f1 really come into play up close. Raiden has phenomenal buttons up close to deal with everything and with big leg, 1,1,2, f2, and f22+4~teleport all being plus, he can be very hard to attack. Furthermore, with far teleport after strings being near completely safe, he resets the neutral any time he desires. When he corners you, he is on a different level of stupid with corner vortexes, damage, and multiple opportunities for damage. When he gets cornered, he can meterburn teleport to corner and in most cases, punish the opponent as well.
Defense - 10/10
- Punishment: For punishing the punishable, he has a 6f f1, which nets him up to 32% meterless with wall carry. If a move is punishable, then Raiden almost always can punish it, near or far. His whiff punishment is great because of the range and speed of f1 and 1.
- Wakeup Options: Raiden has 5 meterburn moves with armor in Displacer and they all serve their purpose. Meterburn teleport is 99% safe to get him out of almost all oki and it can be used to punish whiffs. Meterburn db3 deals with low profile attacks as well as late set play attacks (ie. Demolition bombs) since he moves vastly forward and upward. Shocker is a hard read because it's both high and punishable, but it's range, speed, and damage are great. Use Vicinity Blast as an anti-air mainly. Again, meterburn teleport is his best.
Offense - 6/10
His offense isn't great because he has to constantly either reset the neutral with far teleport or give the opponent a turn to attack or even punish after a blocked df2. Sans meter, in the corner and only in the corner does Raiden's offense excel because his plus frame followups can't be back dashed and his 50/50s are almost absolute. Furthermore, in the corner, his range on normals really come into play.
*with meter, his offense goes up to 8/10 because of the advantages of meterburn teleport.
Mixups - 8/10
He has 50/50 starters that are safe. They don't hurt much meterless, but they wall carry well and reset neutral on block with far teleport. Controlled teleports are mixups as well. They create confusion coupled with whiffs. With meterburn teleports, he gets more opportunities to mixup. The fact that they have armor forces the opponent to really rethink their offense anytime Raiden has meter.
Zoning - 1/10? Or 10/10?
Anti-zoning - 10/10
Raiden simply cannot be zoned in Displacer. Teleports are too good.
The zoning category is one that needs to be discussed....for Displacer. Far teleports keep opponents away reliably and they control space. Db1 isn't great at all, but it is great filler from max range.