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General/Other - Shinnok Anyone still use Boneshaper?


I cant find anything updated on newer combos, I had to learn them myself. I'm doing pretty well online with him winning 80% of my matches, but I need more mix-ups. I have a good 33% a good 29% all for one bar, can zone you out very well. But I cant find any newer mix ups with the patch & XL. This is only for Boneshaper. Help guys!


Owner of HAZARDOUS Gaming
I believe there is more hit advantage on the unblockable. But nothing new mix up wise. He doesn't really have any good Mix Ups as you're only worried about the 7 Frame low. The over head is slow as fuck.


Owner of HAZARDOUS Gaming
Good for you because I only block it on prediction during a real match. I also remember Woundcowboy vs Forever King, the f10 where King never blocked the overhead lol
whenever I play a Shinnok mirror I always pay attention to his feet. And just because King didnt block it doesn't mean it's not reactable. If you can react to the overhead in the F41D2 string you can react to the B3. The animation is really obvious once you pay attention to the character.


EX scoop is a phenomenal move. I wish Sektor had a move like that, he'd be perfect(and probably super OP lol).


hes still a super solid character and by backup. Good zoning the fastest low in the game a good hit conformable string. His only problem for me is meter less damage but put that with his zoning you shouldn't have a problem building meter.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
I just picked up Boneshaper yesterday to deal with a couple of Quan's abysmal matchups. I have a lot of work to do before it's tourney ready, but so far I like it.
Made this video awhile ago, but the combos should all be good.
The EXHS into unblockable OTG barely does any damage now, though

-J1 doesnt combo into B3 only J2 combos into B3.

-B3 cannot be reacted to.

-D1xxHS is a legit gimmick.

-Ending the restand in just F221+3 and not canceling into darkbeam is a gimmick that will catch people off guard for a reset.

-Some people are lazy and are not fuzzy guarding the F41D2 string properly. Monitor their blocking and check them with F41xxscoop.


Thats all the advice I can think up right now. Have fun.


A fan of fans
I main boneshaper :D

He is still insane even after his nerfs. It was natural selection, to separate the weak shinnoks from the strong,

His match ups are insane
He beats so many characters and at worse it is 6-4.


The overhead comes out slower than the low so anyone who thinks they have great success blocking it is really just fuzzying against yomi level 1 opponents who don't delay the low. FK was getting opened up by Wound and you are no FK. Stahp.
Even though its true its unreactable but since when did being a top player make you have suprior reactions than a normal/weak player? Top players wont always have better reactions.