I'm going to stay salty until I finally seize the crown. Getting 3-0'ed is unacceptable regardless of who the opponent is.Special shout outs tho to @YOMI RM JagoBlake and that Viking guy for repping scorp at a tourney. Don't be salty, Blake, you did great!
Acidic is insane.Called Acidic win from the start, and @ABACABB I don't care that it was Sonic who played him, I just predicted the character..
Btw. Can we all agree that pools are the hypest thing in tournaments? Top8 and GF, aside from Pnut were boring.
That X key being right next to the C key is troublesomeSo... cR Sonix Fox
Bruh. The game just came out. SF always has extra skins and what not. MK didn't have all that much for a few months o.owhoa
save your pity for the poor sfv community. they don't even have an arcade mode and i have like 8 scorpions skins over here. look at all this content mkxl has compare to sfv, come on man relax feel bad for a community with devs that care about the competitieve scene
and congrats to sonic in all his games
Pig on commentary made it hype as hell, too. I agree, best part of the tournament. Good look for the FGC the way they embraced that kid, too. For all the gamergate and other BS we get labeled with as gamers(as a whole), that was cool to see.Highlight of the tournament for me was definitely @killtron187 in pools defeating EVB Viking.
If you missed pools, check it out
People can say whatever they want about Pig, but I thoroughly enjoy his commentary.Pig on commentary made it hype as hell, too. I agree, best part of the tournament. Good look for the FGC the way they embraced that kid, too. For all the gamergate and other BS we get labeled with as gamers(as a whole), that was cool to see.
Really? Angry hamsters is where I went.Those Xenomorphs were sounding like pigs after a while.
Well, it's a post about who won the tournament. Not everyone watches sports live, but you wouldn't expect to go to a sports website and not see a giant picture of the winner of the game, right?Why must you put the winner in the subject of the thread? Can't you just have it as the results? Not everybody watches live.
Absolutely. Having the personality for it along with his undeniable knowledge of the game makes him one of the best out there.People can say whatever they want about Pig, but I thoroughly enjoy his commentary.